Sentences with phrase «to shield someone from the sun»

You should still use sunscreen and protective clothing to shield yourself from the sun when using these products.
The plans show you how to construct a kitchen island and then a pergola attachment that will help shield you from the sun while you are cooking.
A sun - blocking infant car seat cover can shield them from the sun without trapping heat.
Babies can ride while laying down or sitting upright, while a canopy completely shields them from the sun.
The European style sun canopy will ensure that each child will be safely shielded from the sun's harmful rays while also giving your children a little bit extra piece of privacy and that is sure to give you a little bit extra peace of mind.
When going to the beach or even a park, bring an umbrella to shield you from the suns rays.
While I wait for her to be old enough for sunscreen, I've had to figure out how to shield her from the sun in other ways.
The movable, removable, shelter shields from the sun, wind and icy.
Keep baby shielded from the sun or use a visor or baby sunglasses (like ParkerG or Frubi) that block the sun's rays.
This hat also provides UPF 50 protection to keep your child shielded from the sun.
So, while I could shield myself from the sun from the rest of my life, I would be severely limiting my fun and joy.
More than 2 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year so in addition to slathering on sun protection, be sure to toss a pair of UVA - UVB - shielding sunglasses and a wide - brimmed crushable hat in your bag to further shield yourself from the sun.
Slathering on sunscreen will effectively shield you from the sun's inherent health benefits, so your body will not synthesize vitamin D properly.
If we do not shield ourselves from sun, this rock melting heat can make our body dehydrated.
Striking: The London born beauty opted for the slightest slick of make - up, with her raven tresses pulled up into a bun and a pair of pink - rimmed shades shielding herself from the sun
Next, the video highlights give viewers a look at narrated computer animations of how floods form, how fire fronts meet to form a firestorm, the conditions that create a perfect storm and form a super tornado, and how a magnetic storm could remove our natural shield from the sun.
We also found the Sequoia to have double sun visors, allowing both the side window and windshield to be simultaneously shielded from the sun.
While the fog shielded us from the sun's worst and kept the air relatively cool, I'd already sweated through my clothes by the time we reached the market blocks.
Three seamstresses, shielded from the sun by pink parasols, worked foot - cranked sewing machines.
* But it is shielded from the Sun totally (by, shall we postulate, an angled omni - mirror that bounces away any outgoing radiation into deep space off the ecliptic).
Tomatoes are high in the antioxidant lycopene, which has UV protecting properties helping shield us from the sun.
The carrier has a hood that is coordinated with the base to provide head support to the infants and shield them from the sun.
Spend the cash on a great umbrella or tent to shield you all from the sun.
Your child will be safe, thanks to the 5 - point harness, and he'll be shielded from the sun, wind, and rain by the adjustable canopy umbrella.
When my toddler was just a newborn, I hated that I had to remember to bring a blanket to shield him from the sun.
When tardigrades were shielded from the sun's harshest rays, they fared well.
Ozone in the upper atmosphere normally forms a protective layer that shields us from the sun's ultraviolet radiation.
«But in our orbit all we need is a shade on one side that NGST can hold out at arm's length to shield it from the sun.
There have been many studies on the general populations» sun - protective behaviors, but until now there has been little research into how hyperpigmentation patients are shielding themselves from the sun.
They travel within large plastic buckets, soaked in seawater and shielded from the sun to reduce stress.
Here, the spacecraft is shielded from the Sun and has a clear view of the whole sky to maximise the possible target exoplanets for observations.
The field trials focused on a process that plants use to shield themselves from the sun.
Perfect to shield yourself from the sun's rays.
Wear hats that will shield you from the sun, but don't get polo confused with derbies.
Great to shield yourself from the sun and often a stylish final touch to your outfit.
The clear coat also serves as a shield from the sun's rays and natural elements that can cause the color to fade or lose its shine.
Their skin has been shielded from the sun all year long, so immediately exposing it to the harsh summer sun can cause your pooch to get a sunburn.
The lava tubes and pit craters of the monument are known for their unusual preservation of winter ice and snow into the hot summer months, due to shielding from the sun and the insulating properties of basalt.
At the front, a frame of bamboo and timber delineates a semi-open space that's shielded from the sun and regulates ventilation, while the western side is outfitted with thin film solar cells and a vertical garden.
If there was something left to honestly debate they would not be spraying our skies day and night to shield us from the sun to slow down runaway global warming.
I felt a bit like a burns victim being shielded from the sun.
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