Sentences with phrase «to settle someone down»

But for the most part, if a guy has paid a subscription to a site, you know that he's more interested in settling down with someone.
All of us looking for someone special for settle down in life.
Different insurance companies provide different covers so one should understand the policy terms carefully before settling down for an insurance policy.
This type of dating gives every casual dating partner an opportunity to experience going out with many people before settling down with one person.
At some point after the honeymoon (implementation), things settle down into a different rhythm.
Then when things settle down in traditional publishing, you will be ready and practiced and have some work to present to traditional publishers.
So on and on it goes, and I can't settle down on a permanent breakfast solution for myself.
Don't settle down with homework assignments near the telephone, television, or computer, for instance (unless the homework assignment requires the computer).
Things settled down after that, but not enough for most of us to feel anything resembling secure.
The car quickly settles down as the front tires find center.
At the outset you can find yourself visiting the editor after virtually every battle, but it soon settles down when you've unlocked a good portion of the upgrades.
I have finally settled down with a career that I love.
This stage of the divorce process is a time of settling down.
It raised global temperature by a third of a degree Celsius, and then settled down into the present hiatus / pause.
The while changing pad is covered in comfort padding which lets your child settle down quickly while getting their diaper changed because they will never feel any discomfort.
Reading with your child in a calm atmosphere can help settle them down as well as provide for some nice family time.
Often the difficulty lies in just settling down and doing it.
# 6 You've been in a long term relationship, and just want to explore a few fun opportunities before settling down again.
And we are now settled down enough that I am ready to welcome new clients.
On the flip side, if you are sticking with it, after a couple of weeks most babies eventually settle down for a relatively easy feeding experience, but a few don't.
Most breastfeeding problems are minor and usually settle down soon after the birth of the baby, or with treatments available on prescription.
Things are expected to settle down from then onwards so that by 2017, tablet sales could reach 20 million units.
Around one in three, or 32 percent of online adults, said online dating keeps people from settling down by giving them more options to meet people.
That said, the 2.4 - liter does settle down at a cruising speed, and is overall fairly smooth when you're not demanding too much from it.
I do settle down nicely when it's time to go to bed.
Looking for someone to really think about settling down with.
Your baby might not settle down if you aren't near.
She may seem more irritable during the day and have a harder time settling down at night.
Naturally the updates slowed down, but can always pick back up once things get settled down and work begins again.
He is an athletic type of dog who settles down well, but will need some training.
I could never settle down in those beds as easily as my own.
But clothing trends I like to let settle down and get passed around before I decide if it's «me» or not.
Some sold, but not all, so as soon as things settle down here a little, I'll snap photos of them and list them in the online shop.
Perfect for this time of year with warmer weather too I hope life settles down for you soon.
If you are planning on moving, a new sibling arriving or any other big life changes, it may be wise to delay potty training until everything settles down.
Teach him to go to his mat and settle down there.
You see, after all the games, a woman finally gets desperate to settle down while, for the man, its I've been dating this guy for almost a year.
The area didn't really settle down until the war and the government made sure that the coal kept flowing and made the companies settle with the union.
«Most dogs settle down with us when the owners are not there,» she says, adding that experience counts.
They may begin to sleep for as long as six hours at a time and tend to settle down more regularly in the evening.
Make a list of what you want to do every night as you help baby settle down for the evening.
At 39 people ask me why I have not settled down yet and my response is I refuse to settle.
A hungry baby isn't hard to spot: he or she usually won't settle down without a bottle.
I think as the market settles down through this year, inventories should rise and give some relief to buyers.
If so, it will settle down over the next few days.
Besides smoking pot, people in their late twenties are also settling down, getting married, buying houses, and having kids.
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