Sentences with phrase «to review the situation»

In the absence of reviewing your situation in detail, I don't know which ideas might work for you and I certainly don't expect any of them to be easy.
You may be able to avoid bankruptcy and we can explain how after reviewing your situation during our consultation with you.
Seniors should carefully review their situation and financial options making any decisions.
If you have any questions about your rights and obligations as an unmarried father, have a family law attorney review your situation at no cost to you.
Workers comp may be available, but there may be additional avenues of relief that the worker would never know existed without having an attorney review the situation.
We are in the process of reviewing the situation and will provide claimants with our advice in the near future.
The author reviews the situation today for preaching — noting such things as ignorance, and the need for balance.
One of our experts will personally review your situation and answer your questions.
We don't automatically accept every applicant that comes to us but rather will review your situation during a free one - on - one consultation and determine how we can help.
By reviewing your situation, your counselor can determine the solution that will best benefit you and your individual needs.
To review your situation please feel free to contact us or apply online and we will be happy to discuss options.
The information provided in your question is insufficient to properly review your situation.
Then you will meet with an adoption counselor to review your situation so that we can make sure the pets who caught your eye are a good match.
But not every bad review situation requires a lawyer's silence.
Our experienced lawyers will review your situation immediately, then provide guidance as to your best options going forward.
A car accident attorney may be able review your situation and discuss your legal options.
Hence, I went on to do a sentiment analysis segment reviewing the situation in order to understand the market sentiments among people who have been active in the digital currency market.
When you know where you stand financially and what your possible options are, then the next step is to review your situation with the appropriate professional.
After reviewing the situation, The Cat Coach ® will diagnose the problem, and then design a personalized treatment plan.
We can carefully review your situation and provide the representation you need.
If we support you with a long - term plan, we'll review your situation at least annually, to make sure your solution is still the right thing for you.
We will review each situation on a case - by - case basis.
One of our experts will review your situation today, and it's private, confidential, and no - obligation.
PIX11 News intends to review the situation again in 90 days.
Having an attorney review the situation before the deal is finalized at closing isn't as expensive as some assume it to be, and in some situations having that expertise to help get the deal done can be invaluable.
No advice from some internet comments is going to give you an accurate description of your situation; only a lawyer who was thoroughly reviewed your situation will
Tell us your workplace problem and a New York employment lawyer will review your situation for free:
If you live in Alberta and are considering bankruptcy or a consumer proposal to deal with your debt we suggest you contact one of the following Licensed Insolvency Trustees in Alberta — the experts on Alberta bankruptcy law, by e-mail or by phone, to fully review your situation.
(14) Growth in the ability to cope constructively can occur in supportive relationships as the counselor or the support group helps persons gratify their dependency needs; drain off powerful, ego - paralyzing feelings (e.g., guilt, failure, anxiety); review their situation more objectively; and plan and implement realistic ways of coping constructively with their situation.
HM Inspector of Constabulary Wendy Williams reviewed the situation two years ago and found so called honour killings disproportionately affect women from ethnic minorities.
Handley has confirmed that while British retailers review the situation, FFA is preparing to hit the streets.
Uefa said it had no plans to change the format of its European competitions but was constantly reviewing the situation.
The two Presidents also reviewed the situation in Guinea Bissau and concluded that political leaders in the country need to make sacrifices to guarantee peace and development of the country.
You can benefit from reviewing your situation over time to better suit any changes in your life such as increases in spending or decreased expenses and changes in tax laws that may affect your overall situation.
I can quickly review your situation and discuss options of either refinancing with a bank or b - lender or possibly to a short - term consolidation of debt using one of my private lenders.
Kathy's counselor reviewed her situation and suggested ways that she could bring her budget into balance while working towards her financial goals.
Regularly review your situation with financial and tax professionals and be prepared to make adjustments.
Please visit a National Bank branch to have an advisor review your situation and recommend an appropriate mortgage solution.
Let one of our expert, local, trustees in bankruptcy review your situation and explore the cost of all the Ontario debt management options available to you.
After 17 + months beyond the first of many formal complaints, and despite exhortation from a Nature editorial in May 2011 to move faster, George Mason University (GMU) is still reviewing the situation.
Therefore the menopause could have a significant impact in the workplace for many women, and there are now calls that the Government reviews the situation, namely whether the menopause should be treated in the same way as pregnancies.
Post-conviction relief reviews situations where a defendant's Constitutional rights were violated during a criminal trial.
Those in charge of charitable independent schools which do not (yet) provide any public benefit, are busy reviewing the situation — assisted by a plethora of new seminars on the subject, addressed by bursars and heads — and by their accountants and lawyers.
The court reviews your situation in light of Wyoming statutes to determine an amount the paying parent can afford.
But the court will review a situation even when there is a settlement if the court becomes aware of substantiated domestic violence or substance - abuse allegations or other factors of obvious concern.
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