Sentences with phrase «to say goodbye to diapers»

Here are some tips to help you reinforce potty training and say goodbye to diapers for good.
By the time your child's ready to say goodbye to diapers altogether, she's accomplished a lot.
Fully saying goodbye to diapers didn't click until she was about 27 months, after her baby sister was born and she saw that diapers were for babies.
You may encounter some new challenges, such as twins that bite or run in different directions, but you can also look forward to getting more sleep and saying goodbye to diapers once potty training commences.
With the right supplies you and your twinnies are sure to say goodbye to those diapers soon!
We chose Sunday May 3, 2015 to be the big day to say goodbye to diapers.
Explain to your child that the diapers are for babies, he's a big boy and it's time to say goodbye to diapers.
Time to say goodbye to diapers?
She was so ready to say goodbye to diapers.
Some well - chosen underwear can inspire kids to say goodbye to diapers.
If your toddler is using the potty pretty consistently with few accidents, set a date to say goodbye to diapers.
Time to say goodbye to diapers?
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