Sentences with phrase «to safeguard one's future»

Most importantly of all, a successful claim can help safeguard the future of your child.
But in reality, it is one of the most beneficial financial products that anybody can own to safeguard their future from any financial losses.
- and between short - term priorities and the vital long - term investments we must make now to safeguard future generations.
By growing on their own, they reduce the effort you have to do to safeguard your future security and enjoyment of life.
By staying on top of this you protect your reputation online as it is today, and safeguard your future online presence against damaging search results too.
A life insurance policy is the best way to protect and financially safeguard the future of you and your loved ones.
You are purchasing life insurance because you wish to safeguard the future lives of your family.
While you can't safeguard your future a cent per cent, from accidental death, you can definitely secure theirs.
Our Vision is of a strong, sustainable and supportive contemporary visual arts network, working collectively in order to safeguard the future of artists and our sector as a whole.
Denise still fights for justice for James and is the Editor of a magazine that helps to safeguard the future for children by creating more awareness.
Getting school children involved in entrepreneurship and innovation is also essential in safeguarding the future of the UK economy.
Not only will you gain experience in this increasingly popular form of working, but you'll help safeguard your future employability by broadening your range of skills and experience in a relatively short period of time.
New Democrats believe that peaceful recognition of democratic rights is the best way to safeguard future prosperity
However, investors who are serious about safeguarding their future know that responsible investing needs to be about more than simply earning consistent returns.
The report also recommends safeguarding the future child's right not to be told about later - in - life disease risk until adulthood.
To keep up with these growing needs at every stage of life, we need a savings plan that can also safeguard our future.
Eliminating dark posts was one of nine steps Zuckerberg outlined to safeguard future elections.
The meeting also supports Co-ops» commitment to sell ethically, responsibly grown food and safeguard future farm security and stability in the Upper Valley region.
She said «It's about safeguarding the future talent and skills of individual businesses and the sector as a whole so that when the upturn arrives, the construction industry is ready to respond and grow.
Society can safeguard its future only by switching from reckless economic growth to smart maintenance of wealth and resources
The purpose of our link will be to perpetuate the Yasuni - Amazona «the rain forest of knowledge» goals, create academic synergies for the Ananagu Community, support sustainable Eco-Tourism Models, safeguard future Independent Study opportunities for students into the far future.
The IPPR said existing studio schools should be required to join a local multi-academy trust with a more «readily available» pool of pupils «to safeguard their future viability».
«It has been done to safeguard the future education of Durand's pupils and to ensure public money and public assets intended for the education of children are managed effectively,» he said.
And crucially, many companies are achieving an immediate impact on profitability as well as safeguarding future returns.
Under the terms of its contract, Altitec has provided specialist inspections and maintenance at Greater Gabbard, which help safeguard the future operational and financial success of the wind farm.
Science - based goals are a north star for corporations that are serious about safeguarding future profitability and the wellbeing of their customers.
«This extraordinary biodiversity must be protected, because legal protection is the only sure way to safeguard future economic and social well - being.»
Life is full of uncertainties and safeguarding the future insurability of your kids with permanent life insurance that includes the guaranteed insurability rider is a great way to prepare them for a solid foundation of financial success.
It is the cheapest option to safeguard your future income from the risk of death before you have earned it
To safeguard its future profits, HTC will be undertaking steps to ensure smooth transitioning from 4G to 5G mobile connectivity, a transition that will stretch companies as growth in sales will not necessarily correlate with increase in profits.
Companies that set them gain long - term competitive advantage and safeguard their future prosperity
This major step forward to rein in power plant pollution will protect our health now and will help to safeguard future generations from the worst impacts of climate change.
In the face of formidable threats — deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution from toxic agrochemicals — the government and private sector have turned to the Rainforest Alliance to help safeguard the future of Ceylon tea, which accounts for 19 percent of the global tea supply.
Hence, Child Plans are largely suitable for safeguarding the future of your children in both circumstances i.e. whether you are there or not.
«What is clear from the proposed deal is that Sainsbury's and Asda are very aware of a potential Amazon acquisition in the UK supermarket industry which is why they are looking for scale in order to safeguard their future.
After three days of interacting with these experts, hours of exploring challenges at a deeper level than you'll find in today's financial media, and debating with fellow attendees from around the world, you'll be more prepared than ever to safeguard the future of your family and your wealth.
Securing food & water to safeguard the future.
The British government is trying to safeguard the future of Vauxhall's two British manufacturing plants in Ellesmere Port and Luton.
Their aim is to re-embed the economy in society, and to safeguard the future of the biosphere.
Tools and technology We reveal the tools that today's food and drink companies are using to bolster their growth and how they plan to continue this trend to safeguard their future.
The Keep Trade Local campaign aims to raise awareness of the need to safeguard the future of small independent shops and the communities they sustain.
«Every single member of the Republican Conference united behind Senator John Flanagan to ensure balance in state government and safeguard the future of the state.»
Under these proposals communities will be able to safeguard the future of rural villages for future generations by providing the framework to develop without being told that it does not fit with a local council's plans and can not go ahead.
It is good the Minister acknowledges the need to safeguard the future of this great nation but it is not sufficient to only acknowledge; hard work and commitment must be demonstrated.
The information sheet offers parents advice on how to deal with anti-shooting prejudice and explains how getting involved with their local school can help safeguard the future of shooting.
David will provide pivotal support in developing wildfowling policy and help to organise and contribute to the wide range of skills that BASC has to safeguard the future of wildfowling.
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