Sentences with phrase «to shout something out»

When you get reviewed, shout it out on your social media platforms and linking to the reviewer's site.
If you have a story to tell why not shout it out in the comment section?
The effectiveness of these pie charts comes their big, red (or blue) in - your - face, single number or statement, almost like shouting it out loud.
We should shout it out like the great and incredibly rich gift that it is!
Don't shout it out during a company - wide meeting.
I already touched on how amazing my skin has been looking these days, but I want to shout it out again because I can't say it enough.
If you do shout something out of line, including those specific phrases from the aforementioned memo, the guards will put one hole punch in the upper right corner of your badge.
I struggle with talking when I am calm, I want to shout it all out when I am already upset and angry.
Ask and I'll shout them out without hesitation, like a sleeper agent responding to a deeply embedded activation phrase.
Kids would walk up to her desk, copy answers, shout them out for all to hear.
You don't have to shout it out all over your profile.
The Times can say that using standardized test scores to evaluate teachers is a sensible policy and Obama can say it and Education Secretary Arne Duncan can say it and Emanuel can say it and so can Bill Gates (who has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to develop it) and governors and mayor from both parties, and heck, anybody can go ahead and shout it out as loud as they can.
«As Lobbyists and Politicians Shout It Out Over School Lunch, Can Parents Be Heard?»
Just shouted it out through ALL my social media accounts.
In the meanwhile we take the task of shouting it out on cyberspace.
If a god appeared to us — or a wise human being, even — and prohibited us from concealing our thoughts or imagining anything without immediately shouting it out, we wouldn't make it through a single day.
Five hundred years after the event, this Reformation slogan may be even more relevant than it was when Luther first shouted it out from Wittenberg.
I like the sound of pumpkin super food bars (I should change the name), so thanks so much to everyone who shouts me out on instagram.
Somewhat shy of novelty prints as I am, I do appreciate a print with novelty features that doesn't shout them out at you at first glance.
You might know guitarist / vocalist Carrie Brownstein from her current gig yukking it up with Fred Armisen in «Portlandia,» but before she was on the hit IFC comedy, she was ripping riffs and shouting it out hard in the seminal band, and the trio has called in a few favors to help get the word out.
He even shouted it out during the ABC show.
Broken down and questioning his belief in the Almighty, the only thing that can restore his faith is (please shout it out with me) VAMPIRES!
6 - Give out ALL the cards (at least one per person) 7 - Choose a random student to read out their definition, the rest of the class listen and whoever has the correct key word SHOUT IT OUT!
It's hard pretending you're the captain of your own ship when there's a Volvo wagon driving off and your mom is still shouting something out the window about you being home before eleven, while your little sister directs rude hand gestures at you from the back seat.
Sure the Benz has the AMG rumble but its quite subdued inside the cabin, while Land Rover has made sure you can hear all of those 510 horses shouting it out when you go full beans.
All you need to do is click on the box within your eBook account with Amazon and get on board... and start a marketing campaign shouting it out that the feature is available to all.
Just connect your various social media profiles to JetPack through your «Sharing» settings and voilà — every time you write a blog post, you'll have the option to automatically shout it out to your followers without leaving the «Edit post» page!
Virginia Salas Kastilio aka @GiniCanBreathe, one of the world's top Snapchatters who formerly ran the BBC's account, tells me «I couldn't have grown on Snapchat without the support of my followers and other influencers shouting me out in their story.
Amika Perk Up Dry Shampoo: I've done a whole blog post about Amika in the past, but I have to shout it out again because I love what this dry shampoo does for my hair.
ADVANCED BAND PERFORMANCE at 3 pm SCIENCE SHOW by TINY SCIENTIST at 4:30 pm FEATURING DJ FRANCIS GARCIA of Shout It Out Loud Music (and 3rd grade parent!)
I did a story on Instagram today about these products and am shouting them out here too because naturally, I have more to say.
I wanted to shout it out like an old - timesy prospector who had stumbled upon a gold mine!
As I discussed in my piece for the New York Times Motherlode last October («As Lobbyists and Politicians Shout it Out Over School Lunch, Can Parents Be Heard?
bestest Ashley x Ps thanks for hosting I have shouted you out on twitter too!
By doing a better job on this blog and writing about my ideas and publishing them I will shout them out.
Let's shout it out.
«Half of the other people in the congregation have read Stephen King, though they may not want to shout it out to the world,» he says.
They knew all about anger and doubt and fear, and they shouted it out.
Sorry, but I have to shout it out.
I can pretty much guess that everyone has said ATTACK!!!! and I can bet you all shouted it out as well.
Once baby arrives you will want to shout it out to the whole world!
Disclosure doesn't have to mean you have to shout it out that you're posting an affiliate link.
If he doesn't know, whisper the answer and let him shout it out.
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