Sentences with phrase «to share the conversation»

Not easy to talk about myself, but I am willing to share a conversation with someone who is a gentleman.
This section aims to share conversations about all sorts of important subjects.
Be they toddlers or teenagers, adventurous family travel results in close bonds and endless hours of shared conversation.
We greatly appreciate our readers and contributors and their influence in shaping and sharing the conversation on this blog.
We lead interior designers in shared conversations around topics that matter: from evidence - based and human centric design to social responsibility, well - being, and sustainability.
Tea not only tastes good and has various documented health benefits, it also warms your mood and facilitates connection by shared conversation and gathering.
They stayed long enough to break bread and share conversation over dinner in the shop.
Share the conversation code with other 5 simple ways to end stigma and start a conversation.
Today, we're sharing a conversation about our reactions to the book, which goes on sale today.
If he / she agrees to be interviewed on the record, I'll certainly share our conversation here.
In the exhibition, their works will form a painting installation where each part comments on one of the others, reflecting shared conversations, concerns and observations.
Design a kitchen island with seating that invites folks to pull up a chair or stool and share conversation while you're cooking.
You can meet women and men that enjoy everything about life, and want to share their conversations with vibrant, interesting singles!
I've spent years doing one - on - one coaching with other artists... it finally occurred to me that by sharing these conversations, they could reach more people.
Instead of sharing conversation starters and how often you should keep in touch with your contacts, this class teaches you the fundamentals of influence, persuasion, and positive communication, so you can be a successful networker anywhere.
So next week I'll be sharing a conversation between Kristen and I, as well as some of her on - the - ground advice for balancing writing time and platform time.
And he seemed to allude to his tough reporting when sharing a conversation he had with Melissa DeRosa, secretary to the governor.
We feel that communities grow stronger through shared conversation, and what better to share with each other than our own truth!»
This time last year, I was hanging out on Google + with blogger friends sharing conversation heart Valentine activities.
In this series, Open Every Door, Entrepreneur staff writer Nina Zipkin shares her conversations with leaders about understanding what you have to offer, navigating the obstacles that will block your path, identifying opportunity and creating it for yourself and for others.
Collymore, clearly not impressed with Lescott's admission, shot down the England international with an acerbic response, before sharing the conversation on social media.
Charles Burkam shares his conversation with Lydia Witham on the new Public Waldorf High School in development in Bethesda, MD..
We want to move away from the commodification of knowledge — we want to build sharing conversations.
Good Life Project is a top - rated podcast and video - series with millions of listens and views in more than 150 countries, where Jonathan regularly shares conversations with the world's leading voices like Sir Ken Robinson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Milton Glaser, Brene Brown, Gretchen Rubin, and hundreds more.
It took almost a year of begging to get him to come back on the podcast, but today Jordan shares a conversation with the amazing Jonathan Albrecht, AKA the love of Jordan's life (fun fact: Jonathan's first episode was just ONE DAY before they started dating)!!
I am just looking for someone to share conversation wi
salam alikoum my name is rayan from Los Angeles my goal is to meet a woman wants to share conversation wih me yes of course l am here to look for mariage
What's more, even if you don't wish to establish a long term relationship with anybody, you can simply share conversations with other people on these sites and enjoy your free time.
I like riding motorcycles and chilling out cooking great food sharing conversations with friends and family.I really get into nature and just sitting in the woods quitely watching all of the animals interact with each other or laying in a meadow...
While at home, Georges and Anne share a conversation they've likely had a thousand times before.
But because my school's teachers worked as a team to develop a community - building Circle of Power and Respect (CPR)-- a daily meeting with greetings, interesting sharing conversations, and high - energy activities — students have gelled into a cohesive and supportive community, leaving the divisions that characterize the community at large far behind.
«During Achievement team meetings — shared conversations help us to develop the finer points of children's learning.»
It's our job to discuss books all day long so we thought, «Why not share the conversation
Osorio, whose artistic practice involves a process of social engagement, spent the past year sharing conversations, stories, and meals with many people in both Williamstown and North Adams.
To promote the development of shared conversations among academic researchers, legal services providers, and legal services regulators
A Weibo user recently shared a conversation from Samsung's beta community, indicating the program was coming to an end.
Providing parents with training parents in an elaborative, emotion - rich reminiscing style resulted in greater parent and child use of elaborations and emotion references during shared conversations.
As proof of that humor, Kate Beckinsale also shared a conversation she had with Michael Sheen and Lily in a group chat on social media.
«Our goal with Discovering a Sense of Place is to create a space where folks who feel connected to our woods and fields and waterways will meet up and share conversation about how to understand and care for this beautiful place,» says Sarajane Snyder, Chair of the Conservancy's Education Committee.
For a variety of activities which bore practically and critically upon the concept of art, but which were at home neither in the studio nor in the gallery, Art & Language promised a social base in shared conversation.
We asked Eve Ewing, an educator, artist, and writer, if we could share the conversation starters she...
When the lead is ready for a sales call, the AI shares the conversation, best number and time to call
Last summer we visited the set of Avengers: Infinity War and today we're beginning out set visit coverage by sharing our conversation with Chadwick Boseman and Mark Ruffalo, stars of the last two films released by Marvel Studios.
The experience of meeting face - to - face, sharing conversations over a meal, working out together, getting hands - on experience in the kitchen, and answering your questions in real - time as you witness health improvements, simply can't be recreated in an online environment.
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