Sentences with phrase «to skirt the law»

"To skirt the law" means to find a way to avoid or bypass the legal rules and regulations. It implies engaging in actions or behaviors that might be considered on the edge of being illegal, without directly breaking the law. Full definition
But the meat industry has never really loved being regulated and goes as far as it can to skirt the law on public health.
Most male athletes are allowed to skirt the law as long as they are winning games and physically capable.
Most have tried to skirt this law since the day it was enacted.
People with power & money find ways to skirt the law until they're stripped of their power & money.
It turns out that that product was meant to be a gold watch that investors would never actually receive, further proof that this operation was trying to blatantly skirt the law.
Do keep in mind that an estimated 16 percent of Washington drivers skirt the law by illegally driving without proper coverage; that's about 13 percent higher than the national average, according to the Insurance Research Council.
However, companies like Open Loop NYC, skirt this law with little to no enforcement.
In the fall, Suffolk County police officials told Newsday the dealers were using «analogs» as a way to skirt the law because even if caught, they faced softer penalties when selling the derivatives.
When Security Tokens are done correctly, they don't skirt laws & regulations, they remove financial institutions and middlemen.
Even as adults, half of us still don't know our rights as tenants, our landlords skirt the law, and we end up out...
Uber drivers are seen to be skirting the law in a number of areas.
While trafficking routes have changed over time, in recent years narco subs and other vessels leaving southwest Colombia or northwest Ecuador laden with drug cargos often head out in the Pacific, even around the Galapagos Islands, before turning north in an effort to skirt law enforcement closer to home — which may include underwater sensors in Colombian waters — as well as US - led interdiction efforts.
The company also accused Parker of writing a software program that helped employees skirt the law when studying for their insurance licenses.
Republicans charged that the fundraising skirted laws intended to keep state contractors» money out of campaigns.
A June 2014 report from the state comptroller suggested Nassau's Industrial Development Authority skirts the law and grants sweetheart deals to the politically connected.
The drugs have been sold as «bath salts» or «plant food» to skirt laws against marketing them for internal use, but in the U.S., UK, Canada and many other countries, their sale for any purpose is now banned.
Let's just say that Saeed — with his egotistical self - promotion, his belief that pretty much everyone (from those whom he's informed on to the FBI itself) is an enemy, and his willingness to skirt the law without actually understanding it — doesn't help to correct the observation.
You can count on a runaway train to rumble through about every hour, skirting laws of physics with Rube Goldberg precision.
Even the ways in which Lincoln skirted the law and worked the system — doing things that are, in his own words, «impeachable» — to pass the amendment (up to and including, the film suggests, delaying the end of the Civil War to leverage more votes) are presented as pure fait accompli: the known ends justifying the at - times - questionable means.
Education Week ESSA Architect John Kline to Betsy DeVos: Don't Let States Skirt Law's Testing Rules
Rosenthal informs her readers about abuses: how lobbyists have influenced government policies that benefit drug companies and insurers; how drug and device manufacturers skirt laws, take advantage of vagaries in regulations, and «game the system» to reap obscene profits; and how deceptive accounting practices lead to incomprehensible — and often inaccurate — bills that patients and insurers pay without question.
Thanks to the UK Gambling Commission we've got the layman's legal definition and here's where we can start to see how these loot boxes are skirting the law thanks to a grey area that simply wasn't provisioned for in 2005 because the world was a better place 12 years ago — ask your parents, there were hills of gold and unicorns gambolled playfully through fields free of worry.
As well, some will try and get away with skirting the law trying to get an important job done.
A lot of Realtors won't report a peer who skirts the law and ethics so no, there is not enough respect for the profession or the guts to enforce anything.
Oftentimes, as soon as a substance is banned, manufacturers will skirt laws by slightly altering the compounds recipe.
Come on TreeHugger readers, how many of you have skirted the law on this one?
Last fall, Suffolk County police officials told Newsday that dealers were using «analogs» as a way to skirt the law because even if caught, the sellers faced softer penalties when peddling the derivatives.
In its response, Energy In Depth also pointed out that in some cases companies may have provided incorrect data to the FracFocus website and were seeking to correct it, not skirt the law.
Even as adults, half of us still don't know our rights as tenants, our landlords skirt the law, and we end up out of pocket or unjustly evicted.
Or skirt the law with some purposeful dyslexia?
The company has a history of scandals and episodes in which it skirted the law.
No matter the rules, «the tremendous profit motive remains,» the authors of the report wrote, «and many will skirt the law to profit from the most vulnerable and economically distressed.»
If they get away with it, every greedy corporation in America will suddenly «find Jesus» so they too can skirt the law.
Pretending to be Christian is not an excuse to skirt the law.
«As the manufacturers of this poison continue to evolve and find new and insidious ways to skirt the law, New York's statutes must continue to keep pace,» Governor Cuomo said.
Sounds like CEO is skirting the law and illegally donating to the Democrats with much more money that is allowed.
Prosecutors asked that Sampson be sentenced to just over seven years, noting that he skirted the law post-conviction by working as a lawyer work in an unrelated case.
Under the 2006 Local Law, graduation rates were not required, and some contractors were skirting the law by having a New York State Certified Worker Training Program but graduating no persons from the program, thereby defeating the purpose and intent of the original law.
«The Committee to Save New York has skirted the law, failing to disclose its donors to the state charities bureau.
The governor says vendors and producers of synthetic marijuana try to «skirt the law» by creating new chemicals that aren't currently banned.
After Freddy kills a prominent diamond dealer, his brother Jake must bail him out and save the family business from Lady Rah (Judith Shekoni), a ruthless diamond dealer who is not afraid to skirt the law.
He's now making Larry's Kidney, based on Daniel Asa Rose's 2009 book Larry's Kidney: Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China with My Black Sheep Cousin and His Mail - Order Bride, Skirting the Law to Get Him a Transplant — and Save His Life.
To date, two states (New Hampshire and New York) have submitted plans to the U.S. Dept. of Education that included waiver requests, and Florida «wrote its accountability plan in such a way that critics say it skirts the law
Attempts to skirt those laws can lead to a lot of expensive lawyers buying expensive cars, though I'm sure most retailers comply before that point.
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