Sentences with phrase «to seek a divorce»

The phrase "to seek a divorce" means to ask a court to legally end your marriage. Full definition
What this means for parents seeking a divorce in the state is that a court can't rule on your custody issues unless and until your children establish residency there.
A hearing in civil court will be necessary, however, and the state also has residency requirements for couples seeking a divorce.
A typical client would be a woman seeking divorce from her husband.
For those parents seeking divorce who can get along, this should not pose a serious problem, only a few extra headaches.
When seeking a divorce, there are a number of legal forms that you will need to complete.
Many people seeking a divorce through mediation have never before been through the process and do not know what to expect.
Whether you are mentally ill yourself, have a child who is mentally ill, or are seeking a divorce from a mentally ill spouse, a family law attorney can help.
This Application is used when either party seeks a divorce, but there are issues of contention, or disagreement.
While couples who seek divorce get in touch with legal professionals, not many look for help to resolve their emotional troubles.
Through divorce proceedings spouses seek a divorce either alone or with an order addressing any of the following issues: custody and access, child support, or spousal support.
Couples who wish to work on their marriage instead of seeking a divorce should not enter the mediation process.
A family lawyer can offer legal advice and explanations of the circumstances under which a couple may seek divorce after a separation.
There is nothing the other spouse can do to prevent you from seeking the divorce as long as you have remained separate and apart for one year.
A few states require couples to attend marriage counseling before seeking a divorce.
Seeking divorce advice from a marriage therapist or a professional counselor is highly advisable.
A contested divorce occurs when two parties in a marriage seek a divorce but are unable to resolve all of the matters and issues in that divorce.
I remember when a friend of mine contacted a big firm, seeking a divorce lawyer.
It is common knowledge that mediation is used amongst mediators and individuals seeking divorce among many other services.
During both the Mediation and Collaborative Practice (CP) process, couples seeking a divorce often rely on other valuable resources in addition to their primary contact.
When the tough decision to seek a divorce becomes imminent, couples have a few different options to consider.
These grounds allow one spouse to seek a divorce without the consent of the other.
The complaint is the document in which the person seeking the divorce states her case.
Many seek divorce first instead of seeking Him first and listening and allow Him to do the work in each in that relationship that needs to be done.
There are many couples each year who end up seeking a divorce settlement and you don't want to be one of the statistics!
Since more middle - aged women seek divorce then men, why would they be eager to get back into the same situation?
For any couple with kids, the biggest worry about seeking a divorce is probably how it will affect the children.
Clients seeking divorce often try to resolve issues through informal negotiations.
Whether you are the one seeking a divorce or you have just been served with legal documents by your spouse, we can help guide you through the process.
She is seeing an increasing number of clients married more than 25 years seeking divorce.
Simply being unhappy in a marriage shouldn't automatically warrant seeking a divorce except with careful consideration.
A couple seeking divorce works with a team including two attorneys, a financial professional and a neutral mental health issue to help the couple divorce without the trauma of litigation.
In addition to increased confidentiality, mediation offers the couple seeking divorce complete control over the outcome.
You may seek a divorce in the state if either you or your spouse have been living there for at least six months.
You will simply omit any information specific to parties seeking a divorce.
Most women seeking divorce have 3 priorities: 1.
To many parents seeking divorce, the final divorce decree can be a very welcome relief from stress and anxiety.
She is also the founder of Hello Divorce, an online platform that provides free and subscription - based resources and flat - fee legal services for people seeking a divorce.
In this complaint, you must list your grounds, or reasons, for seeking a divorce.
To save your marriage and avoid a divorce, partners should be honest about the trouble in the marriage, and seek divorce advice.
Among couples seeking a divorce, one third report that they did not go to marriage counseling because their spouse was unwilling to go.
This information is for non-married parents, Adult Interdependent Partners and married parents not seeking a divorce.
Also, if you forgave your spouse and had sexual relations with them again after you learned of their affair, you will also be prevented from seeking a divorce on this ground.
Justice John Bivona, a Democrat, rejected the allegation that Calcaterra had «perpetrated a «fraud» on the Pennsylvania Court» by seeking a divorce in the Keystone State.
A spouse who is seeking a divorce based on a one - year separation may reconcile (get back together) with his or her spouse without disrupting the one year time period as long as they are back together for no longer than 90 days.
If you are seeking a divorce attorney in Weston Florida that will represent you with compassion and vigor, look no further.
Colorado is a no - fault state, meaning that couples may only seek a divorce if the marriage is irretrievably broken.
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