Sentences with phrase «to see the truth»

"To see the truth" means to perceive or understand the reality or facts of a situation, rather than being misled by misconceptions or falsehoods. Full definition
People can not see the truth in the darkness, therefore things that once were right and functional have brought confusion to society.
Often there's those logs in my eyes that keep me from seeing the truth of myself.
It has to do with that annoying log in your eye, you just can't see the truth about yourself.
That is not to say that there hasn't been a lot of pain involved when I finally saw the truth about myself.
Your biases might be preventing you from seeing the truth.
I hope someone comes forward so we can see the truth behind those comments.
English team see the truth when it comes to champions league.
And only those who see that truth can survive in it.
But then, how are people ever going to see the truth if we don't expose it to the light?
You may realize that the Way and Truth are clearly inside you i.e. you can not see the truth without looking back at you or going through you.
I hope you've now seen the truth and the light?
Sometimes philosophers see that truth more clearly than scientists do.
I realized I'd actually been those good things all along — it's just that my mind was so programmed with junk that I couldn't see the truth before.
I just see the truth being compromised in their favor to make a good headline.
I have already seen the truth project and although there is christian faith in it, the truth project has zero truth when the science chapter comes in to play.
You are too blind to see His truth whether I write it in street language or scripture form.
Fortunately, one of my sons and my son - in - law see the truth in atheism.
I just happened to have moved on to other posts, came back to this post to copy something I saw another blogger post, happened to see the truths post and yours.
It's been a few years since I began to see my truth filter for what it was.
Others saw the truth about American church attendance quite differently.
And I became free to actually see the truth and joy behind some of the things.
Everybody sees the truth though, the pressure is on him to deliver and if he fails once more the excuses will be dried up.
For this exhibition demonstrates that artists and radicals saw a truth the British political establishment ignored.
We've seen this truth evidenced countless times as we've reviewed products that seemed amazing on paper, but fell flat under real - world use.
They will eventually see the truth and not trust you with it.
You can see this truth in many different ways.
Perhaps, the answer is to look within to see the truth of who we are.
Many veterinary technicians can relate to this quote and see the truth behind it.
Those who keep an open mind may see the truth when it is presented.
In fact it just might allow me to see the truth about what beauty really is.
I think we can see the truth here and we will vote accordingly.
Glad to see truth coming out about 2016 election.
If you are blind to the truth you will not see the truth no matter how clear it may be stated.
I usually give the conservtive crew a hard time for their vile nature, but I also see truth as truth, fair is fair.
We also see this truth over in Hebrews 5:8 where we read that Jesus learned obedience through what He suffered.
Haha you atheists are a joke, you want Christians to back up what they say, but you can say something like that and it's just «fact» riiiiiiight, you can't see the truth through all those lies!
Like his images of the Brown Sisters, the power of Nicholas Nixon's exhibition is seeing the truth revealed over time through a wide range of emotions that should all be seen, acknowledged, and felt.
Proud man will never see the truth because he is blinded by his sin.
But when a man sees the truth, his conscience tells him to follow it, and if he refuses, then the State has the right to compel that man to listen to his conscience.
John Senior, in The Restoration of Christian Culture, explains the phrase this way — «the lover is the only one who really sees the truth about a person... we can only love what we know because we have first touched, tasted, smelled, heard and seen.»
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