Sentences with phrase «to review something on one's blog»

So happy that you liked the recipe and thanks for reviewing it on your blog!
Since becoming a Christian in my early 20s, my passion for reading led to specifically Christian fiction and this has developed into reviewing them on my blog.
It's a fantastic book, and I will review it on this blog later this week.
Yep, I love it too and reviewed it on this blog at the beginning of the year here.
Since becoming a Christian in his early 20s, his passion for reading led to specifically Christian fiction and this has developed into reviewing them on his blog.
We were provided free entry into the Xcaret for the purpose of reviewing it on our blog.
Would you buy a copy on Amazon, then review it on your blog?
reviewed it on the blog yet but i really love how it feels on my skin.
Once I get back to Kuwait I might even review it on the blog — though its going to be all love I'm sure.
Disclaimer: I was given the EC3D Striker Compression Combo s in exchange for reviewing them on the blog.
We were provided a complimentary night stay at Howard Johnson Anaheim Hotel and Water Playground for the purpose of reviewing it on our blog.
We would love if you would review it on your blog.
I made this recipe last weekend and reviewed it on my blog!
I read Kale and Coffee a few months ago (even reviewed it on my blog) and loved it.
Since I got these two lip products from my trip in Paris I knew I had to review them on my blog.
I'm considering getting it so I can review it on the blog and see if it's as magical as people say it is.
I ordered them to review»em on the blog.
Some brands may send you clothing or accessories so you can feature and review them on your blog, whereas others may pay you to produce sponsored content.
Vidya Sury posted a fabulous review of Puppalicious And Beyond last June, and she reviewed it on her blog, too.
And here I could have received a free copy last fall if I reviewed it on my blog with a «prominently featured link» to his site... all while possibly winning cash prizes ($ 500) etc for reviewing it... via the chain letter he sent out to bloggers.
Of late, I've been reading a writing craft book every month and review it on my blog (I used to read four a year at a every new season).
Now, one other little subject in Ryan Starbloak's question is book bloggers who will read your book and review it on their blog, but don't also drop that review on Amazon.
If you receive items unsolicited in your mailbox, they are not considered income, even if you end up reviewing them on your blog.
There are different ways to explore K'gari (Fraser Island), and I will review them on the blog.
I reviewed it on this blog, back when I did those, and I adored the game's fantastic blend of classic Square RPG mechanics with very modern ideas, not to mention its phenomenal audio - visual presentation.
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