Sentences with phrase «to shorten the test»

The phrase "to shorten the test" means to make the test or exam shorter in terms of its length or duration. Full definition
This spring, we have shorten the test in both language arts and mathematics in all grades three through eight.
Adopted test automation strategies to many projects, shorten testing time as much as 40 %, greatly increasing testing efficiency and defect detection
She added that investigations revealed that former COCOBOD CEO, Dr. Stephen Kwabena Opuni wrote to CRIG asking them to shorten the testing period.
«So we're shortening the tests at every grade level,» said Elia, mentioning a new policy that she previously announced.
In New Jersey — which shortened its tests by 90 minutes and made other changes to reduce time spent testing — 56,000 more students took the English language arts test and 65,000 more students took the math test this year compared to last year.
«And if you think those things, just shortening tests or eliminating tests won't fix much because any amount of time spent on testing is bad.»
Shortened testing cycle and doubled reporting bugs by implementing Selenium RC test suite with Python to test an Ajax web application.
At the same time these states are making improvements in teaching and learning and helping students reach higher standards, they're also making improvements in testing to reduce pressure on tests, shorten testing time and make sure that tests have value for students and parents.
All shortenings tested maintained a similar shelf life, but enzymatic interesterified (EIE) high oleic soybean shortening showed the least amount of change in texture, less even than the standard PHO product, showing that EIE high oleic soybean oil offers bakers the most functional option for PHO reformulation.
And she says she's already taken steps to shorten the tests.
What they got was a shortened test that will generally be the same as last year's.
Complaints from school district officials about how long students needed to take part of the English language arts section of the Smarter Balanced test, also known as the Badger Exam, prompted the Department of Public Instruction to shorten the test.
The vote came in response to school district and teacher feedback during the first year Read more about PARCC States Vote to Shorten Test Time and Simplify Test Administration -LSB-...]
Unfortunately a shortened test route and roads clogged with Sunday drivers curtailed a thorough work - out, though I could feel the extra 145 kg (compared with the 2.0) sitting on the front wheels.
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