Sentences with phrase «to retire at»

Women who retire at age 60 receive 87 cents on the dollar in pension benefits, a total penalty of just under $ 60,000.
Average payment for folks who were born before 1955 who retire at age 62 ends up to be around $ 750 per month.
Even the strongest couples may struggle with the challenges of retiring at different times.
This product can be taken at any time during the day, but we recommend it is best taken before retiring at night to facilitate maximum absorption and retention.
He played on the left wing until retiring at end of season.
A 35 year old today who plans on retiring at age 65, will have 30 years until retirement.
Given today's economy, with pensions shrinking and seniors expecting to live longer, many people over 70 have either returned to the workforce or not retired at younger ages.
As a rough way to adjust for early retirement, add your annual spending requirement for every year you retire early on top of the amount you would need for retiring at age 65.
It applies for people retiring at age 65 who will live to an average life expectancy of about 85.
After retiring at age 34, he has focused on educating citizens about energy and environmental issues.
And while there may not be a huge difference between 85 and 95, when you're thinking about retiring at 35 there is.
Both sets of workers retired at about the same ages.
To take a more specific example with real - life returns, consider someone who participated in an RRSP from 1972 to 2001 and then retired at age 63.
With delayed retirement credits, a person can receive his or her largest benefit by retiring at age 70.
A teacher retiring at age 55 with a $ 50,000 inflation - indexed annual pension has received an annuity valued at over $ 1 million.
With at least one of the two men likely to retire at season's end, this is regarded as the last true series in the history of basketball.
Half of workers near traditional retirement age say they will wait until at least age 70 or won't retire at all, a survey finds.
However, retiring at night to the crisp, white linens in the air - conditioned bedrooms was also heavenly.
At this stage of life, most of them are retired at home.
This means that they are still trying to rebuild lost savings in the hopes of retiring on time — or even retiring at all.
Whether or not I actually retire at 40, or whether or not I'm financially able to or not, I'll still be much better off financially than I am today.
It's likely that many did retire at 62, 65 or 67.
For example, if a 40 - year - old person is considering retiring at age 65, the time horizon for retirement planning would be 25 years.
I would then join my wife working part time (16 - 20 hours a week) and we would both fully retire at 62.
If retirees could be sure that they would not experience sharp price drops in the first 10 years of retirement, they could safely retire at earlier ages.
Then I'd probably retire at some point to reflect on my life and spend much of it in prayer.
The whole world expects him to retire at d end of d season based on his past interviews.
More than that, a big mortgage can seriously ruin your chances of ever retiring at an early age.
It is difficult to think of any private firms, or higher - education institutions, where top and middle management routinely retire at such young ages.
He has taken a leave of absence and will formally retire at the end of the year.
Lawyers don't typically retire at what is otherwise considered the normal retirement age.
I would calculate what I would have to live on retiring at different ages.
While those who make less than $ 25,000 assuming if they don't retire on time that they'll never retire at all.
We always have a large no of injuries... And since when did we have a player retire at the club??? He is utterly important for us..
Be truthful to yourself, he failed this club in so many ways, he should quietly retire at the end of this season.
Hi, I'm just an average guy who is now pretty much retired at an early age.
Those rules mean different teachers in the same state may become eligible to retire at very different ages.
The fact that many teachers choose to retire at precisely those points suggests that it is the pension plan pushing their retirement decisions.
This is because 4 % is a commonly accepted «sustainable distribution rate» for those with a balanced portfolio retiring at a normal retirement age.
Because retiring at 55 often means working for 35 years and being retired for 35 years.
You no longer have to spend your whole life working at a job you don't love so you can maybe retire at 65.
They usually retire at a younger age than aerospace engineers, and indications are that the proportion of those eligible to retire will be rising substantially over the next few years.
My career goals are to stay with a company that pays well and retire at as well.
My mom retired at 50, and that's about the time I will probably begin working.
He spent only one season with the club before retiring at the end of the season.
On the other hand, someone who retired at 65 and withdrew 8 % adjusted for inflation would have been out of money shortly after age 75.
He assumed the money needed to last 30 years, so people retiring at 65 could be confident their nest eggs would make it to at least age 95.
Getting the job straight after retiring at 36 years old.

Phrases with «to retire at»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z