Sentences with phrase «to secure one's freedom»

Those rights secure the freedom for a male to think of himself as — and to be treated by others as — a female, and vice versa.
The alliance came together to defend the three providers and ultimately played a critical role in securing their freedom.
As the candle of hope for a free and public internet begins to flicker in the winds of corporate takeover, Coin Center represents a vanguard for securing the freedoms of the next evolution of the internet.
In February, the Animal Legal Defense Fund announced the news that a female black bear named Ricky had been released to the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado, after an ALDF lawsuit secured her freedom from a tiny concrete cage at a Pennsylvania ice - cream shop.
In the old America the left and the right worked together... which secured freedom for ALL Americans.
Still interesting, though, that even re ExCel he didn't mention securing freedom of protest as a desirable objective of policing.
He recalled that the Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, while functioning as Acting President, made a promise during the commissioning of a rice mill in Kebbi State that the government would do everything to secure their freedom within the shortest possible time.
But the measure was opposed by Liberal Democrats, who secured the freedom under the Coalition Agreement to abstain in any vote on the issue, and Mr Clarke indicated today in an interview with the Daily Telegraph that tough economic conditions made it unlikely to be introduced before 2015.
«Vengeance» takes on a different feel from previous seasons in that you're no longer watching the characters fight for their masters in the arena, but instead watching them trying to survive while building an army in order to fully secure their freedom.
The deeper I delved into research, however, the more responsibility I felt to do justice to our humble veterans, whose sacrifices secured the freedoms we too often take for granted.
In order to secure his freedom so that he can uncover the truth, Roger is forced to marry Blythe, the beloved daughter of one of England's most powerful and favored men, Richard Devereux, the Earl of Basildon.
The wrongful conviction work that Klinkosum conducted has not only secured the freedom of individuals wrongfully detained but has also led to systemic changes in North Carolina.
According to the Court, the aim of the contested decision was not to regulate the immigration of third country nationals, but to establish a further stage in securing freedom of movement for workers between the EU and Turkey by developing the links created by their association agreement.
«I want to thank the governor for the fatherly role he played in securing the freedom of the corps member.
If you live in the Miami, Florida area, or in West Palm Beach, Ft. Myers or anywhere in South Florida, and are in need of an attorney who will fight for your civil rights, get you the compensation to which you may be entitled, and work to secure your freedom from prosecution, you have come to the right place.
19:26 - The Freedom To Marry organisation, which put out yesterday's pro-reform letter countering Tory opponents to the bill, has this to say: «We believe today's vote was a momentous step towards the goal of securing the freedom for gay people to marry.»
As Chen was heading to the United States to begin a new chapter in his life, Fu said he was deeply grateful for the international community's efforts to secure his freedom - efforts that tested U.S. relations with the Communist giant.
Just as Daedalus refused to obey the tyrannical King Minos and secured freedom for himself and his son, so our hero, the prominent....
Especially at Vatican I and in the pontificate of Leo XIII (1878 — 1903), the Catholic Church embraced this epochal change, and began to work out in earnest a new, genuinely post-Constantinian teaching on the relation of Church, state, and civil society, a teaching above all concerned to secure the freedom and independence of the Church from the modern state.
They suffered oppression yet they had no way of securing their freedom.
Just as Daedalus refused to obey the tyrannical King Minos and secured freedom for himself and his son, so our hero, the prominent atheist A. C. Grayling, has refused to obey false authority and freed himself and his readers from the tyranny of religion.
She makes a point in her 1963 book On Revolution that violence may be required in initiating a new beginning such as a revolution in order to secure freedom.
He promised that his administration will do all within its powers in making the best efforts to secure their freedom.
Imagining a state that directs law and policy towards the common good, delivering the economic conditions needed to both empower and secure freedom for its citizens, is not only a republican pre-occupation.
To achieve its common good, therefore, a people must deploy its sovereignty to create political and economic arrangements that secure freedom in this sense for all citizens.
Sani stated that when the children and family members of wealthy Nigerians were abducted, «it takes no time to secure their freedom
Borno state Governor, Kashim Shettima has said that government was doing everything possible to secure freedom for elder statesman and first black OPEC president, Dr. Shettima...
At the same time, we welcome the support from across faiths that many of our societies experience on campus to help us secure the freedom to have our say, just as we support them in having the freedom to have theirs.»
Taking the trainees through the various Human Rights provisions in Ghana's Constitution, Lawyer Sosu concluded with the provisions in Article 33 (5) which provides that, * The rights, duties, declarations and guarantees relating to the Fundamental Human Rights and freedoms specifically mentioned in this Chapter shall not be regarded as excluding others not specifically mentioned which are considered to be inherent in a democracy and intended to secure the freedom and dignity of man *.
«We are mobilized and working with local Chadian authorities to secure the freedom of our compatriot.»
«The family had been contacted, but they told the abductors that even the entire family can't raise N1million and they were requesting for a staggering sum of N30million to secure his freedom
The Osun State chapter of the All Progressives Congress [APC] has noted that at least, 50 of its members are still in detention since the governorship election in the state, stressing that it would head to court later in the week with a view to securing their freedom.
However, the lie that no ransom was paid to secure the return of the Dapchi girls followed a consistent pattern of such under the table millions of dollars payments by the Nigerian government to Boko Haram to secure freedom of abductees, especially since the advent of the Buhari administration.
In «Regeneration Through Violence,» his classic study of the mythology of the frontier, from colonial times to the eve of the Civil War, the literary historian Richard Slotkin identifies two essential mythic figures: the captive, usually an innocent woman held against her will by ruthless and alien usurpers, and the hunter, who is obsessed with protecting her honor and, sometimes secondarily, securing her freedom.
Because the FDR / Daisy storyline is so inherently weak, the film shifts its focus to the preposterous notion that a visit to Hyde Park by the King and Queen of Britain in 1939 secured the freedom of the world by making firm allies of the USA and Great Britain.
The use of plea bargains is particularly insidious, because the accused typically don't have the money to make bail or mount a vigorous defense, so even the innocent are willing to plead guilty just to secure their freedom.
A plantation owner's daughter conspires with Swedish feminist Fredrika Bremer to secure the freedom of an African - born slave.
In a whirling twenty - four hours, Kotler must face the ultimate reckoning, both with those who have betrayed him and with those whom he has betrayed, including a teenage daughter, a son facing his own moral dilemma in the Israeli army, and the wife who once campaigned to secure his freedom and stood by him through so much.
He had first flown in under enemy radar with an Evangelical group purporting to buy slaves en masse to secure their freedom.
Not even her three best friends know of the power she could wield, given the chance.So, when she's sent back to her homeland to steal an ancient samurai sword, she jumps at the chance to secure her freedom, only to get caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the most dangerous crime syndicate in Japan.Can Akiko escape with her life and...
Not even her three best friends know of the power she could wield, given the chance.So, when she's sent back to her homeland to steal an ancient samurai sword, she jumps at the chance to secure her freedom, only to get caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the most dangerous crime syndicate in Japan.Can Akiko escape with her life and her soul, or is true freedom as elusive as the Aether she was born from?
When you surrender your freedom to the state, bow down to HSUS, and place «animal rights» above people, you are disrespecting those that have gave all to secure your freedom.
Players control a band of exiles who must compete in mystical battles across purgatory in an effort to secure their freedom.
We will work hard to protect your future, secure your freedom or minimize any potential penalties you face.
We leverage our legal knowledge and skill to design criminal defense strategies and have a proven track record of successfully defending our clients and securing their freedom.
Your side is essential to securing your freedom or lessening your charge.
Mike Klinkosum, JD» 95, was on the team that provided them with crucial representation to secure their freedom.
Justice Rutledge declared that the «proximate cause of our national existence» was not the desire to assure the great «democratic freedoms»; rather, it was the need «to secure freedom of trade» within the former Colonies.
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