Sentences with phrase «to sell millions of copies»

While I am not currently selling millions of copies of my book, selling any copies at all was a fantastic experience and I have to say, great fun.
The book has been published in 43 countries and has sold millions of copies worldwide.
I don't know if today that would still be a bestseller with books selling millions of copies.
I don't have an agent and I don't have a big traditional publisher and I get some good reviews, but I don't sell millions of copies.
That doesn't stop of course the newly released Dark Souls III from selling millions of copies across the world.
There are novels that have sold millions of copies with two reviews.
There are just too many authors selling millions of copies of self - published e-books.
The book — which had sold millions of copies even then — was dense, for sure.
Better yet, they want author who sell millions of copies.
You can not expect to publish your fiction book and sell millions of copies overnight.
If selling millions of copies defines you, you might want to rethink your definition of success.
While a new IP with a dedicated gimmick can take off the ground selling millions of copies, no matter how generic it might be?
Given the money the company is spending on the game, it'll need to sell millions of copies just to break even.
Then, a game hits the shelves and sells millions of copies for a week or two before it's forgotten.
Their bestselling books on building loving relationships have sold millions of copies worldwide.
The Phenomenon of Man sold millions of copies in the United States.
From the standpoint of anthropology and This is Dragonball Online, the MMORPG based on the hit manga which sold millions of copies around the world, and considered to be the work which opened up
For a series that sold millions of copies over the course of 15 years, it's more than a little odd that there's no formal name for Sega's in - house pro football game franchise.
Amanda Hocking is an indie publishing sensation whose self - published novels have sold millions of copies all over the world, and Switched is the book that started the phenomenon.
After selling millions of copies in Japan and receiving numerous different awards, it's time for North American gamers to experience the Monster Hunter mania that everyone in Japan has been talking about.
The decision to release it as a stand - alone title could have been influenced by the popularity of Treyarch's Black Ops games — they likely won't need a bundled remastered game in order to sell millions of copies on launch day.
Their hymnbook sold millions of copies, and though sold cheaply it brought in handsome sums in royalties.
The guy who self - published a book about how to use hypnotism to put a baby to sleep sold millions of copies in the first days.
The Dragon Quest franchise has always been a hot commodity in Japan, with each entry selling millions of copies.
Franchises like Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and Monster Hunter sell millions of copies with each new release, but what keeps us coming back are the characters weve come to love over the years.
An instalment in the Zelda series arriving on a Nintendo console is as inevitable as the sun rising to the East or a game with the word «Wii» in its title selling millions of copies.
I hope you and your agent and Amazon sell millions of copies and put the final nail in the Royals» coffin.
Whilst we're aware that most people won't care for such a game, there is a market for simulators that never really dies and the series as a whole has sold millions of copies since its inception.
In an era where weird, hyper short indie games are selling millions of copies due to their fun - factor, and when every time a «good» Nintendo game comes out where people champion gameplay over graphics, it is great to know that people like Omega Force are here to give you the thing you crave most some times.
Ubisoft's The Division sold millions of copies when it came out in 2016 and is still played by many gamers today.
One of those would grab attention, it'd potentially sell millions of copies and it'd provide the team with a good creative outlet that wouldn't sink without a trace in the market.
«We've sold millions of copies right, so there's so many people out there who've played the game, who talk about it,» Castoro insisted.
This might seem crazy to those of us who wrote Sonic off long ago, but the fact is, his games were selling millions of copies as recently as 2012.
Every every EA Sports releases their Madden football franchise to coincide with the new NFL season starting and every year it consistently sells millions of copies.
«A lot of people are coming to me saying things like «our game's a bit like Limbo, and Limbo sold millions of copies
But the reason that GTA and CoD sell millions of copies is because they are rated M.
Likewise, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and even its Wii U counterpart sold millions of copies.
With the TV show taking the world by storm, it was a great decision by Nintendo to release an updated version of the original games as it was a commercial success which went on to sell millions of copies during its life span.
Final Fantasy VII became an iconic classic that sold millions of copies back in 1997 thanks to its beloved characters.
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