Sentences with phrase «to show solidarity»

The pack will challenge young people to find new ways to use the internet and social media to stand up to bullying and show solidarity with victims.
Instead, the group recommends that those who want to show solidarity walk out from their offices for 17 minutes or wear orange to signal support.
«It's disappointing that showing solidarity means that you are somehow sacrificing your own identity,» she said.
Show some solidarity if you want to win more games, otherwise you might as well be part of the opposition.
«We want to show solidarity with our team members,» he said.
«The Secret Life of Contract Lawyers Main Lawyers Show Solidarity for Pakistani Lawyers... But Would They Do So With Their Pocketbooks?»
In a sea full of powerful women, the men, Scott Eastwood, Nick Robinson and Dylan McDermott also showed their solidarity in slick black suits
Turkish people from all walks of life who thought the era of military coups was over showed solidarity against the coup and on...
This freedom of association has proven to be a crucial civil liberty over the past several decades, and organizing or attending a protest or march can be a useful way to show solidarity as an effective ally against forms of oppression.
The Dutch astronomer says it is her «tiny, little way» of showing solidarity with colleagues who have long faced more obstacles than those holding an EU passport.
It is now cordoned off by a chain link fence that was covered with banners from other schools showing their solidarity.
«Lawyers Show Solidarity for Pakistani Lawyers... But Would They Do So With Their Pocketbooks?
Muslim staff also showed solidarity with the paramedic by helping to shut down all medical facilities on site.
He however added that the supporters were only acting based on the principles of the NDC which focuses on showing solidarity to one another.
Like Penataran Agung Temple as center, we find in its courtyard conception show the solidarity conception between the original Indonesia culture namely tradition megalithic in form of Punden Berundak - undak with the Hinduism concept.
The Photographers» Gallery who show their solidarity with an offsite exhibition.
The FOCA teams showed solidarity however and called FISA's bluff, and threatened to withdraw from the upcoming Spanish Grand Prix at Jarama.
«And I think all of our staff feels great showing solidarity with out immigrant team members,» Myerow added.
A services - for - equity transaction can be a chance to make a killing if one's customers are acquired or go public, and such deals show solidarity with customers through shared financial interests.
Supporting this line, Chris Hodder of the BMF said: «At times it's important to visibly show solidarity and demonstrate the strength of feeling there is when debating items like this with politicians and civil servants.»
De Blasio showed solidarity with protesters Saturday at the G20 Summit, delivering the keynote address at a rally in Hamburg, alongside his son Dante.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo spent Sunday in Israel, a trip that sought to show solidarity amid a spate of anti-Semitic attacks in United States as well as one to meet with business leaders to discuss economic development efforts with New York.
Mr. Cuomo boarded an El Al flight to Jerusalem at 7 p.m. Tuesday with a delegation of New York state lawmakers and other officials, a journey he said was aimed at showing solidarity with Israel in its conflict with Hamas.
Marches show solidarity for families, refugees affected by President Donald Trump's executive orders.
Michel Barnier, commissioner in charge of internal market policies, added that Europe «must be autonomous while showing solidarity, in particular with the Atlantic alliance.»
The black frock and Jimmy Choo shoes showed solidarity with the Time's Up pin affixed to her top.
Still, it's unfortunate in this moment of reckoning that very few of the male winners, presenters and attendees showed solidarity beyond the pins on their jacket lapels.
While the award season was dominated by black this year, with celebs showing solidarity to the victims echoing their support for the #MeToo movement, it was a different story at the Oscars where a riot of colours splashed on the red carpet.
Vince tries to make amends; Ari fears an ugly divorce; Eric gets an unexpected gift; Drama shows his solidarity.
We are here showing solidarity with teachers who may lose their jobs, and with our students, who deserve better than this.»
As government negotiators meet in Poland for the international climate summit, members of Friends of the Earth from across the global federation showed solidarity for the victims and survivors of the typhoon, and called for urgent and just action to avert the worst consequences of climate change.
«To ban young people from the climate summit, for simply showing solidarity with the people of Philippines is deeply unjust.
Every year, groups from around the world show their solidarity with those displaced by dams on the International Day of Action for Rivers, a global event to raise awareness about the impacts of dams and the values of free - flowing rivers.
Republican Rep. Peter King and former Gov. David Paterson, Cuomo's hand - picked state Democratic chairman, next week will join the stream of American politicians going to Israel to show solidarity against Hamas.
Ironically, while all were failing to show any solidarity by publishing the cartoons, Spartacus was evoked en masse with the «Je Suis Charlie» hashtag.
Some 150 of Park City's teachers and other staff filed into the tiny Park City School Board meeting room last night to show their solidarity as the teacher contract negotiations with the school board continue.
In regards to feminism, two examples instantly stand out to me in how, first, the injustice suffered is misrecognized by those not suffering it, and, secondly, how the idea of showing solidarity with the cause still falls to pieces when done uncritically.
Chief Operating Officer at Dorchester Group Limited, Mr François Delahaye, expresses the importance of traveling to France and other locations after a terrorist attack to help show solidarity and support for the economy.
It also prompted a nationwide walkout of thousands of students Wednesday, who showed solidarity with the Parkland students a month after the shooting.
The three - story building in which a gunman fired an AR - 15 assault rifle before melting into the crowds of fleeing students is now cordoned off by a fence and covered with banners from other schools showing their solidarity.
Maybe you fire the workers or, if applicable, go after the union, but do you want to be the employer punishing and creating negative blowback because employees are showing solidarity for women?
Organizers estimated that nearly 4,000 people showed their solidarity with the five - year - long resistance movement opposing the construction of the Rampal power plant.
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