Sentences with phrase «to save the action»

One of the main life - saving actions of the body's stress response is to regulate glucose in the blood.
Cost - saving actions in public education, such as layoffs, school closures, salary freezes, benefit reductions, and decreasing school days, are possible but unusual.
Children will work collectively to create an energy saving action plan for the class or whole school.
Get ready for some food service, beat - em - up and furry saving action for today, and a whole lot more.
Give them ownership and responsibility in their energy saving actions.
Children will plan individual actions to reduce energy waste around the home and the school environment and work collectively to create an energy - saving action plan for the class or whole school.
They were «sacramentals» in the wider sense, but they were not guaranteed as saving actions.
Aside from basic energy - saving actions such as switching off lights and computers, and limiting and conserving heat, they shared a few additional tips for schools preparing for their energy management journey.
Even the present suffering from a rare ear disease known as Meniere's disease by President Muhammadu Buhari will not win any sympathy to save our action against the federal government.
This new historical consciousness, with its emphasis on Christ's saving actions over against his nature and person, as well as the related «myths» of abstract dogma, was kept alive in the twentieth century by Rudolf Bultmann (1884 - 1976).
This week the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) welcomed a «hero among us» to its Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center, for life - saving actions taken this past winter.
One consistent bug concerns saving: saving the action wherever you are (rather than reloading from the start of the day) currently does not work, although it is supposed to be an option.
Packed with easy, money saving actions that you and I can do to help the planet, our community, and ourselves!
Yet some feel this is just the next thing on the long list of climate - saving actions like buying a Prius, changing to compact fluorescent lightbulbs and eating local.
As the court explained, an order dismissing a complaint without prejudice is not appealable if the plaintiff could have saved his action by amending the complaint.
Modified and applied the company's core technology, their Physics - based Building model, to provide customized energy saving action recommendations for Small and Medium sized companies in Japan.
With Virtual Field Trips, Parent Resources, English & Spanish language standards aligned K - 12 tools, and a national peer - to - peer video challenge, look no further to kick - start life - saving actions today.
One of the shootings was a homicide of a young man on Butternut Street while a second one would have been a homicide if not for the life - saving actions of Syracuse police officers.
In any event, the Declaration here says without any restriction that the sinner is justified through faith in God's saving action in Christ.
It implies that Nick is a man of honor, but beyond the life - saving action which sets the movie in motion, all he does is savagely follow through on his orders and kill without remorse.
School districts have scant experience taking cost - saving actions such as layoffs or benefit reductions, which are «legally cumbersome and politically treacherous,» note the authors.
Some «anti-environmental» groups also report high rates of energy saving actions, but do so primarily for pocketbook, not environmental reasons.»
The EEP helps participating suppliers reduce energy use, GHG emissions and costs by promoting energy efficiency programs and best practices and developing energy saving action plans targeting local efficiency improvements.
Not recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack can postpone life - saving actions — so read closely!
They might not use the word «mercy» as much as he wants, but they talk extensively about divine love, grace, the sacraments, and charity, all of which pertain to God's mercy, and which they develop into soteriology, the study of the saving action of God.)
Such tales demonstrate the saving action of chastity.
The narrative mode inevitably imposed itself as the believers rehearsed the saving action, including particular scenes of it that played themselves out in the market - place or the Temple - court, at a dinner with guests or in a synagogue.
The witness of the Psalms to God's saving actions in the context of the Psalms» fervent personal prayer adds an important dimension of participation.
The saving action of God upon men is not democratic but monarchical in principle.
To be sure, Cone believes as strongly as other liberation theologians that the hermeneutical key to Scripture is God's saving action to liberate the oppressed.
When we misstate the conviction that God's «saving action has been decisively disclosed in the event Jesus of Nazareth» in such a way that this event «becomes a condition apart from which God is not free to be a gracious God, the heretical doctrine of works - righteousness achieves its final and most dangerous triumph» (CWM 145).
In other words, Mark is telling us that the saving action of God in the world is always hidden, ambiguous, sealed off from the obvious explanation.
Righteousness also signifies God's saving action in the world.
The heart of this revelation is the proclamation of Jesus in Scripture as God's saving action (36).
To deny the reality of our sin is to deny God's saving action in Christ and the love of God that sent Christ into the world.
In fact, rather than describing that nature of God at all, «God is light» is one way of describing God's loving relationship with humanity, as revealed in God's saving action in Jesus Christ.
Wilfred Cantwell Smith made the same point as bluntly as anyone, asserting that the failure of Christians to affirm the saving action of God not just within other religious traditions but through them is blasphemy.
All that we need to experience this saving action of God this Eastertide, is the willingness to move, to change, to grow - to be transfigured - he will do the rest.
Conversely, the stress Kraemer put upon the unique character of each religious tradition has been adopted by many who disagree with him and who argue that these faiths offer alternate and parallel avenues of God's saving action.
Do non-Christian faiths offer alternate and parallel avenues of God's saving action?
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