Sentences with phrase «to run out of oil»

The world is not running out of oil just yet.
For decades, political pundits and even quite a few presidents have been saying we're on the verge of running out of oil.
The draft report has found that the planet is far from running out of oil, as some so - called «peak oil» theorists argued.
It also does not state we are about to run out of oil tomorrow - not anywhere in the literature.
The economic message from all of this exploration still holds true: The world is not running out of oil — it is running out of easy oil.
Paul Ehrlich wrote a book «The End of Affluence» talking about running out of oil and other resources at the turn of the century [now].
It should now be obvious that there is no danger of running out of oil in the US for many years.
I was going to accept that my oil - run power plant was going to run out of oil because the trucks trying to deliver oil to it were perpetually stuck in a traffic jam.
Sudan is running out of oil mainly due to the poor recovery rate of Asian oil companies and lack of substantial new oil deposits.
«I had never seen poverty like that,» Dabrieo says of the community in which he was placed, admitting he often questioned his students for not doing their homework only to learn they had been working or that their families» generators ran out of oil.
My car almost ran out of oil and the whole engine compartment was splashed with oil.
It has nothing to do with running out of oil (if that happens, goodbye plastics and lubricants, etc).
Those favoring renewable energy first advocated using it primarily because of the volatility and unreliability of oil from the Middle East; later they argued that the US would soon run out of oil and natural gas so the US must reduce their use in favor of renewable sources.
Since we were running out of oil anyway, environmentally motivated efforts to limit fossil fuel consumption and increase our use of renewable energy boasted the additional virtue of being inevitable.
The fact is we could peak and not run out of oil for a hundred years.
The U.S. is awash in oil, producing more than ever before in our history, and notwithstanding political turmoil in certain countries, there is no prospect of the world market running out of oil.
What happens when «They» finally run out of Oil / Aluminum / Uranium / Strontium / Barium / STEAM, and, oh yes, POWER???
Even if we were to drill the hell out of ANWR and every offshore site in the US, the fact remains that we'd still run out of oil.
No, not your favorite board game of world conquest, but your risk of having an accident, getting your car stolen, running out of oil on the highway, or losing your car in a storm.
This makes sudden severe cold snaps like the one we've just had doubly difficult, because there's the worry about running out of oil and then finding that the delivery guys can't get out due to, well, the snow.
In June a much - touted report by Leonardo Maugeri — an Italian oil executive now at the Geopolitics of Energy Project, based at Harvard University and part - funded by BP — forecast that far from running out of oil, this decade will see the strongest growth in production capacity since the 1980s and a «significant, stable dip of oil prices».
I intentionally mentioned the optimistic scenario B1 in # 9 because, despite the wisdom of Yogi, I believe that as the world runs out of oil and gas over the next several decades that the fuel of the future is... coal.
«The big, macroeconomic idea that we had at Clarium — the idée fixe — was the peak - oil theory,» Thiel says, «which was basically that the world was running out of oil, and that there were no easy alternatives — either more oil or conservation or alternative energy.»
I find that many christians have fallen asleep and allowed their lamps to run out of oil - this really concerns me.
With fossil - fuel consumption projected to grow, and grow, and grow, the question isn't when are we going to run out of oil, says Arthur T. Andersen, a former director of the division of energy and international analysis at the U.S. Department of Energy.
«As we begin to run out of oil and gas, there's going to be increased exploration for areas where it is not being extracted,» says Hugh Ducklow a biologist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass. «The treaty is going to be vulnerable.»
It's not to say that we're running out of oil.
It suggests we may run out of oil a century before we have an alternative fuel ready to replace it.
We need to find alternative ways of producing it before we run out of oil
Of course in the long run as we run out of oil and natural gas this all becomes academic... if interested in pursuing this line of argument I recommend, Richard Heinberg's book, The End of Growth, or The Post Carbon Reader.
I use it for several reasons: as a night treatment for my face, to relief the skin after a sunburn, my husband uses it on its itchy skin,... We always have at least one or two bottles in our house as I don't want to run out of this oil!
The theme of photos on dating sites is never going to run out of oil.
When you run out of oil, friction between cylinder and its container increases a lot, causing high wear.
You already know engine function is degraded when you run out of oil.
My question, was this all caused by the oil pan rusting out and it running out of oil?
I could never make the service intervals as it would run out of oil every 7000kms.
Or running out of oil...
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