Sentences with phrase «to shake up the system»

Just shake up the system a bit to make it clear what the expectations, time lines and results are for the business generation task assigned.
It's one of the positive impacts that television industry has had, in that it can serve to recycled and shake up the system periodically, and help to re-activate and re-invent who people are perceived, and the different roles they are capable of working in.
Theresa May previously pledged to shake up the system, saying in 2016 that she «retched» when she saw David Cameron's resignation honours list, in an attack on a knighthood for his former spin doctor Sir Craig Oliver.
But a contested primary in Brooklyn this year is shaking up the system — a system some critics say illustrates political patronage at its worst.
That we shook up the system to improve outcomes for our students.
The promise: shake up the system and clean up the government.
Shaking up the system I read «Pushing PhyloCode» [April] with interest.
«By and large, they thought he [Dr. Garcia] was shaking up the system
«We need to shake up the system
«That means we've got to break a little glass and shake up the system
I've been trying to organize people to get together with my magazine and shake up the system a bit.
Which proves my point that it's not just KS projects that attempt to make claims of «shaking up the system», claiming to be innovative, etc, etc..
The clean energy economy is shaking up the system - 74 percent of all new power generation in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2014 came from solar, and public transit ridership continues to soar.
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