Sentences with phrase «to show an increase»

The phrase "to show an increase" means that there is a noticeable rise or growth in something compared to a previous period or state. Full definition
Another decline in price showed an increase in supply.
A retrospective study of some 300 college athletes who had started consuming sports drinks on average at 12 years of age showed no increased risk of erosion with sports drink use.
The evidence is conflicting, with one study showing an increase in risk, but further research is being done to see if it has a protective effect.
The study also showed an increasing interest in fostering a pet before making one a permanent part of the family.
The 2007 figures also show an increase in the number of black - owned businesses that had one or more employees.
Their latest data show an increase of almost 13 % since 2015.
One study noted that mice fed diets high in aluminum showed increased levels of amyloid.
«Our findings did not show an increased risk of heart attack associated with testosterone use in older men,» he said.
Brain areas associated with emotion, reward, relationships and social interaction showed increased activity when the women saw the pictures of their children and their pets.
For the majority of people, heart disease is driven by diet and lifestyle factors, however research shows an increasing number of heart disease cases can also have an autoimmune component.
Don't those results show an increase in total testosterone and a decrease (albeit only a couple of points) in free testosterone?
However, this report showed no increase in child health and concluded further research was needed before any link to improved attainment could be claimed.
The one year chart for FB shows it increasing from ~ 95 / share to ~ 129.
The domains where children showed increased rates of developmental vulnerability are physical health and wellbeing, social competence, emotional maturity, and language and cognitive development.
However, the research showed increased risk for women with large breasts or breast implants, who must often receive extra screening views, increasing their radiation exposure.
The other shows an increasing trend in storms that are becoming really strong, really fast.
But, even with mortgage providers showing an increased willingness to grant mortgage approval despite poor credit scores, there is no guarantee that they will give the green light.
If you can actually point to a place where I denied that measurements of recorded maximum temperatures show increases over time in certain locations, I would be surprised.
What they found was women who scored high on the stress survey showed an increase in inflammatory markers even when they ate the healthier breakfast.
First, crime has greatly decreased since the 1990s showing increasing signs of improvement.
Climate models show an increasing warming trend with altitude, but balloon data shows a slight cooling with altitude in the tropics.
Because the innate immune system wasn't killing off infected cells, the mice showed an increased viral load and delayed recovery.
The Scottish government has announced new figures showing an increase of 24 % in the food and drink sector since 2008.
After 3 months, there were no changes in the low dose group but the high dose group showed increased vitamin D status and decreased melatonin production.
Send an email or newsletter with the graph showing increasing interest rates.
The Chinese and Russian market has shown increasing demand for the luxury SUV segment at a massive 85 % compared to last year.
Several surveys conducted in the past years show an increase in the number of mixed - race and interracial relationships and marriages in several countries worldwide.
This was unlikely to be due to adherence issues given the biochemical analyses showing increased levels of folate.
Even if, for the sake of argument, we were to discount the direct measurements showing an increased greenhouse effect, other lines of evidence point to anthropogenic causes.
Results showed increased expression levels of genes associated with drug transport in kidney tissues in the evening hours than in the morning hours.
From that point, the economy picked up its pace again, with both Q3 and Q4 showing increasing growth rates.
During the test, the video gamers performed significantly better and showed an increased brain activity in the brain areas that are relevant for learning.
The majority of studies on vegetarian diets show increased risk for low intake of vitamin B12.
The market shows increasing interest in sports flooring with sustainable characteristics and the ability to conserve energy.
Once staged, they got new professional photos and the interest and showings increased by at least three times the amount they had before.
These abnormal blood cells showed increased levels of the leukemia - promoting RNA messages, which is why they were able to grow more quickly.
Students show increased effort in class activities when teachers take an interest in their lives.
If the tests show increased glucose levels and a reduction or absence of insulin production, you and the veterinarian will sit down and establish a treatment plan for your puppy.
In fact, with the rapid proliferation of smart - and mobile devices, readers have been showing an increasing preference for digital content the world over.
Each and every one of these statistics shows an increase from the 2011 Report.
The results from this study of four elementary schools show increased academic achievement and reduced chronic absence.
At the end of the study, the participants showed an increased sensitivity to insulin.
They are showing an increasing confidence once again in wanting to invest in their homes.
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