Sentences with phrase «to send someone down»

The same tactics are used in politics to maintain the cult and adherence to doctrine - talking points sent down from on high.
And that kind of sent me down a road.
They could pitch him, then send him down and go with 11 for a day or two to give someone a rest then send him back down.
They were sent down for transfer to jail and a youth detention centre.
Curious to see who gets sent down when he returns.
One is pointing us upward, to our visionary selves; the other sends us down into the murky waters of our own shadows.
While some of the pants sent down on the runway are pretty wearable and can make their way into a mature wardrobe, others are too extreme and scream for courage and creativity.
Any shuttle that did not reach the baseline will be sent down as fast as a bullet.
(50) Is it not enough for them that We have sent down unto thee the Scripture which is read unto them?
Listening to music this time of year can give you both strength and send you down memory lane.
It can also send you down a very destructive path.
What a wonderful bath with the large round window... it would be a pleasure to send some down time in this home!
There is nothing wrong with him physically, so the team sends him down to the minors and puts him to work with the top sports psychologist in the country.
And you'll stumble on wonderful books you'd never heard of that'll send you down new paths of adventure and excitement.
See we know you are a troll because christians are specifically instructed not to lie or condemn, both of which are punished by being sent down below apparently.
I had my mom send down the extra ingredients I knew I would need but hadn't brought down when I moved in.
If he was being sent down during the regular season that would be another story.
Well, criminals sent down leave their vote outside the prison gates.
Yet any good hand - washing can still send it down the drain.
The reduction is such that images of moving objects changing ten times a second can be sent down phone lines.
The spin that so easily sends us down internally is one we all need to guard ourselves from.
Whatever destructive emotions arise, imaging sending them down a bamboo pole during meditation.
Every voluntary contraction starts as a signal that the brain sends down the nerves and into the muscle.
Which in all reality was probably sent down the actual runway last fall.
And yet what the Japanese master sent down the runway was, once again, not real clothing.
And maybe if you do nt think of wearing your leaf prints, you could send it down Nice post.
That is until a family tragedy sends him down the dark, twisted path of a life of crime.
Most books sent down the traditional path never get published at all.
This simple conversation sent me down a path that led me to some pretty staggering findings.
If he does, that probably means he is not breaking down the kibble with his teeth and sending it down whole.
The cupcakes were delivered during second period, and teachers sent down students to collect several boxes each.
In a passive matrix, a complex grid system is used to control individual pixels, where integrated circuits control a charge sent down each column or row.
Keep in mind that a single error in your resume could send you down into the pile which is why you should pay attention to every single detail of your resume.
Is it not enough for them that We have sent down unto thee the Scripture which is read unto them?
Both types of mythology speak of such an intervention: Jewish apocalyptic of an imminent world crisis in which this present aeon will be brought to an end and the new aeon ushered in by the coming of the Messiah, and Gnosticism of a Son of God sent down from the realm of light, entering into this world in the guise of a man, and by his fate and teaching delivering the elect and opening up the way for their return to their heavenly home.
This decision wasn't sent down from a Judge and it wasn't negotiated by a state legislator.
n) as a punishment sent down by God on Ban?
And they say: Why are not portents sent down upon him from his Lord?
We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the Scripture and the balance that the people may maintain [their affairs] in justice.
This sample, from Human cerebral cortex, shows a large blood vessel at the surface of the brain (top), which sends down thin, densely branched capillaries to deliver blood throughout the entire cortex.
Everything gets sent down there to live!
heavensent... You appear to have a very large ego, to think that god sent you down here to..
From above, the Heavens send down rain to wash the sins of evil... a rain of bullets that is.
They will continue to release detailed photos every Friday as the New Horizons probe sends down more and more data from its close - up analysis.
God did send down a list of revisions.
Called hypocotyls, they drift until they touch bottom and then send down roots and sprout leaves.
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