Sentences with phrase «to shine upon someone»

Rest in peace and perpetual light shine upon you.
We should let the sun shine upon all ethics proceedings against attorneys and judges.
Once the skills and savvy of a top notch freelance editor shine upon your manuscript, you may be amazed at what can be done to make it impeccable.
Most notably, the visuals really shine upon successfully executing a character's super attacks and watching debris fly out in all directions when the opponent is launched into the ground.
Seek access to nature and to the sun and let light shine upon you.
Success has not shined upon most of the actors in this film, David Paymer is the most known in the mainstream as a character actor and he's only in the movie for less than five minutes.
As for me, I am done here, I am going to enjoy this beautiful holiday with my family, and hope that some good in this life shines upon some of you... Whatever it is about believers that brings out your hate, I hope you resolve it soon...
Upon arriving at the top, revelations begin to occur as Christ shines upon the soul.
This is why the Psalmist prayed again and again, «Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved» (Psa.
God's Word is not so much «a light which shines upon God but a light which shines from Him».6 But how is the minister to speak so that the images he has received are formed in the imaginations of his hearers with clarity and force sufficient to effect changes in attitudes, values, and life directions?
Colin said: «As the light of science is increasingly shone upon the natural World, the gods, ghost and goblins are in full retreat.
When Christ calls himself the physician of the invalid, then the divine mercy shines upon every invalid.
The Cross is God's work in history whereby he has poked a hole in heaven's floor to let the divine light shine upon earth.
When the light of the incarnate Word shines upon the human mind, the native capacity for thinking metaphysically is revived and drawn into fruitful relation to the revealed truth of Christ.
It is time the curtain be pulled back and the disinfecting light of good government shine upon the Cuomo Administration and our State Legislature,» Rev. Jason McGuire said.
My prayer, today, is that the Lord blesses us with many more happy, blissful, and peaceful years of marriage; and may His loving and tender grace always shine upon our household!
Events in [i] Bowling for Columbine [/ i] seem a tad different when the harsh light of truth shines upon them.
Your investigation of a seemingly impossible murder leads you deep into the Arizona desert, and into a darkness so wicked that no light could ever shine upon it.
To prevent potential prey from spotting its shadow on the seafloor, the bobtail squid emits just enough light to match the moonlight shining upon it.
There was indeed much joyousness among the Greeks — Homer's flow of enthusiasm for most things that the sun shines upon is steady.
We have not seen him with our eyes, but we have beheld the light his life shines upon our darkness.
Though science has reached phenomenal heights in our time, it has at no point invalidated anything basic to Christian faith, and at no time in human history has the revelation of God in Christ shone upon the human scene with greater clarity and power.
Numbers 6:24 - 26 «The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.»
So many times during those difficult years, I felt that God's favor did not shine upon me, but as I read through these stories, I could not deny God's incredible care and love for childless women just like me.
«Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her,» I prayed — a lament and lullaby to honor her life, as I commended her soul.
Star of the Sea, shine upon us and guide us on our way!»
Who could ever have imagined that «may he make his face to shine upon you» would one day be realized in an infant struggling to focus?
Anyone can, and should, praise God when the Lord blesses one and keeps one, when the Lord makes his face to shine upon one and is gracious to one, when the Lord lifts up his countenance upon one and grants peace (Num.
He quoted: «The Lord bless you, and keep you: the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you.»
When a certain devastating light shines upon the selves and the place from which we have to do our theology, the emptiness of both is revealed: who will rescue us from this body of death?!
Psa 67:1 - 6 — May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving power among all nations.
A new heaven seems to shine upon a new earth.
The incongruities themselves illustrate the manner in which through trial and error men came to apprehend the truth; and the defects and limitations of which we are aware serve as background to the growing light which, as if evoked by them, shone upon the human scene.
And they will be for lights in the expanse of the heaven to shine upon the earth.
Paul writes that those who are perishing «do not believe, lest the light of the gospel... should shine upon them.»
I beg that You forgive all those blasphemer, may Your light shine upon all of them and the Holy Spirit lead them to Your Truth, In Jesus» holy name I pray; AMEN!
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you,
Like a rose that opens its petals when the sun shines upon it, this or that person may open up in a remarkable manner.
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