Sentences with phrase «to select each study»

A meta - analysis of selected studies on the effectiveness of bilingual education.
While female troops in general are less likely to see combat, the researchers selected the study sample so there would be equal numbers of men and women with combat experiences.
The foundation's small animal scientific advisory board selected the studies with the greatest potential to save lives and that preserve the health and advance veterinary care.
We present selected study results to describe variation across home visitors in communication style and to demonstrate further how the portfolio of measures can be used in research and practice.
However, this previous analysis selected studies of shorter duration, excluded trials that had calorie - restricted diets, and didn't take study intensity into account.
Related space biology research continues aboard the space station, including recently selected studies that are planned for future launch to the orbiting laboratory.
For two years, all parties kept a lid on the deal while select study teams began an inventory.
Also they can get the option to select study materials in their specified subject.
Supporters of the political left select studies that show correlations between poverty and negative outcomes for children.
«NASA selects studies for the asteroid redirect mission.»
Somehow, contrary to the implications of the most recent and credible research which indicates that joint custody either is problematic or offers no benefits on balance for children or their families, Bauserman has managed to «meta - analyze» selected studies on custody and come to what superficially appears to be the opposite conclusion.
Aside from an organization that egregiously misrepresents a study, or hand picks only select studies from a wealth of data to suit its agenda, or takes limited research and makes very dangerous recommendations or claims that go against practice as usual, then I don't see the problem with the recommendations and position that AAFP has made.
(Download an overview of selected studies from 1998 to 2003.)
Inman Select Studies Inman Select conducted intensive surveys within the real estate industry to determine the current perception of online leads and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, individual agent success with investing in leads and the CRM software available, and methods that can improve the experience with both.
A: I did not select the studies to review myself; I took them straight from MANA's website.
Therefore, the examination of dose - response which is most valid is from a single study having randomly selected study groups having different doses of vitamin C, so that exposure to viruses is similar and the result definition is the same in the study groups.
This series is designed to make available to a wider readership selected studies drawing on the work of the OECD Directorate for Education.
Selected studies based on interpretations of satellite imagery have been used to support the claims that U.S. biofuels induce deforestation in the Amazon, but satellite images can not be used to determine causes of land - use change.
Responsible for the annual recruitment of up to 100 selected study participants for initial baseline interview / questionnaire from multiple infectious disease clinics in Philadelphia with the assistance of physicians, nurse practitioners and case managers to ensure confidentiality of patients and medical records.
Reviewers selected studies comparing cognitive impairments in children and adolescents (aged less than 18 years old) with DSM - IV bipolar disorder with either a healthy sample or normative data.
The authors selected studies that had compared CBT alone with antidepressants alone, in adults diagnosed with depression.
Virtually none of the purported benefits are established science, but rather suggestive results of selected studies, much of which is contradicted by other scientific studies.
Our independent scientific advisory board — all members of which are leaders in their fields as well as advocates on the reproducibility problem — selects studies for replication.
Sadly, they did not correct their error as they chose to focus on a lopsided and incomplete analysis of the fees found in a narrow and select study of mutual fund IRAs.
Please click on the study title to view a table of contents, obtain additional information or to purchase all or portions of the selected study.
Where systematic reviews or meta - analyses are available, allowing analysis of findings from a number of well - selected studies, these obviously provide a stronger evidence base on which it is possible to base arguments with greater conviction.
We selected all studies in which the primary or secondary goal was to evaluate the association between breastfeeding and UC or CD as separate entities.
Each selected study was rated on a number of factors that reflected study rigor and significance, as well as findings.
It permits flexibility in selecting studies and researchers and the opportunity for rapid changes in direction because the grants are for specific purposes and last only a limited number of years.
Selected Studies» below.)
In this session, selected studies will be reviewed that demonstrate that Reading Recovery is effective for students in a variety of contexts.
The key question we ask ourselves in selecting studies to include in EBMH is will mental health clinicians be able to use the findings of this study in their practice?
The selected studies were intervention studies that were conducted on farms in Norway, that used adult participants with mental health problems / disorders, and... that reported outcome measures related to mental health.
Supporters of the political right tend to select studies that show correlations between divorce and negative outcomes for children.
A second level of screening will then take place, where two pairs of review authors (AS, MM, JD and LT) will independently assess and select studies for inclusion against the inclusion criteria described above (Criteria for considering studies for this review).
Given that studies on fathers» parenting behavior were relatively scarce, we selected studies on fathers (e.g., Stattin and Kerr 2000).
As peers of the portfolio's primary audiences, research advisory panel members provided invaluable expertise and advice to ensure that the selected study proposals address issues faced by a diverse range of home visiting models.
We expected that, in a hybrid Structural Equation Model, the selected study variables (personality, attachment style and interpersonal attraction) will predict romantic inclination mediated by social influence (media and peer influence).
The selected studies, from as early as 1982 through 1999, contained a total of 1846 sole custody children (an average of only 55 children per study) and 814 jont custody children (fewer than 25 children per study).
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