Sentences with phrase «to show one's effects»

Therefore her study does not show the effect on children whose mothers drank large quantities of alcohol during pregnancy.
There are no studies showing the effect of applying pressure needles on women in labor with the aim of pain reduction.
I note you continue to flap your lips and that you still do not show us the effect of CO2 in our atmosphere and oceans.
Most of these identified genes, conveying sex differences in diabetes risk, increased in one sex without showing any effect in the other.
Their results also show the effects of different conservation strategies across the region.
It's very unlikely that your baby will show any effects from the caffeine you drink.
However, another study showed no effect for men (17, 18).
It's then that the weak areas in your dog's system show the effects by presenting symptoms of a disease.
But this seems unlikely to explain our results, which show no effect on pilot lottery winners in high school.
Results showed no effect of prayer on complication - free recovery.
The following graph shows the effect of revenue sharing when a hard salary cap is in place.
But males still showed effects suggestive of depression as much as two months after their injuries.
Despite research showing its effects on health, consumers are most interested in its impact on weight.
Cons: There is limited evidence showing the effects that protests have.
The figures below show the effect on «bad cholesterol» LDL, «good cholesterol» HDL and the triglycerides in the blood.
If environmental harm and public health impact aren't enough to help someone quit smoking, these high - definition images showing the effects of tobacco in the womb may do the trick.
However, he noted that clinical trials show no effect of magnesium on blood pressure.
This chart shows the effect of a 20 % increase to revenues.
The first scenario shows the effect of putting additional contributions into your RRSP.
The table above shows the effect of late mortgage payments but the same can be said for other types of debt.
While this high - profile example shows the effects of antisocial online behaviour, it hides an alarming statistic.
There is however little existing data showing the effects of chronic short sleep duration under natural conditions.
All three products show the effect of caffeine on skin care and hair health and take advantage of the maximum absorption that caffeine allows.
This mortgage refinance calculator shows you the effect that refinancing your home loan may have on your finances.
And, the third column shows the effect of paying additional discount points to get access to lower rates.
Contact your veterinarian if your pet shows these effects.
While the exercises are good and all, weighing myself on a daily basis has really shown me the effects on my body of what I do each day.
For example you can record a video showing the effects of the hack.
The majority of the comparisons for these outcomes showed no effect, and where positive impacts were observed, within - study effects were inconsistent.
Some studies show a diet high in soy lowers the risk of breast cancer, while others show no effect.
This resource shows the effects of erosion caused by a waterfall over a period of time.
In the adjusted analysis, juice consumption showed no effect on vitamin D deficiency in toddlers.
Even when oxytocin shows an effect, its benefit may be mixed.
In contrast, the assignment showed no effect on white students.
The second key experiment showed the effect of transferring activated T - cells from heart - attack mice to healthy mice.
In a related experiment, the researchers showed the effect was not particular to celebrities.
A true solution does not show this effect because a solution consists of dissolved solids or other liquids combined.
Unfortunately, in terms of lowering the risk of sudden cardiac death or overall mortality, omega - 3 fatty acid supplements showed no effect.
There are many types of meditation, and research shows the effects vary tremendously among individuals.
However one mask is not going to show the effects intended and around 3 - 4 masks per week are recommended to use.
They grow into adults without being adopted, taking on their familiar forms, motivations and show effects whenever hitting each other.
Here's an excellent calculator that shows you the effect fees will have on your mutual funds over any period of time.
Some studies have shown the effect travels faster than the speed of electricity or nerve impulses!
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