Sentences with phrase «to reward the dog»

The phrase "to reward the dog" means to give something positive, like praise or treats, to the dog when it does something good. Full definition
These scrumptious little treats are just the right size for rewarding dogs for a job well done.
Don't reward your dog with a game of keep - away.
The program is designed to reward dogs who display good manners in the community and at home.
Show inconsistency You can't reward your dog for staying off of the couch and then later let her come up and offer affection.
These are some of the typical things we think about when we think of rewarding our dogs as they relate to us.
The best way to have that reliability is to always reward your dog in some way for coming to you.
The launcher and treat combo is unique, as it allows the consumer to train and reward their dog while enhancing their play time together.
To be successful, try your best to NEVER reward your dog for barking at you again!
Then reward your dog with a very small treat when he becomes quiet.
Once your dog responds to a cue 4 out of 5 times during a training session, reward your dog after the behavior is finished.
How to reward your dog during training is a tough thing to tell any dog owner looking to modify the behavior of their dog.
Always reward your dog with treats and praise every time he successfully rolls over on command.
In a nutshell, this means that we focus on rewarding dogs for getting things right instead of focusing on correcting them for getting things wrong.
Spending ten or fifteen minutes a day working with your dog, and then consistently rewarding your dog for positive behavior, can make a huge difference.
Some dog training products are treats and rewards your dog likes while learning agility.
Your job is to discover what rewards your dog values the most.
I use only positive reinforcement to teach, which means rewarding dogs for what you want them to do.
Remember to reward your dog frequently if he behaves politely instead of mounting.
You can also reward your dog with treats for positive behavior before and after their appointment.
Don't forget to reward your dog verbally for good behavior and a good workout each time.
You can still reward the dog, but over time you may shift from a highly prized food reward to a less desirable food reward, then perhaps to just a verbal reward.
Giving treats indoors rewards the dog for coming inside, not for eliminating.
Other owners inadvertently reward their dogs jumping, simply by doing something good — such as walking or feeding the dog — right after the dog has jumped.
And the fact that they're long - lasting makes rewarding your dog as special for you as it is for him.
Sometimes barking becomes a learned behavior because owners mistakenly reward their dog with attention or treats in an effort to soothe their dog.
This type of training is only applicable if you maintain regular supervision of your dog throughout the day and ensure that you don't skip rewarding your dog for his good behavior.
Stop and reward your dog regularly when they are by your side on a loose leash.
Canine weight pulling rewards your dog for improving his physical fitness.
You can be ready to reward your dog at any time — just throw some treats in your pocket and take them with you!
It is important in training to look for rewards the dog finds valuable, not what we think should be valuable.
Reward Reward your dog every time he eliminates outside.
Have a friend help you by walking down the sidewalk and before your friend even comes into view, ask for the sit and generously reward your dog for the quiet sit.
Likewise, when you return do not pay attention to or reward your dog until he has settled down.
It is often a good training technique to give the dog some sort of a special treat at this point to positively reward the dog.
Consider visiting the veterinarian with your dog for a calm visit — just a hello, get a treat, have the vet reward the dog, good boy, and then leave.
Instead of forcing a dog to stand still, try this super easy dog training tip that works quickly and rewards your dog too!
The other point to recognize is to make training enjoyable reward your dog.
As soon as your dog learns a command, begin using it routinely, not just during training sessions, and continue to reward the dog appropriately.
Our delicious selection of grain - free moist treats and grain - free oven - baked biscuits will surely reward your dog for his constant love, affection and friendship.
Therefore, always reward your dog when he follows your commands and stops begging.
Then train and reward the dog in situations where the fear is very mild.
Be sure to reward your dog during periods when he is quiet and not performing any unacceptable behaviors.
You'll want to reward your dog as she walk, so keep your treats handy.
Use a single word command such as «Potty», and reward your dog with praise when he goes outside as he should.
When you return home, don't reward your dog for excited behavior by responding to him in an excited, enthusiastic way.
Start by clicking the clicker, then reward your dog with a treat, no tricks or tasks involved.
When breaking a dog of an undesirable behavior, the first thing to consider is what reward the dog is getting for it.
We utilize a method that rewards a dog for good behavior and puts them in situations where all they can do is succeed.
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