Sentences with phrase «to respond to the needs of the students»

Teachers draw on a body of professional knowledge and research to respond to the needs of their students within their educational contexts.
An accurate grade helps the teacher, parents, and district appropriately respond to the needs of the student.
Responsibilities include responding to the needs of students, assisting with daily office operations, filing, performing data entry, scanning, responding to inquiries, and scheduling appointments.
By immediately responding to the needs of students, referrals to hospitals and outside mental health agencies are reduced and families can remain together.
Studytracks responds to the needs of students, giving them an alternative way to study in and out of the classroom that is not only appealing, but engaging and effective too, suiting their «generation Z», technology - oriented lifestyles.
The Continuum of Support process and use of the Student Support File provide valuable opportunities to engage with parents and to build a collaborative approach to identifying and responding to the needs of students with special educational needs.
A lifelong native of independent schools, Alex is motivated by the desire to help students bring their whole selves to school and to help teachers feel equipped to respond to the needs of their students.
As teachers try to respond to the needs of these students, here are a few basic best practices that might help.
«Principals constantly need to read and respond to the needs of students, parents, and teachers and resolve issues in ways that are effective and equitable,» Gehlbach says.
[12] Moreover, advances in AI offer hope that future online courses can respond to the needs of students, meeting them where they are in their learning and engaging them in higher education even better than in - person courses are currently able to do.
Our network members — nearly 1,000 strong — partner with communities to drive change that reflects and responds to the needs of students and the dreams of their families.
NSBA's legislative governing body, the Delegate Assembly, informed the Fisher - King - Tester Amendment, which is a solid step toward granting school districts greater flexibility to respond to the needs of all students.
According to Mazza, «Innovation can't be a thing we check off, but rather a mindset that keeps our ears to the ground listening, learning, and responding to the needs of students, staff, our community, and the collective education field.»
The amendment was informed by NSBA's legislative governing body, the Delegate Assembly, and is a solid step toward providing school districts with more flexibility to respond to the needs of all students.
The LCAP is designed to provide school districts and their communities with more local control and make it easier to respond to the needs of their students.
A new report by Ross Wiener and Susan Pimentel of the Aspen Institute makes the case for integrating curriculum into professional learning so teachers can focus on creating engaging learning environments, responding to the needs of their students, and continuously improving their craft.
Green Dot empowers experienced and highly trained leaders to respond to the needs of students, teachers, and parents in creating collaborative learning environments and driving long - term improvement.
«This is a resource for creating an engaging environment that responds to the needs of all students, particularly reluctant - resistant learners.
A lifelong native of independent schools, Alex is motivated by the desire to help students bring their whole selves to school and to help teachers feel equipped to respond to the needs of their students.
It is often the case that the schools with the greatest needs have the fewest resources, so they will be short on social workers, behavior specialists, coaches, and other staff to respond to the needs of the students they have.
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