Sentences with phrase «to send one»

The results from this year's campaign far surpassed the number of messages sent in 2014.
You build that reputation by getting to know others, not by sending letters to every publisher listed in the latest Writer's Market.
In times of disagreement, you can avoid verbal arguments by sending messages back and forth.
The days of sending emails to colleagues asking them to carry out tasks are well and truly over.
That's high, and the true rate is even higher because most of the obviously bad X-rays were not sent in for official evaluation.
Not brought up from the practice squad for five minutes because somebody got hurt and then sent right back to the practice squad....
So please send in your application so that I consider you for my forever home.
You don't have to spend extra money for sending messages to different women.
Make sure the dog is looking where you want it to go before sending on his / her name.
If the seller does NOT show up, my lawyer said he may not just send back the check.
I didn't know the dry dog food came in small bites but am very pleased it was just sent when I ordered it.
Many traditional agents, however, prefer query letters sent by email.
Dogs are also sent home with oral pain medication for first two days of recovery.
A three percent fee is applied when sending money through a credit card, while transferring cash from a debit card is free.
Otherwise, we risk he gets sent on loan and then sold in the dark of night like other once promising young guns.
Cookies, for anyone who isn't already familiar, are small pieces of data sent from a website and then stored in a user's web browser.
If you dig it, you can sign up here to get more sent right to your inbox.
This is important to know as sending money from an African country to another African country costs sometimes more than double as any other country to country transaction in other continents.
They know that because so were the other 27 people who sent in resumes.
You can make calls as well as send text messages through the watch alone.
If sent by post, it is taken to have been served at the time of posting, whether or not received.
Child: Daddy, does god send people to hell?
The information was also sent home via email to ensure that those who weren't able to attend still have access to the information.
I am surprised I didn't get sent home from school that day.
It can be paired to a six - speed manual or a six - speed automatic transmission, both of which send power exclusively to the rear wheels.
The car can then sends power to the rear wheels when needed.
Your information is encrypted in a highly - safe digital format, is never sent through e-mail, and is safe with us.
As a general rule, don't send texts before 9 am or after 9 pm.
However, you have to realize that this is the energy you just sent into the universe, and it's therefore also the energy you're attracting into your life.
Some people claim to be in love with you, or falling for you after sending only a small number of messages.
It's amazing ear protection for babies who are active and it is a god send for parents who regularly attend events and shows with their kids in tow.
This means that the extension can view every web page you visit, modify those web pages, and even send information about that over the web.
This law requires you to get explicit consent before sending someone a message and applies to email as well as automated texts.
The plants that have been warned, even though not stressed themselves, will start sending signals about the impending drought to those farther away, encouraging them to prepare for the hard times.
I thought about sending someone for the rest of my stuff, but aside from empty bottles and a broken radio, all there was was books.
When stimulated, these receptors trigger activity in peripheral neurons, which then send signals to the brain via the central nervous system.
Only send payment if they state, in writing, that the debt is settled.
Each type of loan has a loan servicer who sends information about repayment.
Here are 5 online dating rejection letters sent via email and text.
It's like collecting emails for a mailing list and then never sending anything out.
The survey looked at various scenarios, involving different amounts of data sent over longer periods of time.
And I also have a content strategy plan on sending once a month an email to those who have been on the list.
Please send resume with salary requirements to the HR Recruiter.
Some states have a required waiting period, but you can have your marriage certificate sent by mail.
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