Sentences with phrase «to sequence genes»

To measure genetic diversity, Nowak's team sequenced genes in the animals» mitochondria — energy - generating cellular organelles that have their own small genome.
By sequencing the genes of a population of cells that all contain the program, researchers can determine the magnitude and duration of the signal: The more cells have the genetic mutation, the stronger or longer the signal was.
Within decades, advances in sequencing genes from ancient tissue could allow scientists to clone extinct dodo birds, saber - toothed cats, and woolly mammoths, says Jeffrey Yule, an evolutionary ecologist at Louisiana Tech University.
In 1980 Fiers first sequenced the gene for hemagglutinin derived from the human influenza strain H3N2 that circulated in 1965.
Together with Homo floresiensis, the «hobbit», and the as - yet - unnamed Homo species found by sequencing genes from a bone fragment, the newly identified hominids indicate how many more species may remain to be discovered.
The team sequenced the gene that codes for the NaV1.7 channel in mole rats, and compared it with SCN9A — a key gene in the human version of the channel.
Turning their attention to influenza, Michael J. Ciancanelli, a research associate and senior member of Casanova's lab, and his colleagues sequenced all genes in the genomes of the young girl who survived her dangerous bout of the flu and her parents, looking for mutations that might explain her vulnerability.
To determine whether such novel mutations are responsible for congenital heart disease, the researchers sequenced the genes of 1,213 children who had the condition and the genes of their parents.
The J. Craig Venter Institute, a not - for - profit research group of more than 200 scientists and staff members, sequences the genes using the same techniques Venter developed to decode the human genome.
To build a family tree for the orchids, the scientists sequenced genes in the green structures, called chloroplasts, in which plants transform solar energy into sugar.
Does sequencing the genes of animals such as the mouse and the dog help us understand ourselves?
You need to sequence the gene before you can express it in cells.
After sequencing the gene, the researchers identified a mutation that was present in all affected family members.
The researchers found that over 25 percent of index patients with normal results from commercial testing of BRCA1 and BRCA2, but with families severely affected by breast cancer, could be resolved by sequencing all genes known to be involved in breast cancer.
Wall then isolated those fungi and sequenced the gene FKBP12 — the target of FK506 — to look for mutations that would confer drug resistance.
Future additions to the RM collection may include whole genomes from persons with Hispanic, African and mixed ancestries, as well as a set containing sequenced genes of both malignant tumor and normal cells from the same individual.
The new tools feature sequenced genes from individuals in two genetically diverse groups, Asians and Ashkenazic Jews; a father - mother - child trio set from Ashkenazic Jews; and four microbes commonly used in research.
«As a society, we have to ask if it's fair» to give the main commercial prize to the company that sequences a gene rather than to those who do the hard work of figuring out its biological function, says Gallo.
Pichersky's team fully sequenced this gene and found that it was very similar to another gene in the database that came from the basil plant, the team reports online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Tobin Hammer, an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, investigated the intestinal microbes of 124 species of wild, leaf - eating caterpillars from the Americas by sequencing a gene commonly used to identify microorganisms.
Hall and Rosbash finally sequenced the gene in 1984, as did Young.
But the real molecular advance came in the late 1980s when, first Scheller while at Stanford University, then Südhof, at the University of Texas Southwestern at Dallas, started to clone and sequence the genes encoding these proteins and to investigate their role in vesicle fusion with the pre-synaptic membrane and neurotransmitter release.
Other ongoing projects associated with the APT Program include breeding peaches for better fruit quality and increased disease resistance, studying and sequencing genes responsible for nodule formation in legumes, expanding the genetic diversity of cotton while improving fiber quality and exploring the mechanisms by which weedy species develop resistance to herbicides.
Whatever the correct percentage, doctors who sequence genes may still trip over restricted areas.
If they haven't already, they can sequence your gene at any time.
When Pollin and her colleagues sequenced the gene in their Amish volunteers, they found a mutation that matched with those who had lower triglycerides to start with and whose blood levels changed relatively little after drinking the milkshake.
Sure enough, when the researchers sequenced the gene in the Italian family, they found that the affected members had a mutation not present in unaffected members.
He says he plans to sequence the gene from one of his own ADG patients.
Now a team at Boston University has sequenced the genes of different fat types and found that white fat may be turned brown through several different mechanisms, including by way of an experimental chemo drug.
Sequencing the gene in all the siblings showed that those who had the disease were much more likely to have a single base - pair change near the end of the gene.
Traditional molecular systematic studies have progressed by sequencing genes one by one, a time - and cost - intensive task that has limited the amount of data a researcher could feasibly obtain.
So we sequenced a gene involved in cell growth and found a correlation in about 85 percent of the patients: If you had a certain mutation in the EGFR gene, you responded to the drug; if you didn't have the mutation, you didn't.
What if you could trace brain circuits as if you were sequencing genes?
They isolated DNA from the abdomen of each bug and sequenced the genes of any infecting T. cruzi in order to determine which, if any, strain of the parasite each bug was infected with.
They sequenced the gene coding for the receptor in patients with either severe skin allergies or hyper - IgE syndrome, a rare condition in which the body produces too much IgE.
LONDON — The Wellcome Trust, one of the world's largest private funders of biomedical research, said here yesterday that it will double its spending on efforts to sequence every gene in the human genome.
Medical researchers at the Centre for Personalised Immunology, based at the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR), sequenced the genes of a young girl who suffered a stroke when she was four as a result of her lupus.
As large - scale genome sequencing projects, such as the Human Genome Project, near completion, the research community's focus is shifting toward efforts to determine functional information about these sequenced genes.
In one lecture, mostly to students, I said, «Hands up, all those who are sequencing genes for their professors.»
«When I started this project two - and - a-half years ago, we might have had a maximum of 80 sequenced genes for this animal,» says Jennings.
For example, you need to buy the sequencing apparatus before you can sequence a gene.
Then they can get to work, isolating and sequencing the gene, and hopefully uncovering its function.
As a graduate student, she had begun analyzing and sequencing genes in 1995.
Then they sequenced these genes, expecting to identify the culprit.
Seger, with an international team, sequenced the genes of each of the three species of cyamids that jump from whale to whale as the leviathans socialize.
The French team had already detected and sequenced the genes that code for the various enzymes that synthesise B12 in P. nitrificans.
Sogin began collecting and sifting through marine organisms — algae, fungi, sponges, jellyfish, anemones, mollusks — cutting them up and extracting DNA, adding enzymes, concentrating the DNA and sequencing the genes, reducing them to strips of code, comparing their ribosomal RNA, and applying algorithms to measure their relationship with one another and with insects, worms, fish, birds, and mammals.
After confirming his find was not a fluke, Perron needed to sequence its genes.
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