Sentences with phrase «to scald something»

This can cause damage to the hair by scalding it and making the bristles weak.
I'm sure my toddler will adjust to the new baby in a few months and may even warm up to the idea of taking a bath with him without trying to drown him or scald him in hot water.
What we do with high lipase milk is that we actually scald it before freezing.
Be careful not to scald yourself when blending hot liquids.
Aloisio also recommends that parents lower the temperature on the family's hot - water heater to no more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, so a child can't accidentally scald herself.
I read a lot about this: some women use thermometers to make sure they got it hot enough, but my lactation consultant told me just scald it until bubbles start to form around the edge of the pan.
Urine Scald / Myiasis Urine scalding itself is not considered a traumatic event, but rabbit caretakers may mistake wounds created by urine or fecal scalding around the tail as a trauma or injury.
That cool touch scalded him to the bone: The ingenuous words made all words ring untrue.
Can't wait to try them all (though I may cook the cauliflower ahead of time, nearly scalded myself trying to squeeze the water out!)
What would happen if I just went straight to heating the milk to 110 vs. scalding it first?
It is a fine old African custom to be aroused before dawn with something to scald you into action.
So I knew I could get through my entire school day without having to scald it at school.
Yes, you can certainly fill a pot with 800 gallons of water, wait 10 years for it to boil, and try to take the items out without scalding yourself, or you can just buy a box of these sterilizing bags.
Therefore, if your baby is okay with the change in odour, then there is no need to scald it as it will be good if she just feeds on your milk fresh so she could benefit from the immune properties contained in the breast milk.
can i refridgerate the newly expressed milk then only scald it?
I learned that there was nothing I could eat or drink to change it before it came out of my body, but I could scald it after I pumped.
You pull back in pain as the intense heat of the knob scalds you violently.
Holding his hands under hot water, Michael scalds himself until the burns match the pain he feels.
NEVER NEVER NEVER put cold water in a hot engine, chances are you will crack the block and / or cylinder head, also it will blow out of where you are filling it like a volcano and may well scald you.
Hygiene is also important with such chews, so Dr Tong suggests placing them under direct sunlight for 30 minutes weekly, or scalding them with boiling water to reduce opportunistic bacteria.
But during one of these visits, her eldest daughter, tying to make spaghetti, had scalded herself while Amy was oblivious on the couch, having passed out from too many over-the-counter drugs.
Sterilize your jars by scalding them and then hold them hot until you are ready to fill them.
On Friday, I would collect the milk and scald it in a pot, place the pot on ice just until it cooled, and finally pour it into storage bags.
When I knew I would need to refrigerate or freeze my milk for more than a day, that night I would scald it before bed, and make sure to label everything clearly so that I could use the oldest first.
Be careful not to scald yourself when blending hot liquids.
Aloisio also recommends that parents lower the temperature on the family's hot - water heater to no more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, so a child can't accidentally scald himself.
Urine scalding itself is not considered a traumatic event, but rabbit caretakers may mistake wounds created by urine or fecal scalding around the tail as a trauma or injury.
Bring to a simmer, making sure not to scald it.
No scalding myself?
This is fine if baby drinks it, but if your baby rejects the milk, you can scald it — heat to approximately 180 degrees or until bubbles appear around the edge of the pan before storing to solve this problem.
These mothers did the scalding themselves.
Just be sure you don't make it too hot, and take care not to scald it or boil it while you're warming it up.
Here's how to scald it & make it safe to drink.
And lower your water - heater temp to 120 degrees, so the bath water can't get hot enough to scald her.
Tip: There are ways to scald it in a bottle warmer.
Early on, test your milk for excess lipase to see if you need to scald it before freezing.
But don't go in the hot shower with your little one — the water can scald him!
And boy, have I scalded myself on the regular while making pizza (500 - degree oven), roast veggies (450 - degree oven), and crispy oven - roasted chicken (450 degree oven).
But to store my milk for any longer than two days, I have to scald it to deactivate the lipase.
Make sure that the water does not touch the bowl, this will not melt the chocolate properly and could scald it.
Carefully remove the tin foil from the colander but be careful as the steam could scald you!
It's rude and screaming fast and still flawed in many of the ways it has always been flawed, jackhammering its funky exhaust pulses out side pipes that just can't wait to scald you.
I scalded it to death, just as it was eyeing my big toe.
We choose the TempAssure 17T Series for our shower as we wanted a toe tester because you have to get into the shower before you can turn the water on, and this way you won't scald yourself.
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