Sentences with phrase «to see one's data»

I had not seen the data on how a credit score actually impacts your interest rates.
People who have an interest in seeing data in a particular direction have a hard time being objective about a range of judgments and in a variety of contexts.
One of the big surprises for the team was seeing the data for the average annual water deficit at study sites.
They should see data as a resource to use to help students improve.
I almost couldn't believe it when I first saw the data.
The ability to see data about how well your links perform, including the stores that more of your readers prefer.
It's great to see the data of another author who has data to support it.
You can also see the data visually on the chart.
After seeing the data showing the success of the workshop, I was excited to make the program available to parents worldwide, increasing my involvement and commitment to the program.
Most of the students say they have never seen the data before.
«Looking ahead, I won't be surprised to see the data starts indicating a stronger performance in the labor market,» he said.
When you say «compare,» on the other hand, the recruiter knows that you not only saw the data, but evaluated it in order to draw a conclusion.
Users have the right to a clear user interface that allows them to make informed choices about who sees their data and how it is used.
A bigger display makes it easier to see data at a glance while you're running outside, which is a bonus.
Nor have I ever seen any data showing this to be so.
I would be interested in seeing data indicating that ocean levels of carbon are increasing over time.
You can download the spreadsheet and see the data used to create the chart.
The long - term goal is to design an app that would allow patients and physicians to see the data collected by the device in real time.
Oh wait, one more thought: I haven't seen any data around people who are both on a healthy whole food plant based diet and drugs.
Think people know this intuitively, but great to see the data supports it.
It's important to finally see a data - driven account of the state of psychology, she says.
For example, instead of using data to bump achievement levels for «bubble kids,» we are now seeing data practices focused more on achieving equitable outcomes for all students.
In its centre, you can see data relating to adaptive cruise control, for example.
Make it easy for your audiences and filter the data down for them, so they immediately see the data they need and care about.
What test do we have to assess we accurately see data?
Who should be able to see the data stored on your phone?
A question raised by physicians is whether any patient, upon seeing this data, would want to be injected with the less stable agents.
That was the first time you started to see the data pull away from a flat universe, and it was suggestive.
I can not see any data asking people why they made the number of choices that they did.
All parents see data that tell them how well their children are doing.
How many times have business, civic, or media leaders in a city seen data on the city's schools and wondered exactly what it means or how it compares to other cities?
I see the carriers seeing the data consumption of the Android platform as a cash cow in the very near future.
The bank says a customer filling out an online form to make a branch appointment may have been able to see the data entered by a previous user.
If you can't see your data then I can't either.
The service runs on streaming music videos, which wouldn't be an issue for those with unlimited data, but rural players may soon see their data caps hit far too soon.
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