Sentences with phrase «to say something about something»

Everyone was asked to read a quote they were given on prayer and then say something about it if they so chose.
Whether the damage was accidental or not, repeat claims often say something about you as a driver, or about the area in which you live.
Each and every product has been designed with upcoming fashion trends in mind, to also say something about you.
Encourage him to show you the animal on the front or back cover and perhaps even say something about it.
After all, clothes don't define who you are, but they do say something about you, so don't try to fit in to something that's not you.
Not only should the photo be flattering, but it should also say something about you.
I didn't want to be a dick and say something about it on social, but my expectations were really low — I thought it seemed kind of cheesy and just weird.
I'm pretty sure even if it was the «In» thing to do at the time, if God really hated slavery he would said something about it regardless of how much his chosen people liked it.
But I must admit that I did not find Marc to be fully unlikable (maybe saying something about me).
Thanks, damn wiki said something about it being on all versions (ps3, xbox, vita) peacewalker should have been on the disc I think.
Just as the information that we post on Facebook says something about us, employers» use of Facebook to ferret out personal information about prospective or current employees conveys a lot about them.
Which probably says something about me that I don't want to know:)
Both places really do sound amazing, but if you've been frequenting one restaurant for years, that truly does say something about it!
Ozil really only excels in one position, which is fine, but he has to have high level of talent around him to see the best out of him (which also says something about him as well).
Probably the newscaster said something about it being a reaction to the Federal Reserve Bank's announcement that it expects to «taper» its purchases of long term bonds in the near future.
You are, after all, about to empower total strangers to spend a lot of your money saying something about you to the world.
When you say it about yourself, you sound cocky.
The people you follow say something about you.
Martha Stewart «had our product on her show and said something about it being weird - looking,» Griffin says of his brownie pans.
«If I feel like I have something to say, I can say something about it.
They want to have the phone say something about them,» he says.
«It's an opportunity for us to ask for more, because this at least shows that they have to say something about it
Didn't you say something about them living in the woods one time?
Perhaps you should have gotten off your butt and said something about him instead of the priest.
Considering I went on to marry that boy, I'm sure that says something about me.
The man heard me say something about me being a «drunk» at one point in my life.
Everyday I live in fear that someone may notice and say something about it.
Whatever symbol a person chooses says something about him or her.
And whoever you follow, it says something about yourself.
To say that Jesus was «Lord» was to say something about Him, to be sure, but only because it was to say something about the community.
David: Don't pay any attention to the odd person who says something about you selling your artwork.
I have said something about it elsewhere.3.
The way we have reacted to the death of our enemy says something about us; we must remember that when we have an enemy we make ourselves into an enemy as well, and we were horrified when our enemies celebrated in the streets because of 9/11 and yet now we are behaving the same way.
As we warned in the beginning, in making this confession the Christian is saying something about himself as well as about Jesus.
(11) Someone makes an utterance, says something about something, sends a message to another person.
I find David one of the brave folks who is willing to say something about it.
There is a reason we are not comforted in this world — it is cause we are supposed to do / say something about it.
Well, come to think of it, I unknowingly did say something about it a few weeks back when I wrote a far too long post on Joe Pug's contemporary folk song I Do my Father's Drugs.
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