Sentences with phrase «to respond to the issue»

These provide positive proposals for responding to the issues of the day.
When responding to issues raised by other commenters, do not engage in personal attacks or name - calling.
He says he's taking that step to give state agencies more flexibility in responding to issues related to the flooding which has impacted homeowners and businesses near the lake.
Particularly, where the use of Indigenous knowledge's has been identified as a vital component to responding to issues such as climate change and biodiversity conservation.
The debate series was designed to provide a platform to assess which of the parties in this year's election best responds to issues affecting the youth and women.
But he said the association isn't happy when regulators and politicians only respond to issues after there has been negative attention in the media.
The concierge service was very quick to respond to any issues presented.
When responding to issues raised by other commenters, do not engage in personal attacks or name - calling.
For example, we might ask ourselves, what are the consequences if I don't respond to this issue, right now?
This same logic applies to how quickly you need to respond to issues confronting the organization.
According to sugar daddy app reviews, the dating app has provides great customer service and instantly responds to all issues.
How best can the education sector respond to these issues to support a supply of talented professionals?
The work on view focuses on artists in the collection whose practices respond to issues of identity, gender, class, power, and the values that contribute to our social fabric.
It brings to light the worldwide hunger crisis and is a way for the design community to respond to that issue on a local level.
Our corporate clients responded to this issue long ago, implementing a range of specialized decision - support and «business intelligence» systems.
Our commitment to try and respond to these issues continues and this program is just another facet of our community strategy.
An answer simply responds to the issues raised in your complaint, such as how you want the court to decide custody or property distribution.
Part I of this submission responds to the issues raised in the discussion paper.
Traditionally a face - to - face business, how does a property manager's ability to monitor and respond to issues remotely sync up with hands - on expectations?
She has developed a subtle and poetic sensitivity in her work that responds to issues of borders, displacement, and identity.
This work has also been instrumental in facilitating substantive changes in how some of these institutions understand and respond to issues related to child abuse.
It shows that you can respond to issues in a positive way (a great quality in any employee) and turn a negative situation into a positive one.
At the conclusion of your meeting, thank the client for his / her time and assure him / her that you will respond to any issues raised during your conversation.
Ledger has already responded to the issue with its own analysis of the bug and has stated that the software update released on March 6 completely patches the exploit.
Joe will respond to these issues as part of a separate reputation management service.
ASD continues to stand ready to respond to any issues identified by volunteers and asks all individuals to provide specific addresses and locations so that they can respond and follow - up on stray animals or cruelty issues.»
Striking collection of oil paintings by Ingrid V. Wells responds to issues surrounding women's rights
Keith Haring's work was frequently political, but this exhibit is the first to focus exclusively on how the late artist responded to issues like racial inequality or nuclear disarmament.
Collins has already responded to this issue by giving these staff an additional reporting line to the Clinical Center director, NIH says.
I already responded to this issue... and even if I accepted that there was a first cause (which I don't)... it wouldn't matter, you a make a whole baseless claim beyond that.
The PCC welcomes the challenge to respond to the issues at stake, and looks forward to discussing this further with Mr Miliband and his team.»
Her work responds to issues of invisibility, labor, migration and cooperation through the creation of drawings, strategies, experiences, interactions, pedagogy and practices that respond to different forms of violence - social, political, cultural, economical, environmental and physical.
It is also very easy for you to get to know the ability of a person whom you are dating over the phone to respond to issues fast after you decide to ask him questions over the phone.
What I was saying is that I believe that we have often responded to this issue worse than the Catholic Church because all too often we rather ignore this offense than respond to it.
I believe that we have often responded to this issue worse than the Catholic Church because all too often we rather ignore this offense than respond to it.
Attendees responded to issues brought up in the panel discussion and raised new topics as well.
Counsellors respond to issues ranging from relationship breakdowns and bullying, to sexual abuse, homelessness, suicidal thoughts, and drug and alcohol use.
Cuomo and Christie over the years have built up a working relationship that has seen both men respond to issues impacting both states, most recently a train crash in New Jersey that was carrying New York passengers and had originated in New York.
We'll see how Acer responds to this issue later during fall.
Arbitrators are dealing with collective agreements and the parties have an on - going relationship so you can be creative in responding to the issues before you — you can flex common law principles and don't feel constrained by common law rules that may apply to judges in courts.»
«People respond to the issues that touch their lives,» explains Dr. Beth Breeze, director of Philanthropy Centre at the U.K. - based University of Kent.
In a conference call with analysts earlier this year (as reported in the Globe and Mail) Genworth CEO Brian Hurley responded to the issue of mortgage - insurance caps as follows: «I just want to clarify that our business has plenty of capacity for 2012 and beyond....
The organization shared with Mercury News that out of 65 complaints about the company that the bureau was made aware of, 23 were resolved; 10 got a response from Tesla but weren't resolved to the customer's satisfaction; in 17 complaints, Tesla responded to the issue but the customer was not happy with the response or didn't tell the bureau about the outcome; and for 15 complaints, Tesla did not provide a response.
Like many of us I have watched time after time in fury and envy as the republicans respond to the issue of the day with the same misleading phrase repeated by all their speakers on all the channels and in response to any question.
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