Sentences with phrase «to skip the event»

I remember telling friends and family that I'd have to skip events because I wanted to work on my website.
Some opposition members of parliament skipped the event, partly because of a rare corruption scandal that involves the national petroleum fund.
One can also skip events; the option to jump 30 seconds of the footage exists.
Asking them to sign up eliminates the anxiety and allows people to just skip the event.
McIlroy's reason for skipping the event was blunt: «I'm not going to play the Par - 3 Contest this year as it's just too much hassle and it's a bit of a distraction,» he announced to several media members.
Of course, this is very obvious, but I've seen so many regular coworkers who skip the events that are taking place within their communities.
No more endlessly skipping events in a calendar!
Among several recent out - of - state trips, he hobnobbed with colleagues at a Feb. 24 National Governors Association dinner in Washington D.C. after skipping the event six years running.
Last year, for instance, Disney skipped the event entirely, preferring to unveil even something as targeted to that crowd as «The Avengers» at their own D23 event, and Warner Bros., DreamWorks and The Weinstein Company all stayed away.
The tournament will always be one of the most popular stops on the PGA Tour, but this year's edition featured the return of Tiger Woods after 14 years skipping the event and also coincided with Super Bowl week in Arizona.
He was the first president to skip the event since Ronald Reagan bowed out in 1981 as he recovered from an assassination attempt.
The only eligible players skipping the event are Sergio Garica, Henrik Stenson, and Justin Rose.
There's also the matter of the format drawing a deeper field and some guys who play the Zurich regularly bringing in partners who might usually skip this event.
Big Wall Streeters skipped the event to protest the administration's push to reform the financial industry.
Bishop Hezekiah Walker, a high - profile black Brooklyn minister who signed up to join dozens of colleagues in a meeting with Donald Trump, said on Friday that he's considering skipping the event over recent comments by the 2016 Republican presidential candidate.
The NYPD chief skipped the event to stay in the city to deal with an investigation after Staten Island dad Eric Garner died Thursday night after being held in a choke hold by a cop.
In a switch from past practice, Mayor de Blasio skipped events Monday for the third anniversary of Eric Garner's death.
Failing to get the Louisiana Republicans» endorsement convention canceled, Roemer skipped the event.
Lerner accused the members of «cherry - picking» and skipping events about issues they act on in the Council — like a human services forum that was scuttled, and whose organizers had hoped to asked questions at Common Cause's event.
REBNY's annual banquet attracts a veritable who's who's in New York City, although this year, some developers skipped the event to attend Donald J. Trump's presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C. Among the politicos attending, Public Advocate Letitia James, Mayor de Blasio, and Bronx Democrats consigliere Stanley K. Schlein.
The ability of Nanopore sequencing to define the complete exonic structure of CACNA1C allows us to identify known and novel gene isoforms, including novel exons and multi-exonic skipping events and their expression across multiple brain regions.
Nanopore sequencing of full - length BRCA1 mRNA transcripts reveals co-occurrence of known exon skipping events
While there were certainly a respectable number of movie business stalwarts in attendance, plenty of vets simply skipped the event altogether: Daniel Day - Lewis, Denzel Washington, Frances McDormand and Christopher Plummer were among the major nominees to bypass the luncheon.
Activision will be skipping the event so its partner Sony will do the honors.
Underperform, or accidentally skip events, and championships will need to be repeated to access these harder tiers.
One - third of men admitted to actually having skipped an event because they didn't have the right clothes.
Halfway through the debate, Rice called out Sen. Eric Schneiderman, who skipped the event, for letting a luring bill «languish» in the Senate.
Fernando Alonso, a McLaren - Honda driver in F1, is skipping the event in Monaco to race in the Indy 500 for the first time.
China's Xiaomi will skip the event entirely, a spokesperson confirmed to TechCrunch,» shared the publication.
At a Feb. 21 CNN town hall about the shooting that killed 17 and wounded 17 others, Nelson jabbed at Scott for skipping the event.
«The press is dishonest,» Trump also said, explaining again why he would skip an event that he claims he has enjoyed in the past and at which he claims he is such a desired attendee.
And, for the second year, Trump himself skipped the event, preferring to criticize journalists and others during a campaign - style rally in Michigan.
San Francisco Catholic Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone gave the opening speech (despite very public pressure from California politicians to skip the event) and Papal Nuncio Carlo Maria ViganĂ² also present.
This year, the full top 20 in the world are back and it's extremely rare for a player to skip this event these days, unless you're injured.
Because there is so much content, it allows people to skip events, then they skip PPVs, and then they no longer follow the sport.
Sooner or later, a grandchild's wedding or other occasions will require the exes to either face each other or skip the event.
Another local said he was «surprised» that the candidate — who lived in Forest Hills before moving to his swanky Park Avenue digs — skipped the event.
The teacher's union is trying to discourage state lawmakers from attending the speech, as well, says Easton, who says he's talked with state legislators, including Republican assemblymembers, who say they are skipping the event.
Cuomo on Monday called the «injection of politics» at the Puerto Rican Day Parade «unfortunate» when asked why he was skipping the event.
Cuomo's office refused to explain why Cuomo has skipped the event but said in a statement that the ceremony «has been proudly presided over by the lieutenant governor during this administration.»
The four join a growing list of Republicans — including U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte — who are skipping the event.
State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman also said he was skipping the event, citing a «scheduling conflict.»
Sources also said Bronx - born actor Chaz Palminteri may skip the event after hearing about the controversy.
It's a tradition for mayors to go to the zoo to watch Chuck predict the weather but he is not the first one to skip the event.
I skip events and committee meetings that I once thought couldn't spare me.
I learned to skip events that don't feel right for me.
So, basically i find the inclusion of the story in this game simply annoying and skipping events and story is easy but I'd certainly prefer the story not being there.
That's with an important publisher like Sony choosing to skip the event for the most part in favor of Paris Games Week, since Gamescom 2015 was too close to E3 2015.
-- Wish the movement speed could be faster — Some parts of the map were hard to see — Hope for a feature to skip events — The menu is a bit inconvenient (maybe criticizing the UI quality)-- Could the text be a bit bigger?
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