Sentences with phrase «to shift attitudes»

The report aims to spread awareness on the public's shifting attitudes toward pet adoption, as well as spay / neuter education.
Each proposed artwork reflects shifting attitudes towards necessity and finds grace in systems, even in moments of system failures.
I feel like some of the barriers I've seen for people that can't shift their attitude are fear and regret.
The most important task is to shift attitudes step by step.
Despite how you feel, there are five easy ways to shift your attitude toward your daily workout.
«Today's workers have shifted their attitudes in response to the changes in the marketplace like layoffs, lack of employer loyalty, and the growth in contract jobs,» said Robb.
With this new focus, we can now effectively shift our attitudes from those of want and neediness to those of gratitude and even compassion.
We studied the opinions of thousands of adults in the U.S. to reveal shifting attitudes towards pet adoption and spay / neuter.
It is unsurprising that it takes time for shifting attitudes to manifest in practice.
Director Brackett helped shift attitudes and remove any manager's fears about changing work routines by sharing success stories and menus from other schools.
But that's not all; The vape was also selected for its cultural relevance, reflecting both e-cigarette's momentous rise in popularity along with dramatically shifting attitudes and policies towards marijuana use (weed is now legal in Colorado and Washington, and will soon be in Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C.)
They effectively help spread a succinct message and in doing so shift attitudes and contribute to significant changes within society.»
What we may actually be witnessing isn't the wildly shifting attitudes toward gender equality of millennials, whose preferences and leanings remain a largely inscrutable generational question, but just so much statistical noise.
Research has found that when people shifted their attitudes toward redistribution, they also shifted ideological positions.
Goldenberg JZ, Burlingham B, Oberg E, Guiltinan J. Shifting Attitudes towards Research and Evidence - Based Medicine in the Naturopathic Medical Community.
Students spoke about how this grading regime shifted their attitude toward school; unlike their previous high schools, BDEA didn't write off an entire course's worth of work if students couldn't demonstrate mastery of certain concepts.
Pardon us for feeling as though the automobile's evolution is occurring even quicker, from another forthcoming crop of intriguing production cars to rapidly shifting attitudes about how to address inner - city transportation and how to restore collectible classic cars.
Also concerning are the potential negative impacts of online ads, at least in their current form, such as shifting attitudes towards veg eating as a personal choice rather than a social imperative.
Each comprising two parts, the new works will pair Nigerian and American interior scenes to explore shifting attitudes and the transference of thoughts and ideas between one place and another.
Alongside newly commissioned essays by leading international scholars and works by contemporary visual artists, key historical texts trace a trajectory of writings across religions, cultures, genders and ages to reflect the breadth of conflicting and constantly shifting attitudes towards the veil.
Works by Alexander Calder and Ben Nicholson represent shifting attitudes toward space and time developed within avant - garde circles of the 1930s and 1940s.
«Ads targeted using profiles generated from individual voters» stated interests are more successful in shifting attitudes according to Online Privacy Foundation
Another interesting trend is the influence of feminism on dating culture, indicated by shifting attitudes of both genders, although many men in the study (43 %) said feminism means «a lot of different things.»
You will hear what it means to shift your attitude from ignoring those who you believe aren't your type with a full discussion on NT's (non-types).
They might even have shifted attitudes in the food industry about which food offerings can be profitable in cafeterias.
Though labels can be a hindrance, I believe that it's best to call a spade a bloody shovel when you clearly can not shift the attitude of one in denial about either anthropogenic climate change or perpetual economic growth, and must move on in the hope of finding another willing to listen to reason.
Director Brackett helped shift attitudes and remove any manager's fears about changing work routines by sharing success stories and menus from other schools.
-- last week's post on signs of shifting attitudes toward predatory species in the sea and on land:
The Potency of Potential: Values to Bring Jacksonville Together to Support Children (Values report) This report presents the results of an experimental survey that explores how three values — Civic Potential, Human Potential, and Civic Responsibility — can be used to shift attitudes about children's issues in Jacksonville.
Despite these material similarities, the sculptures on view embody dramatically shifting attitudes, some profoundly disturbing, toward gender, race, class, sexuality, and religion over seven hundred years.
How to Talk About Budgets and Taxes: A FrameWorks MessageMemo This MessageMemo summarizes the findings from our research and provides advocates with a communications map for improving the public's understanding of the linked topics of budgets and taxes, and for shifting attitudes and support for policy alternatives.
That seemed emblematic of shifting attitudes toward genetics and what's of worth.
Together, Jeanne Meister (founder of Future Workplace) & Kevin Mulcahy will publish a new book with McGraw Hill ``, that will be a forward - looking guide to help business and HR leaders successfully anticipate, plan for and navigate the future workplace», explicitly dealing with out the disruptive drivers of a diversifying workforce, shifting attitudes towards work and new technologies reshaping the future workplace.
The shifting attitudes could also be occurring across age cohorts.
But as Marcus Treacher, Global Head, e-Commerce at HSBC explains, a combination of technology, infrastructure and shifting attitudes / behaviour is changing this.
But this may not last much longer — if, that is, judges take their cues from shifting attitudes.
This was not because the economy was poor, but rather because the legalization of abortion changed sexual mores and shifted attitudes toward the issue.
Another «shifting attitude».
«It is essential for dairy brands with a flavoured yoghurt range to stay abreast of shifting attitudes and behaviour among Australian consumers, and adjust their marketing communications and brand image accordingly.»
Director Brackett helped shift attitudes and remove any manager fears about changing work routines by sharing success stories and menus from other schools.
Phil Walzak, a senior adviser to Mr. de Blasio, described City Hall's shifting attitude toward Mr. Bloomberg as part of a natural evolution from campaigning to governing.
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