Sentences with phrase «to show up to class»

Our class days are a set schedule which means it is not canceled if not enough students show up to class.
I have a few students who show up to my class and expect a stand up comedy show or set.
With this rule, a student could earn a 75 % in one quarter and pass the rest of the course, even without doing any work or even showing up to class.
No appointment is necessary all you need to do is show up to class on time.
Just because students are showing up to class doesn't mean they're actively engaging and planning for their futures.
She was a school teacher from a family full of college graduates, and simply showing up to classes never impressed her.
I guess it strikes a basic need to be recognized, but it seems just about every child gets really excited when a reporter and photographer show up to the class.
We all know the person — the yogi who always shows up to class in the trendiest athleisure and somehow manages to rock every position without breaking a sweat.
«our teacher showed up to class dressed like a fool, and is acting like a child #sosick #typicaldayinnursing».
More and more Yoga practitioners (and teachers) are showing up to class with debilitating sacroiliac discomfort becoming members of a rapidly growing international «SI Club.»
We all know the person — the yogi who always shows up to class in the trendiest athleisure and somehow manages to rock every position without breaking...
With an outline that was robust enough, you could hypothetically never show up to class (especially easy in first year) and still get a top mark.
Two - thirds of students in Buffalo Public Schools have problems showing up to class every day.
Santosha (contentment): Be just as content when two people show up to your class as when 150 people show up.
«It makes me crazy when someone shows up to class and has to stop multiple times because they're feeling faint.
Fletcher is a maniac, but Whiplash seems to say that in a society where mediocrity is encouraged and every kid who shows up to class gets a gold star, driving to push students beyond endurance has an upside.
But when Elizabeth (understandably) stops showing up to class, Jamie, who spends most of her time in the company of animals, is heartbroken.
She throws dodgeballs in the faces of her students, shows up to class hungover, and dreams only of getting bigger breasts so she can snag a rich guy.
Readings are assigned as preparatory work so a student will show up to class somewhat familiar with a topic and able to engage in discourse on the topic by forming an informed opinion; unfortunately this is not occurring; readings, if they get done at all, are being done in cram sessions after the fact or in annotated notes endeavours at the end of term and this is not the purpose of assigned readings.
Teachers, more than anyone, understand that attendance is a pretty vital part of what it takes for students to succeed; after all, it's hard to learn if you don't show up to class.
One less obvious limitation is that encourages passive learning: you need not apply or understand or apply concepts (or even show up to class) until you cram for the exam at the end of term.
The commission found widespread and systematic abuse in inflating school rolls to beef up the allocation of state dollars - including adding the names of dead children to the roster of students showing up to class every day.
March brought us a diverse group of dedicated entrepreneurs from all over the country, that showed up to class with the motivation and commitment that we expect to see from all of our attendees.
«Research tells us that students who are incorrectly placed in courses become frustrated, leading to thousands of students who were accepted to college to never show up to class.
But will students show up to class?
«Whether you are intentionally misusing the educational software to get through that learning is a better predictor of whether you'll go to college than how much you show up to class,» he says.
But the key is not to chide ourselves for being human; it's to be aware when we do find ourselves wanting to enhance our egos through the identity of «yoga teacher» or through how many students show up to our classes.
I don't know if I was a glutton for punishment or if my practice was starting to become a part of my life, but I pressed on and continued to show up to class.
Sure enough, when his time arrived with his group, he showed up to class dressed in full Stephen Colbert character.
The Power of Positive Connections toolkit calls for using absenteeism records from past years and from the first month of school to connect the most at - risk students to personal relationships and positive supports that motivate them to show up to class every day.
Some school administrators might feel it is beyond their control and there is little they can do to get kids to show up to class.
As students head back to school, this toolkit calls for using absenteeism records from past years and from the first month of school to connect the most at - risk students to personal relationships and positive supports that motivate them to show up to class every day.
In all of these schools, students are showing up to class.
As a practice, student participation asks that students show up to class, pay attention to the teacher, studiously take notes, answer questions when asked, and leave when it's time.
They can also help schools create a more engaging and positive school climate that motivates students to show up to class every day.
«[The 100 % final exam] encourages passive learning: you need not apply or understand or apply concepts (or even show up to class) until you cram for the exam at the end of term.»
There are no set times you have to show up to class, so it's all on you.
When you show up to class you will need to have your Texas state ID, your court papers, and a willingness to have your funny bone tickled.
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