Sentences with phrase «to rethink one's position»

Can a president at the peak of his popularity convince people to rethink their positions on specific education reforms?
Sony is showing a commitment to eReading and that it's willing to rethink its positions in response to consumer demand.
I know that other states now are also rethinking those positions because there has been such a strong national outcry against this type of legislation as being discriminatory, so we will take a look at it,» Brown told News 4.
Most notably: It made me completely rethink my position on moisturizer.
It is a fundamental flaw of the Senate's Democratic minority conference to continue to assume these voters are uneducated and they need to rethink these positions if they ever want to be in a majority.»
When I think about the United States in comparison to other countries, it's clear that we need to seriously rethink our positioning and catch up.
The second category he calls «circumstantial evidence ``, which, if he was shown any of these, might cause him to rethink his position even if he doesn't convert: a genuinely flawless and consistent holy book; a religion without internal disputes or factions; a religion who's followers have never committed or taken part in atrocities; a religion that had a consistent record of winning its jihads and holy wars.
Although contrarian bettors may be tempted to take Atlanta and the under this evening, the Pinnacle steam move on Washington is ample reason rethink their position.
Starting with a short history of birth furniture, Birth Attitudes goes on to explore the anatomy and physiology of labour from an evolutionary perspective and explores how rethinking positions for labour and birth could benefit mothers and their babies.
Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords» husband Mark Kelly joined with Clinton to pummel Sanders for his stance on guns yesterday as the Vermont senator showed signs he had rethought his position at the last minute.
The author JK Rowling, who voted against independence, has implied she may now rethink her position, and Salmond said major Scottish employers and companies such as the whisky giant Diageo would consider whether Scottish independence within the EU would ensure their continued access to the European single market.
If he was truly so shallow and full of male pride, he would not have been willing to read the diary and rethink his position from her viewpoint; his mind would have remained closed, fixed forever on the fact that she had been violated by another man.
Here's to hoping the backlash online causes Bethesda to once again rethink their position on paid DLC, because this isn't going to end well for them.
The «Stockholm Initiative», did not write the letters, they broke the story, so please rethink your position.
Certainly, these kind of capabilities, like many others that we continue to find in nonhuman animals, require rethinking our positions on animal intelligence.
Lisa Sevenhuysen, Nanaimo, B.C.. A: Start by rethinking the position of your bed.
This would break the downward sloping weekly trend line and force many trend followers banking on Fed action for the long - term to rethink their positions in the near - term.
You might just want to rethink that position because a lot of firms are on the lookout for good whiteboards they could use in their offices.
Sadly for me, he rethought his position.
So all the people who say you can't do anything meaningful in 140 characters — certainly not anything business - related — need to rethink that position.
Yes, I saw that post by Ana the day after I published this article and it really made me rethink my position on personalization of emails.
Ross told NBC's Todd that he has «no reason» to think Trump won't go ahead with the tariffs this week, and the president's Twitter feed certainly shows no signs he's rethinking his position.
that would not be possible currently and would certainly require me to rethink my position.
So those Christians who are so eager to break down the wall of separation between church and state would be well - adivsed to rethink their positions.
I suggest you rethink your position and the evidence you once considered.
atheists do nt dismiss Judeo / Christianity for lack of evidence, for the vast majority there is simply no evidence that would cause them to rethink their position.
A Florida pastor who called off a Quran burning said late Thursday he was «rethinking our position» after a Muslim leader said the minister incorrectly announced that the proposed Islamic center near New York's ground zero would be moved as part of a deal.
Along with his parents, Matthew began carefully studying the Bible's few references to same - sex behavior (which will be examined, at length, throughout the rest of the book), and rethinking his position on the matter.
It's enough to make me rethink my position on cold weather.
It wasn't until last week when we went to the Vivienne Westwood exhibit at the de Young museum that I was forced to rethink my position.
Wearing your baby on the front of your body facing outward may seem like a great idea, but there are some situations that may make you stop and rethink your position on this carrying method.
It's also not entirely unimaginable that following the tenth anniversary of 9 - 11, and all of the attendant national and international press praising Ward's stewardship of Ground Zero, that Cuomo will rethink his position on Ward.
The NBA leadership should rethink its position on the matter.
He notes that these findings «fill in gaps» in our understanding of the mechanisms that cause breast cancer and may encourage some researchers to rethink their position on viruses as a trigger of the disease.
But two things inspired me to rethink my position: First, I started helping my menopausal clients restore their hormonal balance with bioidentical hormone replacement and nutrition and lifestyle improvements.
What we've thought about cholesterol for decades may have been incorrect, requiring us — along with researchers and healthcare professionals — to rethink our position and take an unbiased look at new data.
Now, thanks to the new study in Nature, the medical community must rethink its position.
Baxter was so excited to finally get to walk this morning after being cooped up for so long — of course, by the end I think he was rethinking that position.
So I will rethink my position and will not immediately rule out the high financial acheivers.
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