Sentences with phrase «to seek redress»

Canadian negotiators can thus be proactive in seeking redress for Canadian firms in the US patent process, as well as protecting existing flexibilities to equalize the playing field.
«We will continue to stand united with brother bishops, religious institutions, and individual citizens who seek redress in the courts for as long as this is necessary.»
In this episode of Elizabeth's video series about civil sexual assault law, she describes the challenges that survivors face seeking redress through civil courts.
Informality: But for making a complaint to the ombudsman's office, there are no prescribed mechanisms for seeking redress against a government body.
I conclude by reminding those who have defamed me or who intend to do so that in making this statement I am by no means giving up my right to seek redress at law and repeat that I expressly reserve my rights to take all such steps as I and my solicitors consider necessary to protect my interests.
He told the court that though the incident occurred in 2016, the injury he sustained on his spinal cord prevented him from seeking a redress on the matter until now.
Either way, she was prevented from seeking any redress by the upper castes...
Instead, the Code gave employees a mechanism for seeking redress when they believe that their termination from employment was unjust, such as when they are not provided appropriate notice or when the reason for their dismissal is discriminatory.
(Let us assume that the Bar does not exist in principle as a barrier to citizens seeking redress of grievances through the judicial system.
But it doesn't take a Ph.D. — or a law degree — to understand that clearly defined rights and procedures, plus the backing of a union, can strengthen and clarify the position of a lone, impecunious individual seeking redress for perceived unfair treatment by a powerful member of a large institution.
The Law Society has rejected Lord Justice Jackson's proposals on changes to civil costs because they «will prevent ordinary people seeking redress».
Mr Drake - Brockman noted that an employee who was terminated or disadvantaged by an employer for a discriminatory reason - for example, on the basis of sex, race or disability - would still be able to access «unlawful termination» remedies under the new workplace relations laws or seek redress under State and Federal anti-discrimination laws.
Whatever vitriol might light up Twitter accounts, the Canadian complaint is totally within WTO rules and the right of any member to seek redress where another member nullifies or impairs its benefits under the WTO Agreement.
Orengo said they would not seek redress through legal channels again, adding that they had tried once and failed.
Plaintiffs seeking redress for consumer statutory violations must allege more than bare - bones violations to preserve standing in federal court post-Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, 136 S. Ct. 1540 (2016).
If LAUSD failed to abide by the terms of the court orders, CCSA had the ability to immediately seek redress before the Court, which retained jurisdiction over the case.
A state appeals court has reinstated a lawyer's suit against a company offering cut - rate legal services, ruling that - despite a voter - approved law limiting unfair - competition suits - a business that's being undercut by a rival's practices can still seek redress in court.
Lawyer Elizabeth Grace describes the challenges that survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault face seeking redress through civil courts.
Korkoya expressed appreciation to all contestants in the elections for respecting the rule of law by exploring judicial means to seek redress after the elections.
Those clients include individuals fighting for their civil rights, consumers seeking redress for unfair business practices, whistleblowers exposing fraud and corruption, tenants» associations battling to preserve decent and affordable housing, and non-profit entities and businesses facing difficult litigation.
Even when voters seek redress for high unemployment or inflation, it's based on buying into a short term narrative that is successfully sold by the winning party, not previous experience.
digital currency transaction and therefore seek redress.
From whom, one might ask, does the fellow who lost his beach home in Malibu to February's mudslides seek redress for «environmental injustice»?
«MHA knows that they can use the inefficiency and massive delays of the Indian bureaucracy as a weapon — forcing charities like Compassion to either accept their determinations, or spend years seeking redress in a painfully slow and often corrupt legal system,» he said.
This story is about activists, in this case five women and one guy, who are currently seeking redress against two police forces, the Met and South Wales, plus the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo), for allegedly infringing their human rights.
In the suit against Abdullahi Bello Bodejo; Huseini Yusuf Bosso; Saleh Alhasan; Alhaji Lagogi; Mallam Mumini Abdullahi; Mohammed Adamu and Ibrahim Sule; the government is seeking a redress pursuant to Section 185 (b) of the Criminal Procedure Code Cap 51 Laws of Benue State 2004.
Not so for John Liu, and now he is properly seeking redress in federal court.
Though the impeachment process has already been completed and announced, the Chief Justice at the school court (where Emmanuel Nana Yaw Amoafo sought redress) has advised congress to give Emmanuel Nana Yaw Amoafo a fair hearing at the next congress sitting.
As a result candidates were not competing on a level - playing field in the pre-election period, and the election disputes and appeal procedures generally did not provide the complainants with effective means to seek redress prior to the election.
Success sought redress from the state education commissioner, MaryEllen Elia, and then in State Supreme Court, but both the commissioner and a judge ruled that the city could demand that Success sign the contract in order to be paid.
Omo - Agege had headed to the court to seek redress following his suspension against the Senate (1st defendant), the Senate President (2nd defendant), and the Attorney General of the Federation (3rd).
We've said that there will be fees to deter vexatious claims; compulsory arbitration; and the right to seek redress only after two years of employment, rather than one year.
He further disclosed that he was engaging his lawyers to possibly seek redress in the court of law to clear his name.
The group implored all aggrieved political parties, stakeholders and candidates to be mindful of their utterances, seek redress if any by engaging the legal framework as provided for in the constitution in pursuance of their grievances without heating up the polity, which it noted may result into endangering the lives of innocent citizens and bring into disrepute the nation's democracy.
But Justice Edumein in Wednesday ruling said the litigants failed to follow the laid down guideline in the party constitution in seeking redress whilst the case was being struck out because it was premature.
Legislator Wolfe Seeks Redress for Inconvenience Caused by Upcoming Ironman Event added by dskriloff on August 10, 2012 View all posts by dskriloff →
However, Mr. Yakubu has also dragged the commission to another federal high court sitting at Court road, Kano seeking redress on the forfeiture order.
The survey is part of the pioneering Genetic Discrimination Project, which is attempting to document the extent of genetic discrimination in Australia and help any victims seek redress.
Pull the frame back a bit, however, and the larger picture of Mother Earth seeking redress from the ravages of man emerges.
Have your students assume the role of detectives searching for the new places where advertisers are promoting themselves and their products, learn how to effectively seek redress for a consumer problem or explore different types of inflation and terms associated with it.
Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald dismissed a lawsuit against NYSUT filed by teachers seeking redress because their 403 (b) plans — the public sector equivalent to 401 (k) s — had high fees and poor returns while the union was receiving payments from ING to promote the plan to members.
To learn more about the situation, we surveyed 507 of Navient's customers to see how many of these individuals have been impacted by these alleged practices that caused the CFPB suit seeking redress for affected consumers.
Furthermore, I intend to consider seeking redress in civil court to recover damages, costs, and attorney fees, should you fail to respond.
While, photographer Katrijn Van Giel was successful in her copyright infringement claim against Luc Tuymans in a Belgian court in early 2015, the costs (time, economic and emotional) involved in pursuing litigation remain understandably off - putting for artists seeking redress against unwelcomed copying by other artists.

Phrases with «to seek redress»

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