Sentences with phrase «to see the school»

Yet only 39 percent of students who did not see school as a welcoming place agreed with these statements on goals.
The waters are so beautifully clear that it didn't take long to see schools of fish that decided to accompany us on our trip.
By emphasizing creative tasks and experimentation, we can ensure that children see school in a whole new light.
The schools researched did not see a school council as enough on its own.
I have seen school leaders who inspire staff by the possibility of transformation, not by the pressure of tests.
The reporter was able to see school choice in action in one home and the struggle of a mother who needs school choice in another home.
I have seen a school district on the «bandwagon» create a position for a computer - resource - teacher - specialist who then had to create a job description.
But visiting schools all over the world I have seen schools with none or very little student works on the walls.
On the other hand, we also see schools which have very developmental and supportive cultures, where results are good, but not exceptional.
She expresses the same concerns as many food service directors who would rather not see school lunch become a welfare program.
In the 1990s, however, a new breed of urban mayor began to see the school system as one of the keys to rebuilding the cities.
Although most teachers were excited at the prospect of seeing our school through the lens of student engagement, some were reluctant.
Indeed, education is brimming with passionate people who see schooling as a way to make a difference.
She told an audience there she had never seen a school do social - emotional learning as well.
You'll also see schools come together to solve common problems (what to do about new credentials, for instance, or business education).
No one wants to see his school on the evening news as a scene of death and mayhem.
We are certainly seeing schools become increasingly optimistic about funding in the next year.
This student sees schools as a way of learning, but not what she wants.
But all too often, these same people see school facilities as a fixed frame of reference.
It is a great to see a school board member standing up for all children.
These are the people who will pay the price — and potentially reap the rewards — of seeing schools closed and new ones opened in their neighborhood.
I have always seen school reform work as the pathway to equity.
We don't want to see the school librarians have fewer resources for kids in need.
This change has seen the school move into the top 50 schools nationally for contextual value - added in 2007.
Seeing schooling from the student's viewpoint can provide us insights into how students are thinking and feeling.
-- In fact, many school nutrition directors have seen their school meal programs increase in participation since the initial changes.
Anyone who wants to see a school improve needs it — and needs to be prepared to initiate and participate in courageous conversations.
Every area has local priorities, and a balance needs to be struck that sees schools receive sufficient funding to meet needs.
So you often see schools doing a real focus on math and reading.
Investment in staff has seen the school develop its own strength and conditioning and sports science teams.
We want to see their schools supported to develop their working practices and for teachers with different experiences, commitments and circumstances to be valued.
Looking at school injury statistics in elementary school, one study found that 80 % of the students went to see the school nurse at least once in a given year.
See your school counselor with any questions — the end of the year will be here before you know it.
They are more likely to see school shootings as entrenched, and therefore better able to be understood and prevented.
We'd all like to see school food with fewer chemical additives, but is it realistic to expect districts to serve only «clean label» school food?
My students enjoy seeing my school bus project first (especially because I am horrible at drawing!).
I am just wondering if maybe we will actually see any school settings and kids in the game.
Participants told us this experience challenged them to see school leadership through a different lens.
The city had seen its school enrollment cut in half in recent decades, but now residents see new and compelling reasons for young people to stay and raise their families in this community.
I'd love to see our school switch things around so that recess comes before lunch.
I've actually seen these school lunches with my own eyes, as well as photographs.
I totally see the school girl look and then the advanced chic look!
Now that parents see the school in operation, instead of turning to private schools, «they're committed and they're staying,» she says.
He also wants to see his school achieve «more engagement with tech literacy» and better use of technology to teach and train.
The last few years have already seen school leaders having to make increasingly difficult decisions and more drastic cuts.
What are some standards you would like to see your school measured by as defined by the three criteria above?
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