Sentences with phrase «to seem at the time»

Some readers responded that they shared my frustration with excessive jargon, which seems at times like the building block of a gate meant to keep out less serious readers.
Years ago I heard a colleague share what seemed at the time to be an overly simplistic personal equation.
Thank you for being a Light in a design world which seems at time too focused on expensive design which only the privileged can afford.
Political discussions seem at an all time high, especially with the onset of digital and social media in the last several years.
To do it in a few years for $ 22,000 seemed at times just plain impossible.
The game just looks how you remember things seeming at the time, and that's the case here.
I am so pleased that I took the, what seemed at the time, big risk of paying for your ebook.
In this regard the indirect results of the rising faith in immortality seem at times as important as the substance of the faith itself.
There seemed at the time to be a lot of possibilities that McCloud was suggesting but that not enough people were really trying out or experimenting with.
What's most surprising about the recent return of classical portraiture is realizing how utterly absent it was from the art world for so many years, to such an extent that Andy Warhol — one of the people ostensibly responsible for killing the form — helped found the New York Academy of Art in 1982 in order to salvage the kind of technical fine arts training (most notably figure drawing) that seemed at the time in danger of becoming extinct.
That all these lines of evidence essentially assumed what they were supposedly «proving» — namely that nothing systematic and catastrophic could occur — seemed at the time not a matter worth attending to.
The very barriers which seem at times insurmountable also provide the potential for the growing edge of intimacy.
The convulsions elsewhere in the Middle East, for example in nearby Tunisia, are of no interest to Noredin, played in wonderfully lugubrious and fatalistic fashion by the imposing Fares, who seems at times like an Egyptian Philip Marlowe.
Lover for a Day seems at times almost a parody of Garrel's work, a throwback to a time when a filmmaker's artistry or hubris often excused, for many viewers, melodramatic characterizations of women, who in this kind of thing all too often threaten suicide or erratically burst into tears.
This idea came from a quote Smithson found: «the earth's history seems at times like a story recorded in a book each page of which is torn into small pieces.
In fact, I never felt like everything really mended well together as the controls did seem at times unresponsive.
If the editorial habit of paraphrasing Julian may seem at times patronising to the reader, it does serve to drive home her message.
Such relativism seems at times to be evangelising the Church, rather than the other way around.
Jarman seems at times (in «Dressing My Daughters,» for example) to drag the divine in to touch up what would otherwise be an undistinguished poem.
I must admit that I am getting a bit worried about the German international centre back signed by Arsenal last summer, as Shkodran Mustafi seems at times to be going backwards in his development as a top class player.
Vick's deep ball seemed at times to look like a straight line in the air from certain views and hence the canon term.
«As a father seeking to raise a son in an environment that seems at times hostile to the idea of manhood, I found Heather's book both challenging and refreshing!
The tumultuous 2009 Copenhagen conference seemed at the time to spell the end of a UN-centred framework to organise international climate mitigation efforts in favour of smaller and narrower institutional settings.
With no Lieutenant Governor, Espada was technically next in line for the governorship, and Paterson's administration seemed at times to be teetering.
Built around the usual sluggish grammar of instrumental hiphop, the tracks seems at times to collapse in on themselves, swollen with lugubrious 1970s jazz funk keyboards, strategically aimless organ vamps and miscellaneous concrete samples.
However for some newer gamers, the gameplay of Doom will seem at times antiquated which does rely on the run and shoot system of the original first person shooters.
Held together almost entirely by Cranston's performance, «All the Way» seems at times intentionally counter-intuitive; so much of the story's advancement depends on deals that no one feels really great about that it's hard to find the kind of catharsis many expect from these sorts of films.
Dirk Diggler (Mark Wahlberg) and Amber Waves (Julianne Moore) are two of the film's most interesting characters in terms of costume, especially how their outfits seem at times to be simpatico, although, as we discover with exclusive insight from Mark Bridges himself, this was not intentional: «Fifteen years after designing the film you mention something to me I never noticed!»
These differing approaches kept coming to mind as I read Ron Childress» And West is West, a novel that addresses some serious, even urgent, social questions but which seems at times more interested in scoring quick points for being socially conscious than really exploring the issues it raises in a thoughtful and thorough way.
However callous this Twitter - versy seemed at the time, it posed an interesting challenge: Can the publishing world channel all of this collective anger, bewilderment and fear into industry - altering strategies?
During the quarter, the levity of strong operating results seemed at times to be exerting a weaker pull than the force of «macro» fears (e.g., solvency of European banks, deficit concerns, unemployment).
It certainly seemed at the time that Dissidia fell between the cracks of «not RPG enough» for FF fans and «not brawly enough» for fight fans.
There are so many different artworlds and kinds of art occurring in the 21st century that painting and sculpture seem at times to be ideas out of the distant past.
Trained as a painter, Shibata brings an unerring eye for composition and color: streams of water seem at times like strokes flowing from a painter's brush.
After all, American painting seemed at that time — although I didn't know much about it — it seemed unimportant.
Celaya's work seems at times so near that it evades recognition.
Her art can seem at times blatantly didactic, at other times arbitrarily and meaninglessly decorative.
He painted then in a nervously linear manner, utilizing a fantastic imagery and a variety of surface textures which seemed at the time related to the paintings of Max Ernst (1891 - 1976) and to the automatic writing of Andre Masson (1896 - 1987).
Thanks are due Mike for his candid and edifying replies, but proxy data splicing still seems at times as subjective as the history on which it partially depends.
No matter how hard my job seems at times, there's one thing that brings me back to my desk day after day, year after year: The knowledge that all these amazing men, women, and young persons who make up Earth Island's nearly 80 projects, are out there striving tirelessly to achieve that one goal that they have set for themselves be it saving a tiny burrowing owl, keeping our ocean and beaches free of plastic pollution, or fixing our broken food system.
The ideas of early settlement or summary determination of unsuitable disputes, rigorous and costeffective case management of those that remained, coupled with the intellect and fairness that have always been the traditional hallmarks of the British judiciary, must have seemed at the time exactly what was required to maintain London's and the UK's competitiveness as a place to do business as well as argue about any resulting disputes.
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