Sentences with phrase «to select stories»

Go to your home screen and swipe right or select Your Story from the top of the screen.
One with a podcast with free readings of selected stories as well.
Mutual Rescue will share selected stories in film, print, and online.
The closing portion of your story prompt needs to be very specific to help the person select a story to share with you.
Try this: Select a story problem your students might be able to solve.
This applies to other areas of the game as well, such as upgrading your skills, modifying your weapons, or even just selecting a story mission from the map.
Select story elements seem designed to leave a trail into the next two or more games.
4... With appropriately selected stories you are able to socially prepare your child for kindergarten.
A report from Gizmodo this week suggests that a team of «news curators» subjectively selected stories for the objective - sounding «trending» section of the Facebook homepage.
Story Mode Operations — Starting at level 50, players will be able to queue for one selected Story Mode Operation that will change daily.
Anthologies of reading for schoolchildren now carefully select stories to include all the major ethnic and racial groups; to ensure that girls and women are portrayed in a positive, nonsexist manner; and to include at least one selection dealing with a disabled person.
Entire populations move money in and out of crypto based on mainstream news sharing select stories.
-- You can now select the story mode and the supported languages via the Main Menu.
By Calvin Reid in PW (Aug 17, 2016)-- Wattpad, the online reading and writing community, is launching Wattpad Futures, a new program that will place paid advertising between the chapters of selected stories on the site.
Meanwhile, PlayStation VR exclusive fishing experience Monster of the Deep has a release date of 21st November, and the next update of Final Fantasy 15 includes the ability to select story chapters and view a bestiary.
The child selects the story by choosing one of the 5 buttons on Violet's collar, each of which correspond to a book.
Munchkins will then select the story that they think «that stinks!»
The Foundation also released selected stories gathered during «Only Abilities Matter», the campaign it launched in 2011 to promote disability awareness.
The new, paid mobile app for iPhone and iPod, debuting April 2, will cost $ 8 per month, and will focus on aggregation and curation, with editors selecting stories from the NYT and the wider Internet for a «fast and engaging news experience.»
Why did Lee select that story as the title story?
Captain Kidd curated his readings very carefully, selecting stories based on the communities in which he was reading.
Through expertly selected stories of people on all sides of the violent conflicts, readers will gain a larger understanding of the conditions that incubated the Klan's terrorism; how profoundly the freed people and their sympathizers suffered; and how the legacy of that fear, racism, and brutality runs through our own time.
Here are four articles — written at different stages during the past 12 months — giving the different sides of the KDP Select story:
David Mitchell, Michael Collins, David Shields and Billy Collins selected the stories, flash fiction, memoirs and poems in this anthology.
Publish selected stories: As an author of short stories, you should select some of your stories and publish them individually in quality magazines and literary journals.
Wired has selected the story about «This will change your life forever» amongst the best Wired photo stories of 2017.
As the writer of Too Hot Not To Handle, HBO's one - hour global warming documentary, Susan helped select the stories and scientists that would best convey the impacts of climate change on the lives of Americans and communicate the variety of solutions already underway to address the climate challenge.
Several former Facebook «news curators,» as they were known internally, also told Gizmodo that they were instructed to artificially «inject» selected stories into the trending news module, even if they weren't popular enough to warrant inclusion — or in some cases weren't trending at all.
For example, you can select story books and writing topics that endorse key social messages (eg what makes a good friend).
Clippet, a digital mobile app that offers users bite - sized portions of news with the option to select the story in order to hear the entire piece, is going after the busy,... [Read more...]
Waldorf education is attuned to child development at every stage, from play - based kindergarten laying foundations for creative problem solving, to an ongoing developmentally relevant curriculum matching the child's cognitive abilities, to carefully selected stories that bring connection to the child's inner emotional development.
While the topics and length of the selected stories were similar, the number of times they were shared on Facebook, Twitter, and by email ranged from 34 to 12,743.
Review and select stories from our partners and rewrite headlines to fit Business Insider style (piques your curiosity without overselling)
This internship will teach you the ins and outs of how a digital news site operates, from selecting stories to forming strategic editorial partnerships.
If story functions as a symbol that actually reflects the interrelated world and fosters our relationships with the world, then we need to select stories that reflect many dimensions of the world.
On Braithwaite's grounds, the teacher could select any story that serves to strengthen moral intentions.
From Men in Blazers: Rog talks with American novelist and short story writer Jim Shepard about his new book «The World To Come,» how he unearths and selects the stories he tells, his love for Amsterdam Football Club Ajax, and why he's Alex Trebek's worst nightmare.
It goes to journalists via e-mail, so they can review it quickly to select the stories that interest them on our Web site, where the articles are in a full - text searchable database.
We may select your story to be posted on our Web Site.
The musical production will be performed in spring by the primary pupils involved in the workshops, with the selected story's writer adopting the role of assistant director.
Selected stories from Feb. 2, 1982:
Selected stories from May 26, 1982.
In principle, the idea is splendid: it makes perfect sense to select stories that not only help students develop reading skills (and an appreciation for good writing) but also raise moral issues.
Her fourth collection, Binocular Vision: New and Selected Stories, was published in January 2011 by Lookout Books, a new imprint at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.
Steven Millhauser for We Others: New and Selected Stories.
Fortunately, in 2011, Penguin released a paperback edition of his Selected Stories, which went on to become one of the New York Times Book Review's «10 Best Books of the Year.»
Clippet, a digital mobile app that offers users bite - sized portions of news with the option to select the story in order to hear the entire piece, is going after the busy, on - the - go crowd who still want to be connected to current events but don't have time to come home after work and read yesterday's print news.
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