Sentences with phrase «to rule out other diseases»

These tests will also rule out any other diseases which have similar symptoms of diabetes.
If other abnormalities are present such as chronic diarrhea, vomiting, an abdominal ultrasound is strongly recommended to rule out other disease processes.
Instead to make a diagnosis, your veterinarian rule outs other diseases such as ear infections, middle ear polyps, feline infectious periotonitis and some forms of cancer.
Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease is done by ruling out other diseases or causes, reviewing family history and conducting a mental exam to see how well the brain is working.
Diagnosing asthma and bronchitis in cats requires ruling out other diseases that cause respiratory signs.
Diagnosis depends on the history and clinical signs, and on ruling out other diseases that can cause similar signs (e.g., disc herniations, spinal fractures).
When a urinary tract infection is suspected, a urinalysis needs to be performed to rule out other diseases of the urinary tract that may be mimicking or predisposing to urinary infections.
Again, I can't stress enough the importance of having your veterinarian first rule out any other diseases that can affect other systems before assuming your dog has Alopecia X.
Certainly that is not the case with all Wolfhounds... but I would recommend looking at an MRI as a less invasive procedure that may give better information for us to rule out other disease processes in suspect FCE cases.
In other cases with chronic bloody urination, further testing, including urine cultures and ultrasound may be needed to rule out other diseases such as hidden stones, polyps or bladder tumors.
Histopathology is useful to indicate whether there is an underlying cause, and rules out other diseases including more serious cancers.
However, such a stool should be checked out by the doctor to rule out any other disease.
We begin by learning more about your child's medical history and using tests to rule out other diseases that may cause similar symptoms.
Theres no test, so before arriving at the diagnosis, a doctor will rule out other diseases or conditions that may cause similar symptoms — like mononucleosis, Lyme disease, thyroid problems, or depression.
This may involve seeing specialists and ruling out other diseases, some of which prove equally difficult to diagnose, says Eugene Shapiro, MD, deputy director of the Investigative Medicine Program at Yale University.
It is important to rule out other diseases that may be contributing to the clinical signs or causing CCHS.
Your veterinarian will evaluate your pet's history (i.e. getting into the garbage, eating a lot of food they normally don't - especially fatty foods, etc.), do a thorough physical examination, and likely do blood tests to rule out other diseases and to check pancreatic enzymes.
It is very important to rule out other diseases, disorders, or injuries before making a definitive diagnosis.
«DM is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that veterinarians must rule out all other diseases that mimic it before coming to a final diagnosis,» said Coates in a press release.
Although I strongly suspected Cardiff was having a recurrence of cancer (When Cancer That Was Successfully Treated Reoccurs in a Dog), I still had to take the appropriate diagnostic steps to rule out other disease.
We are going to do blood work later after she finishes the prednsione (two weeks) to rule out other diseases.
If your pet gets sick, laboratory test results will help the veterinarian confirm the presence of certain illnesses and rule out other diseases.
Your vet may also need to run other tests on your feline friend to rule out any other diseases that may explain her hair loss and other symptoms.
There are some tests including x-rays, drug trials, cat scans and others that can be used to rule out other diseases.
The cost for a pacemaker and postoperative care is approximately $ 2,000, plus the presurgical workup to rule out other diseases is about $ 500.
In rare cases we will do a skin biopsy, which is a great way to rule out other diseases that have similar symptoms.
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