Sentences with phrase «to simmer down»

The phrase "simmer down" is an idiomatic expression that means to calm down, become less agitated or angry. Full definition
Give yourself a few weeks to see if things simmer down.
For street driving, the drivetrain is capable of simmering down for a relaxing experience.
Take that juice and simmer it down by about half.
Giving them comfort through a hug or hand squeeze may also help them to simmer down more quickly.
There should be a slight sauce that cooks down, as the remaining water and vinegar simmer down together.
Traditionally made on the stove - top by simmering down whole milk and rice till rich and creamy, this cheat's version uses the convenience of the slow - cooker.
So you could use less and they do burst and simmer down which reduces the texture a whole lot.
This is my guess as your likely culprit, too, because we it takes hours and hours with the top off simmering it down and down.
It's all good because the print trend may not be simmering down just yet.
I think it's good to let the emotions simmer down before we start up again.
So those expecting it to chase down Titanic for # 2 all - time, can simmer down now.
You can communicate remotely with your baby and say things over the monitor like, «Yo baby, I'm eating dinner and having a glass of wine so simmer down, love.
Buckwheat can be toasted in a pan and then simmered down in some water or veggie broth.
The sun dried tomatoes simmer down when cooked with the plum tomatoes, basil, salt, olive oil and courgettes to make a wonderfully rich, chunky sauce, which is enhanced by the tender, roasted squares of aubergine, the crunchy toasted pine nuts and the ever so slightly bitter rocket.
Although the resentment between supporters of Ed and supporters of David has simmered down since that fractious leadership contest in 2010, there was still something there.
I love the Boston, Tokyo and simmer down prints.
The vital David, hero of Israel, of whose shortcomings the less said the better; pompous Solomon; Rehoboam, whose dream was to make himself a despot; Elijah, the perpetually untamed Gileadite; imperious Jezebel, defiant to the last; the headlong Jehu, whose murderous impetuosity simmered down into mediocrity — striking individuals as they all are, their records are not less noteworthy for the insights of the nameless men who penned them.
Simmer down on medium - low until cream is reduced and the mixture becomes thick.
Balsamic syrup is just 1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar simmered down until it's thick and syrupy.
While the film's hype simmered down after its summer release, it was still in the conversation and was expected to pick up a few Globe noms, including best comedy, best actor, and best - supporting actress for Holly Hunter (who has won one Globe and been nominated six other times).
damn it hype simmer down
It had quite the following at the time with lots of hype around the title, but has since simmered down considerably.
Now, as time passes without any change and support simmers down to being a less active part of people's lives, the debate gets swept under the rug until the next shooting occurs.
Floriani from AXIA Ventures Group said in a note that the political uncertainty seen in the past has also simmered down for now and the banks will manage to go through the stress tests without the need for extra capital.
After the post-Vatican II upheavals simmered down, not only was the Catechism of the Catholic Church produced, but useful manuals for incipient theology students have been published.
Vegan caramel is created from a mixture of coconut milk and brown sugar simmered down until it forms a thick syrup.
Wednesday 12/11/13 Soft Tacos — using leftover brisket from chili (sauté with a bit grapeseed oil, add a splash of lemon juice and 1/4 cup of chicken stock, let liquid simmer down by three quarters).
I followed the directions to a T. Next time I'll take the lid off and let the sauce simmer down, so that it's not so watery and I'll use real wine instead of cooking wine.
Try simmering down a combination of sea vegetables, leafy greens, mushrooms, turmeric root (fresh), onions, garlic, ginger, and whatever other vegetables you'd like to add.
Fortunately, things have simmered down significantly since that wild era.
Now that I am feeling better (finally at 20 weeks the nausea and crazy tiredness simmered down), my hubby being home in a few short days, and us moving all together to a stationary place for a month, I think things will be back on track.
The night before, daughter simmered down the pomegranates for the juice.
He pretty much simmers down and gives a big emotional speach on how they will fight back and take their homeland after weaksauce of battles.
The craze has simmered down slightly, with the 2007 tally expected to reach just eight by year's end, but it still seems like the public has grown weary of so many releases.
I didn't capitalise on it, and so that initial success simmered down, and now I'm just an average seller.
Simmering Down South: Young People Confronting the Civil War and Civil Rights Taylor Kitchings, Lisa Lewis Tyre Saturday, October 10, 2:30 - 3:30 pm Room 30, Legislative Plaza
As things finally simmer down, everything goes to hell when Scarecrow reveals his plans to cloak Gotham in his fear toxin, making the majority of the city's 6.3 million citizens evacuate.
I mean, it's got that cartoon series coming up, and the bad blood caused by Mega Man Legends 3 being cancelled has mostly simmered down by this point.
If you're a fan of games like Stardew Valley and are looking for something to play while you let the rage of being bested in Overwatch yet again simmer down, Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles feels like a cool breeze on a hot summer day.
Mark Moore Gallery was delighted to co-host Simmer Down with Catherine Clark Gallery, Paul Kopeikin Gallery, Marx & Zavattero, monique meloche, Nathan Larramendy, Mixed Greens, Schroeder Romero Gallery, Winkleman Gallery, Baer Ridgway Exhibitions and Beautiful / Decay.
The devil is in the details, and whether you choose to go tiny house RV or go conventional RV, the process inescapably simmers down to comparing two things; what you want out of life and what your needs are.
«One of the most upsetting things about this proposal is that the spotted - owl wars of the»90s had simmered down quite a bit, and a kind of balance had been reached regarding logging and old growth forests,» says Kieran Suckling, policy director for the Center for Biological Diversity.
While the presidential talk has simmered down lately, today's environmental address could revive it.
The positive news is that this debate has simmered down as support for Segregated Witness has increased.
The husband who thinks «I better leave the situation to let my wife simmer down» is really trying to protect the relationship from further damage, and get out of a situation that he does not know how to solve.
Curry - scented coconut milk simmers down to a thick and flavorful sauce for carrots, cauliflower, spinach, and chickpeas in this fragrant one - pan dish.
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