Sentences with phrase «to revise the bylaws»

"To revise the bylaws" means to make changes or improvements to the rules and regulations that govern how an organization or group operates. Full definition
In a statement sent by the Cuomo campaign, Zemsky said the reforms include «the adoption of revised bylaws» and new senior management.
Recently revised bylaws have ended terms for some Studio Museum board members, who may now serve no longer than three years — unless asked to do so by dint of spectacular service.
Working with the Board, attorney Ed Krill revised the Bylaws to meet these requirements and to bring basic governance procedures up to date.
We revised our bylaws to their current form in April, 2013.
Under the revised bylaws, Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi was able to appoint Jamestown Community College director of development Tim Smeal to represent the Manufacturer's Association of the Southern Tier (MAST) on the JLDC board, rather than go with MAST's selection of John Zabrodsky.
If this exploratory call does not result in an attempt to revise the bylaws, no less than 12 months shall pass again before the Governing Committee shall make another exploratory call.
In the event that 12 months have passed without an attempt to revise the bylaws, whether that attempt resulted in a revision or not, the Governing Committee may issue an exploratory call to the membership to determine whether any revision is necessary.
Nevertheless, Ganser lost her parking stall in accordance with the revised bylaws, and brought a human rights complaint against the condominium corporation.
A reference in a bylaw, enactment or document to a bylaw that has been repealed by the revised bylaws is, in respect of any subsequent transaction, matter or thing occurring after the revised bylaws come into force, to be considered to be a reference to the bylaw in the revised bylaws that has been substituted for the repealed bylaw.
We revised our bylaws to their current form in April, 2013.
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