Sentences with phrase «to say to each other»

I have to be able to stand over my life as a whole, and say to the other person in the light of all of it, «I do».
This is not a question of saying to the other everything that occurs to one, but of allowing the person with whom one communicates to partake of one's being.
They haven't had much conflict and they feel terrible about the things they recently said to each other in the heat of the moment.
Stories ranging from gossip to gospel compose the substance of what members say to each other about their household identity and task.
Many individuals discuss elements on the online best dating that they would never say to each other if they were having a deal with to deal with chat.
It meant saying no to other things, but it also showed us priorities.
We don't usually hear what athletes are saying to each other on the ice.
The bed was so uncomfortable that my boyfriend and I even said to each other sleeping in the car would've been better.
Finding love means stepping out of your comfort zone, even if it means saying no to other people and things.
Since reading it, I've definitely said no to others more often than previously (so as to create space for saying yes more often to what I really want to do).
But what did the great men have to say to each other privately when they met for the first time since 1923?
As adults, we seem to have this problem with saying no to other people, especially the opposite sex when they place demands on us.
You wan na Play as you would say to other females.
In this discussion, we talk about what dogs should be saying to other dogs, and what they are really saying, and what owners can and can not do about it.
Here are 7 things that couples in healthy relationships say to each other every day.
We often said to each other that people should walk in our shoes for a week and then they would know how hard it was.
We have a tendency to be so harsh on ourselves and tell ourselves things we would never say to other people.
Many struggle with large credit card balances instead of saying to others, «I can't afford that,» but recognizing financial limits is one key to financial freedom.
You need to focus on some things and say no to other things when your focus is getting too wide.
That requires one to be vulnerable and share the pain, and the other to say no to every other person who is knocking on the door at that moment.
Many times we teachers are quick to emphasize to students what they're not supposed to do or say to others in class.
If you want to become an expert at something, it means saying no to other opportunities — at least for now.
Ahhhh that's what someone just said to me the other day while I was out shopping!!
«Something along the lines of one business partner saying to the other, «Who the hell are we hiring here?
If you are the one breaking the rules, are you going to be cavalier about it, saying to the other drivers, «Hey, live with it!»?
As my father said to me the other night while discussing his current retirement and my work life:
: — RRB - As a mum / pop and their college student daughter said to me the other day....
EW: What can teachers say to other students who might not understand why a student with autism might be allowed to leave the room or do something separate from the rest of the class?
«Portia and I constantly say to each other, «We are so lucky.»
Inevitably, you will have said no to other projects while pursuing a new venture.
When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, «Let's go to Bethlehem!
Is it not liturgically confusing to say to one communicant that partaking of a single element — bread — is adequate communion, while saying to other brothers and sisters that both elements are important and that the second one absolutely must have alcohol in it?
I'm sure that's what Jesus said to others in his day as well, right?
I've been called on more than a few times to explain or talk to the husband of a SAHM about issues or struggles she may be going through because, sadly, guys tend to listen to what men say to each other more than we hear the voices of our spouses or partners.
Moreover, like answer A, answer B leaves you with nothing to say to the other guy, who now tells you that his culture has taught him to value building a master race.
As an example, if in a presidential debate one candidate says to the other «you are a dangerous psychopath», it actually is not ad hominem if it is true, as it is indeed very relevant to the matter at hand.
The act is the two people's bodies saying to each other, «I give you all of myself.
Sister Jen said to me the other night that she actually buys fresh corn in the summer, grills it and then freezes the kernels for soups in the winter.
I can actually imagine all those Crow's sitting in a Row, along his arms, Whilst one is picking at his straw like hair, Whilst saying to the other Crow's!
When he leaves, one engineer says to the other: «Just like a mathematician!
I remember thinking it was silly at the time, you know, kind of one of those cliché things other moms say to each other during a pep talk.
The invitation is a compliment that says to the other child, «I like you enough to want to spend more time with you!»
My mother - in - law said to me the other day, «I don't know what you paid that sleep lady, but it was worth every penny.»
When a mom starts sharing non-stop posts of all of the fun activities that her kids are involved in, it's kind of like she's gloating and saying to other parents, «I'm doing a better job at this whole parenting thing than you are!»
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