Sentences with phrase «to serve as references for someone»

Our aim in creating this website is to serve as a reference for others who may be on the same journey we've taken, and are still in the process of taking.
This ebook should serve as a reference for studies planned to adopt cortisol as an assessment tool.
This breeder directory serves as a reference for potential dog owners, where breeders have been subject to the minimum criteria outlined below.
Beyond just serving as a reference for app makers, a device like this could help put Android TV on the map for consumers.
Into its fifth year, the guide serves as a reference for recruitment and employment trends in the global oil and gas industry.
This is a versatile resume layout that can serve as a reference for anyone seeking a professional position in manufacturing, production and product marketing.
These are good materials that serve as references for teachers when writing a resume for the application.
«You're putting your professional name on the line if you're serving as a reference for someone,» advises Eileen Dooley, a career coach in Calgary.
The publication serves as a reference for information about RTI programs.
The entire set of data will henceforth serve as a reference for the international scientific community.
The journal also serves as a reference for sources of foods that have been conscientiously grown and processed.
We created a set of naming conventions guides to serve as a reference for accurately entering students» names in school, district and state databases.
You can serve as a reference for friends or relatives interested in the dog, but remember that LLR makes adoption decisions based on this process alone.
Some of the artists in Oltre Roma have achieved international recognition and serve as reference for mapping a contemporary European zeitgeist.
All of these talented individuals fought the artistic establishment of their time, creating a different kind of the Western cultural heritage that continues to celebrate art for art's sake and served as a reference for many contemporary names to follow.
This resume serves as a reference for most DBA positions or software engineers that work primarily in a database systems technical environment.
You can use mini-resume for networking or you can share it when an employer request for it or even serve as a reference for a writer who wants to review your accomplishments.
This special issue of Group Dynamics on statistical methods will bring together in one volume papers that will serve as a reference for authors, reviewers, and students who wish to conduct and evaluate state of the art group psychology and group psychotherapy research.
«Our findings present a clear breakdown of the current state of the housing market and serve as a reference for home buyers who are planning to buy a home in the next year or beyond.»
They are taught internally by top executives to more - junior managers and are meant to serve as a reference for future generations of Apple leaders.
If you are serving as a reference for someone, you are likely rooting for him / her, and you sincerely endorse him / her for the position despite his / her areas of challenge.
At the end of the day, I sold every book the store had ordered for the signing and the next day, when I followed - up with the store's Community Relations Manager, he offered to serve as a reference for other stores.
Examples of five - minute favors include sharing knowledge; making an introduction; serving as a reference for a person, product, or service; or recommending someone on LinkedIn.
Examples of five - minute favors include sharing knowledge; making an introduction; serving as a reference for a person, product, or service; or recommending someone on LinkedIn, Yelp, or another social place.
EFSA has published recommendations for communicating during a food related crisis or incident, that can serve as a reference for the national food safety authorities of EU member states.
As teachers introduce new strategies, they can post them on a Strategy Wall to serve as a reference for the repertoire of strategies that students can draw on when considering their next steps.
This new Google device with Ginerbread (Android 2.3) on board will serve as a reference for future upcoming devices of this generation of Android phones.
Hugh hopes that the first data report in the series will serve as a reference for all authors to take into consideration of what will be the best deal for them to monetize their book.
The point of the prime rate is to serve as a reference for all other rates.
Big transitions in the planet's geological history get a «golden spike,» a bronze marker placed on a particular exposed rock layer that serves as a reference for a substantial global shift in conditions.
If you want someone to serve as a reference for you for a job, tell them why you are interested in the job, why you would be a good fit, and politely ask them to talk about your great writing skills, oral advocacy skills, ability to deal with difficult clients, etc..
Agreeing to serve as a reference for a current or former colleague is a big responsibility, and you want to make sure you do it right.
Who should you ask to serve as references for you?
On the other hand, if you're an entry - level job candidate with limited experience, it's fine to approach teachers, coaches, pastors, or people you know through volunteer work about the possibility of their serving as a reference for you.
Remember that, in a work climate where people can be expected to change jobs far more frequently than they did in earlier generations, it's important to maintain a positive and supportive network of professional references — which means that you should a) always leave an employer on a positive note; and b) do your best to maintain a cordial relationship with them just in case you might need them to serve as a reference for you in the future.
Remember that, if you have previously maintained a good rapport with your manager and your work performance has been strong, he or she may be willing to serve as a reference for you in the future if you leave on a good note.
To prepare your references properly, ask to make sure that the individual wants to serve as a reference for you.
This is a versatile resume that can serve as a reference for any position in manufacturing, production and product marketing.
Identify 3 - 5 people to serve as references for your applications to these 5 - 10 employers.
Other than our catering job description templates, you may also download our Server Job Description Template and Chief Operating Officer Job Description to serve as your references for the specific job functions.
The things that the patient needs to bring for a particular appointment, which may include different medical cards and forms that can serve as references for the doctor to know the condition of the patient
My former client as well as employer have said they would serve as references for me.
Give each person who agrees to serve as a reference for you a copy of your resume (or vita).
Be sure that before you write this and submit to a potential employer that you have three people who have agreed to serve as references for you.
Ask former clients from your informal past work as a website builder for friends or a house painter if they would be willing to serve as references for you.
The agency will probably ask you for the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three or four individuals to serve as references for you.
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