Sentences with phrase «to shift one's thinking»

Even taking the time to thank them in your mind can help shift your thoughts from entitlement to gratitude — for the work that others do.
Understand how to help your clients shift their thinking about credit from a barrier to an asset.
He talked about how the writing helped shape his opinion of fashion and helped shift his thinking on various fashion choices.
Such collaboration brings together diverse thinkers who engage in authentic conversation that can help shift thinking, which inspires growth and learning.
The time spent with those talented authors and savvy business people shifted my thinking in a way that an online interaction couldn't have.
For a decade or so, the term «joint custody» seemed to do the trick, by shifting the thinking of many divorcing parent from fighting to sharing.
Use the price conversation to help the client shift their thinking towards fees.
The most powerful way you can coach yourself to be more effective is by shifting your thoughts.
As I talk with my friends, it seems that many of us have shifted our thinking toward a greater consciousness.
But, when you start to shift your thinking into this thought pattern, it can change your life.
Learn how to shift your thinking when it comes to decorating that will allow you to approach your decorating journey differently.
Perhaps if there were more support for doing the kinds of things that would minimize those behaviors or failures in the first place, we could start shifting our thinking and teaching behaviors.
A day in the trenches of full - frontal breastfeeding and baby - care reality just might shift your thinking back toward reality.
If we can shift our thinking away from «the baby» and their «sleep issues» then we can start focusing on ourselves and what we can change.
One way or the other I couldn't shift the thought from my mind that the launch lacked for scale and size.
If you're interested in altering your present reality, then shift your thoughts.
«One of the things that helped her was understanding all her thoughts about her social diabetes anxiety and then challenging those and shifting those thoughts around,» she says.
Keeping that kind of company has really shifted my thinking about publishing in the last few months and made me more productive.
Even in meditation this subjective change is occurring, though not in the form of rapidly shifting thoughts and conscious feelings.
Once you find out that you are expecting more than one baby, you might believe that you have to dramatically shift your thinking about pregnancy.
Then, a conversation with one of my contacts shifted my thinking.
When teachers shift their thinking from «questioning for students» to «questioning with students,» magic starts happening in the classroom.
You need to shift your thinking somewhat so that you are inline with the changing realities of the market if you want to win the best deal on your new home in this market.
However, the trailer has shifted my thoughts on the series and its future.
My most pressing concerns were related to my desire to shift the thinking about what it means and feels like to be called to the front.
If you're looking to enjoy more art and shift your thinking in 2018, we've got a few tips to get you started.
For this reason, organisations should shift their thinking towards all - round solutions rather than products, when looking for a 3D printing solution that best suits them.
Small changes like these can empower students and shift their thinking from passive to active.
About Site - The Mission is to help people with depression or bipolar disorder shift their thinking and behavior so they can lead extraordinary lives.
Most important: Shift your thoughts as quickly as you can from being angry at the misperception to being determined to perceive the higher Truth.
COngratulations on the brilliant and paradigm shifting thought process (and your NEW job!)
But I've been shifting my thinking based on recent conversations with some of the analysts below pointing to a reasonable, testable, incremental path to managing sun - blocking aerosols as the world tackles the far tougher and costlier effort to decarbonize a growing economy that remains deeply dependent on fossil fuels.
«We have to start shifting our thinking [to] perceive them as what could be the new normal.»
Be Ready for Change Revamping your business requires shifting your thinking and being ready, willing and able to let go of things you felt were perfect, which may no longer be the case.
Meditational experiences involve timelessness only in the sense that ordinary temporal transitions, discernible through shifting thoughts and momentary feelings, are transcended.
Only if you can shift the thought elsewhere can the cravings subside.
This blog will help you to shift your thinking outline how you can bet fitter and healthier.
The CEL framework shifted her thinking to focus on how to improve the learning experience for students.
In fact, those bulging arches and the wide, guppy - mouth grille give it the look of a squatting toad, which seems like a terribly unkind thing to say about a car whose styling I actually rather like, but I spotted the similarity this morning when it was hopping along in my rear - view mirror and I haven't been able to shift the thought since.
This virile bear shifter thought fated mates were just a fairytale... until he found his.Destiny made Jaxson Lord the new head of one of the most powerful bear clans on Wild Ridge.
Inboxes — collection points — are key to GTD, and to use them properly, you have to shift your thinking just a bit.
Rephrasing your language not only helps your partner better receive your message, but it also shifts your thinking from blaming, moving from «me» to «us».
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