Sentences with phrase «to say about religion»

Okay, you can quote what someone else says about religion.
In fact, although the United States is one of the most religious developed countries in the world, most Americans scored 50 percent or less on a quiz measuring knowledge of the Bible, world religions and what the Constitution says about religion in public life.
There's a torrent of comments on our story this week about most Americans scoring 50 percent or less on a Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life quiz measuring knowledge of the Bible, world religions and what the Constitution says about religion.
It is sooo pathetic to watch how the so - called enlightened atheists spew their bigotry and hate whenever there is something publicly said about religion, especially Christianity.
What von Däniken actually says about religion is not immediately clear to me, though it seems to be clear to some of his readers — for instance, to the retired Denver businessman who, after reading Chariots of the Gods?
One thing the bible does say about religion: that soon ALL religions will be destroyed and its destruction will be championed by government.
that's what the Greeks, Egytians, Myans, Norsk & thousands of others said about their religions.
Also, let me just say this about religion: Religion is the means by which we get to God.
What Marx said about religion may have reflected the state of religion in his time, but it is not true of today.
Jefferson had some interesting things to say about religion in general, not all good, but that's beside the point.
What they have to say about religion is much more pointed and direct than even what The Path says.
What did our Founding Fathers have to say about religion: «Question with boldness even the existence of a god.»
I recall a saying about religion, «They can't all be right, but they can all be wrong.»
If you are interested in hearing what they had to say about religion (with references to sources) check out this link:
If people serve God and not religion you couldn't possibly come to the conclusion that somehow God desires for you to hurt or kill or both, another human being because of what they may say about your religion.
Read what the Founding Fathers have to say about religion, in particular, Christianity.
What he said about religion being a horrible thing is correct, but trying to extract the son of the space ghost out of it to make yourself feel better is a mistake.
If they don't would some then believe that what they have said about religion is not really their beliefs; just what they thought the public wanted to hear?
In his lecture, titled «Uncertainties of a Democratic Age,» he had this to say about religion.
Here is a link to a site that gives quotes so that you can see for yourself what they had to say about religion.
How ironic is it that Limbaugh would apply to this pope and his efforts the name of a man who once had the following to say about religion: «Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress.
Many of the protesters made a point of saying that they were converts to Islam, usually from Christianity, and some had most uncomplimentary things to say about the religion they had left.
Don't like what someone has to say about your religion?
These are some of the things that Thomas Jefferson had to say about the religion you think he was a part of... «The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter» - Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Adams
As we said in our first issue, in March 1990, the first thing to be said about religion, culture, and public life is that the first thing about first things is not politics.
First Things First The first thing to be said about religion and public life is that religion and public life — especially as the latter is taken to mean politics — is not the first...
A second weakness is that despite West's identity as a progressive black Baptist, this volume has little to say about religion.
When the religious folk that try to shove it down everyone else's throat stop doing it, I'll have a few good things to say about religion.
The «man bites dog» headline is that a scientist has something friendly to say about religion.
If he's got anything to say about religion or anything else, he should say it in his opinions.
Although Eric Berne had little to say about religion, Thomas Harris, Muriel James, and Tom Oden have applied TA to religious and ethical growth in illuminating ways.
toad: Your words such as «filth» to describe those outside your deluded group demonstrate profoundly what I said about your religion being degrading to others and bigoted.
«Maybe you read the news and hear what folks are saying about your religion, and you wonder if anyone ever sees beyond your headscarf to see who you really are, instead of being blinded by the fears and misperceptions in their own minds.
This is the only thing I'd like to say about religion, and I don't think it's too far off the rails: Any strategy for communicating the science to the public — let alone any strategy for promoting policy measures — needs to carefully analyze different segments of public opinion and look for ways they can be won over to your point of view, rather than needlessly alienated from it.
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