Sentences with phrase «to share one's work with others»

Have your students share their work with each other in a fast - paced, engaging exercise called Speed Sharing.
They can easily distribute documents and share their work with other people by inviting them to participate with feedback on a mind map.
Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of sharing our work with others... All of these feelings come and go.
This group is mainly about sharing our work with each other and trying to all get better as writers.
For authors who don't have access to local writing groups, the Internet is a great way to share your work with other writers for critique.
Unfortunately, there's no way for 3DS gamers to share their work with others on the internet.
Additionally, kids have the option of collaborating and sharing their work with other site members.
After 40 years in education I now have the opportunity to share my work with other teachers, administrators, parents, and support staff.
Like any other artist, the greatest joy most authors find comes from sharing their work with others.
Now these moms want to share their work with other kids and parents.
I began writing early in life but seldom shared my work with others.
By publishing ebooks, I get to share my work with others without first having to convince a businessman that there's money to be made.
Additionally, 92 per cent also felt that working on tablets helped them to share their work with others in lessons.
What is fun is playing the levels others have made and sharing your work with other people.
My faith in the undeniable beauty of art to raise our spirits and nourish our soul gives me constant hope that through sharing my work with others, in some small way I'm sending these feelings of joy out to their lives as well so that each may feel the enriching presence of beauty too.
In a blog post about one of its previous offshore leak projects, the organization noted that the media outlets it chose to work with «are team players and are willing to share their work with other colleagues around the world.»
There are lots of opportunities on the forums to share your work with other makers — keep an eye on the Showcase category to see the daily listing challenges and themes set by other sellers.
We also partnered with the district to help share this work with other districts through a New York State Strengthening Teacher and Leader Effectiveness grant.
Last but not least, Take On Mars features content creation tools and modding support, and players are able to share their work with other players via the Steam Workshop.
Obviously generating a ton of original assets for a constantly - expanding universe like Tamriel Rebuilt isn't easy, but everyone I spoke to involved with the project maintained that they don't borrow content from other games — though they do share work with other The Elder Scrolls expansion mods.
«The cryptocurrency approach shares the work with other companies because the actual exchange of local currency into or out of the cryptocurrency can be done by an exchange,» says Rosedale.
The forum user, whose work was earlier reported on by Venturebeat, then shared his work with other developers, who were able to get Bixby running on Samsung's Galaxy S7.
So take advantage of all that the internet has to offer - put together a portfolio of your work on a site like Behance or your own blog and share your work with other creatives.
This honestly just encourages me to go a little further to find the paint color sources of the interiors I share on the blog because I know you appreciate it as much as I do, and this post is like a «thank you» to all of you who share my work with others.
Content: This is a youth publishing site that provides young writers and illustrators with an online method for sharing their work with others.
Students have been sharing their work with each other in a fast, engaging exercise called Speed Sharing.
The Common Mistake That Could Cost You A Lit Mag Acceptance Letter (And How To Avoid It) Sharing your work with other writers is one of the best ways to gain honest, constructive critiques.
As creatives, we often feel compelled to share our work with other people, and that's okay!
When we hear the term playful learning, our minds often picture groups of children tinkering with new ideas, sharing their work with each other, and having a lot of fun in the process.
One of my students with disabilities is extremely bright but was very shy and hesitant to share his work with others.
Students use the «Tell» stage to put together a final product, often using digital photography, PowerPoint presentations, desktop publishing, and the Heritage Project site to share their work with others.
During his time at HGSE, Seidel has continued to remain passionate about arts education and sharing his work with others.
The process doesn't have to stop just because you shared work with others.
The children couldn't wait to share their work with others.
Technology helped to scaffold students» performance, making it easier for them to demonstrate or share their work with others.
As students create, they need opportunities to share their work with others, talk about their successes and challenges, and hear feedback.
In the mean time, here are some great articles about beta readers and sharing your work with others:
I'm not looking to be a top ten author, but I really want to share my work with others, publish more than one book a year, and engage in conversations.
, recent advances in technology have opened up an entirely new playing field for those who want to share their work with others — and possibly even make an income from it.
Every one learns from its experience, hence it is vital that you publish or share your work with others to get their feedback and reviews about the work you have composed.
I think for me it was about getting my words... all that built up imagination put to paper and not having to wait another 18 - 24 months or longer to share my work with others.
Another resolution that is also equally as easy and difficult to follow is sharing your work with others.
With the advanced technology the opportunities to write and share your work with others has become easy and viable.
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