Sentences with phrase «to say on the subject»

So, let's dig in and take a closer look at what the science has to say on the subject of muscle and how to build it.
Lots more could be said on the subject in favor of the poor investing even small amounts toward retirement.
Don't get caught up in your friend's fat loss results and stick to what science says on the subject.
I really don't have much to say on this subject other than....
I could use Scripture... but since you don't believe what the Scripture says on the subject, then what good would it do?
I'll have lots more to say on that subject soon, but for now, let's focus on the video.
If you're interested in how to become a functional medicine practitioner I have quite a bit to say on the subject so please read on.
In the meantime, let's briefly observe what science has to say on the subject today.
I'll have more to say on this subject once I've spent more time with the device.
Interestingly, this was the only thing the researchers said on the subject, with the rest of the paper devoted to a broad overview of blockchain technology.
I think we need to get a more bird's eye view on what the Bible says on a subject when we run across disturbing texts.
Consider what Royal LePage corporate had to say on this subject when REM first broke the story:
JOregon - Not just attack, but those who judge them as sinful just for being what they are naturally because, if God doesn't exist, then it was a stupid idea to judge them according to what an ancient book said on the subject, right?
Yet it is to be noted that there can be no theological attitude to the problem of myth which does not take account of what Bultmann says on the subject.
«Nuff said on that subject; but please do give some consideration to the possibility of infused Grace, a Divine Presence that is closer to us than our own heartbeat and is the Source of works of great compassion and self - sacrificial justice.
Here is what American Orthodox rabbi Irving Greenberg says on the subject: «In a way, the ten rabbis, like Isaac, were invoked for the sake of vicarious atonement; the merit of their devotion and martyrdom should win forgiveness for their descendants, the living people of Israel.»
Arsenal as well as all other professional football clubs have a number of sponsorship deals in place, and they have a huge effect on the finances of their clubs, with little said on the subjects.
I thought the Welsh are meant to be tough,» Gerrard said on the subject.
He was not talking about Arsenal and our surprise signing of Petr Cech from Chelsea when he said this, and we would need to have a medium with the ability to contact people from beyond the grave to get his opinion on that, but football has not changed enough in the last 35 years to make what the late great Brian Clough said on the subject of goalkeepers any less relevant to the current situation.
I recently cam across Anne Lyerly — author of «A Good Birth» and much of what she has to say on the subject resonates with me.
Well, since you are reading this, I am guessing you want to know what I have to say on the subject!!
Here's a story from from my colleague Randeep Ramesh about what George Osborne said on the subject in the autumn statement.
This winter awards season is my first as a member of a recognized critic group (the Online Film Critics Society) and thus the first year I get any sort of (however small) tangible say on the subject of the best films and performances of the year.
I may have more to say on the subject later, but I think as a culture we've come to mistake self - seriousness (which The Revenant has in spades) for seriousness, and to imagine that any hint of humor (which The Martian deploys artfully) is an indicator of unseriousness.
questions to use as a starter / plenary what is the difference between murder and manslaughter arguments for and against Capital Punishment, The UN and Amnesty and what they have to say on the subject several examples of wrongful convictions Religious Texts relating to Capital Punishment are «in the pipe line»
Of course, like what many anti-pit bull people will say on any subject regarding pit bulls, you'll say that all that matters is the likelihood of death occurring.
The eBooks are total scams — that's all I'll say on that subject without delving in further.
«I think as long as Silicon Knights is still around there is still hope,» Dyack said on the subject of a TH sequel.
A layman can look at what the true authorities say on the subject.
Jeffrey L. Fisher, a Stanford Law School professor who successfully represented the defendant in the case, Patrick Kennedy, said that he and others on the defense legal team, in researching how various jurisdictions treat child rape, had actually looked into what military law said on the subject.
'' [H] ere the two judges are suggesting that the ultimate decisions are to be made by judges, and the people have no right to the final say on the subject.
RED Driving School CEO Ian McIntosh says on the subject; «Mobile phone use is a very real problem on Britain's roads, and I welcome any steps to try and crack down on it.
There's not a great deal more to say on the subject except that you might want to sign up for our Device Alert emails (bottom of this page, «Get Email Updates») to ensure you get the latest device news as it hits.
This article is pretty typical of what has been said on this subject over the years — it's basically unremarkable.
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