Sentences with phrase «to return to normal function»

Recovery is similar to what we see in smaller breeds as in 4 - 6 weeks of slow increase in activity and return to normal function in over 90 % of dogs for life.
Healthy families tend to return to normal functioning after the crisis passes.
In most cases, the gland returns to normal function within a few weeks of surgery.
In most cases, through their therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation efforts, your companion will recover and return to normal functioning more quickly.
To get rid of the overgrowth and have your body return to normal function you need to change your diet so that they can not live or multiply.
Your dog will be kept on monitoring equipment until his heart returns to its normal function.
In addition, hunting dogs or dogs expected to perform other challenging physical tasks should not anticipate a complete return to normal function.
Weight loss is as important as surgery in ensuring rapid return to normal function, as well as being a preventive measure to help protect your dog against this debilitating injury.
However, the liver also has a great capacity to heal, and should return to normal function when stress is removed.
After surgery, most dogs have a rapid recovery and can return to normal function in days to weeks.
The initial goals of physical therapy should be to increase the passive flexion of the foot and improve flexibility in the foot and ankle, eventually leading to a full return to normal function.
The benefits of endoscopy over exploratory surgery include no incision, shortened anesthetic time, decreased inflammation, less stress and discomfort, and an earlier return to normal function for your pet.
Since the organs are carefully cut and cauterized (rather than torn), your pet experiences much less pain, fewer potential complications, minimal recovery period and a faster return to normal function as compared to traditional abdominal surgery.
All of this activity explains why people with non-healing fractures can now return to normal function sooner
Kicking the habit lets most genes return to normal function over time, but some are damaged forever.
We have found that 95 % of the hips that have been replace by surgeons at OSU return to normal function or near normal function.
Research in dogs administered Cosequin has shown that if Cosequin is given prior to an injury, the animal returns to normal function much more quickly.
Often times, our various anesthetics techniques are combined to provide the most optimal pain control with the least side effects and quickest return to normal function.
When your cat returns home, there may be a readjustment period while your cat's thyroid returns to normal function.
Fortunately, even ruptured glands usually heal and most often return to normal function.
Often unblocking the animal is successful and the cat can return to normal function after hospitalization and IV fluids.
In most cases the fracture will heal and the patient can return to normal function in 8 to 12 weeks.»
For chronic or progressive diseases like osteoarthritis, physical therapy may not result in a full return to normal function.
Pets of all ages, sizes, and breeds can have improved quality of life as a result of therapeutic interventions that can minimize the effects of disability, slow physical decline, promote weight loss, and allow earlier return to normal function and previous level of activity following surgical procedures.
The veterinarians and technicians at CVVC have pursued continuing education in the professional repair, pain management, and post operative rehabilitation of these traumatic events so that our loved ones can return to normal function as soon as possible.
The majority of children who experience simple trauma will return to normal functioning within a few weeks of a traumatic event without professional support, although they can still benefit from additional adult support during this period.
Destruction of the tumor cells allows the normal thyroid tissue to return to normal function over several months.
The mice were allowed at least 2 weeks for recovery from the implant procedure in order to return to normal function.
The study showed that beet juice with high amounts of nitrate made the blood vessels relax and return to normal function, while beet juice with no nitrate (the placebo) did not have any effect.
And when the team stops spiking the water, the effects will eventually wear off and the gene will return to its normal function.
The effects of chemotherapy and radiation often subside after a period of time, and the testicles may return to normal function.
The application of specific acupuncture treatments, Auriculotherapy, Chinese herbal formulas and supplements can then resolve these stresses resulting in a return to normal function.
Restoration: Expect the brain to return to normal function.
The seller states that the central navigation / infotainment screen does not start up properly approximately 10 % of the time, but will return to normal function after a 10 - minute reboot process.
It may take a few days for the gastrointestinal system to return to normal function.
Dr. MacLellan aims at providing your pet long term comfort with a return to normal function so your pet can enjoy life to the fullest!
Then, the actual adjustment is performed by moving the hand... in the direction that is specific for the way that the joint needs to be returned to normal function
Physical therapy is an excellent consideration since it helps optimize the return to normal functioning of the muscles through the use of exercises.
• A veterinary surgeon's primary surgical recommendation is a Total Hip Replacement to resolve hip pain and a return to normal function.
In other cases, the condition will require treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as phenylbutazone or meclofenamic acid, that reduce pain and inflammation and help the joint to return to normal function.
Dogs that can barely walk and those that can't walk at all due to disk disease have an 80 % to 95 % chance to return to normal function with surgery.
This enables individuals to return to normal functioning in a rapid manner.
However, you can heal from the trauma and return to normal functioning in your life.
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